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"Jungkook!" Taehyung yelled loudly as he chased the boy around the living room.

"I couldn't restrain myself!" Jungkook yelled as he kept running away from Taehyung.

"What is going on?" Hoseok asked as he came out of the bathroom.

"Jungkook groped Taehyungs ass," Jimin said as he ate popcorn.

"And?" Hoseok asked as he sat down besides Jimin and stole a few popcorns from the bowl he was holding.

"It's better than watching tv." Jimin shrugged and stuffed his mouth with more popcorn.

"Should we stop them before one of them get hurt?" Jin asked in concern.

"They're in love, just let them." Namjoon shrugged off and some of the others nodded.

"Gotcha!" Taehyung yelled out in victory as he tackled Jungkook on the carpet and straddled him, holding down his arms.

"That's it, you caught me," Jungkook said with a smug smile on his lips as he looked up at Taehyung. "What are you going to do now? Punish me?"

"Not before you get married, now sit up and behave." Jungkooks mother ordered sternly.

Taehyung pouted as he got off of Jungkook and sat besides him on the carpet.

"You're lucky this time," Taehyung warned and pointed to Jungkook.

"Aye Tae, is this yours?" Yoongi questioned and pointed to a teddy he was holding in his other hand.

Taehyung and Jungkook's head snapped towards Yoongi.

"Kookie!" Taehyung exclaimed happily and went to Yoongi to get his bunny, hugging it tightly.

"Wow, that bunny gets more love than me," Jungkook said with a fake pout.

"Aish, you big goofball." Taehyung giggled as he hugged his teddy and went to Jungkook on the carpet, sitting down between his legs.

"Should we do something today?" Questioned Jimin.

The others continued talking as Taehyung received a message from his mom, telling him to come home.

"Can we do whatever another day? My mom says I have to go home." Taehyung said with a sad and apologetic smile.

"Want me to follow you home?" Jungkook asked in Taehyungs ear, making sure the others couldn't hear.

"No need, but I'll see you at in school tomorrow," Taehyung replied.

Jungkook sighed happily. "Our last day before graduation." The others laughed but were happy too, no more school.

Taehyung said goodbye to everyone and hurriedly kissed Jungkooks cheek.

Taehyung quickly walked home, his mom had told him to hurry.

"I'm here," Taehyung exclaimed when he came home.

"Finally, Taehyung sit down on the couch." His mother ordered and he did as told.

"What's up?" Taehyung asked concerned.

"We need to talk." Taehyungs mother then said as she breathed in and out heavily.

"About?" Taehyung questioned confused and a bit concerned.

"Jungkook." She replied with a weird look in her eyes.

Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows. "What about him?"

Taehyungs mother sighed heavily. "I know you guys have gotten on better terms but I'm not sure if it's real or if you guys are just trying to make us not worry so much."

Taehyung smiled softly. "I've always liked him more than a friend but I just felt trapped when I found out I had to marry him."

"Remember, Taehyung, when you marry Jungkook, you don't have any rights Jungkook decides it all."

"I know that but he said he'd let me do whatever I wanted and that we could even have an open marriage but I don't want that," Taehyung spoke.

"Good because you shouldn't feel like you lost something, but like you gained something."

"I don't feel like I lost anything, I even til him that I love him because I do." Taehyungs mother nodded and hugged her oldest son.

"I just don't want you to be sad because of this but it seems like you're happy and that's all that counts."

"I might have started out not liking the idea and thinking he was just playing but now I know that he's genuine."

Forced But Chosen Marriage✔️ || TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now