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"I'm hungry," Taehyung said and looked at Jungkook with big puppy eyes.

"Want to go to McDonald's?" Jungkook a sked.

Taehyung shook his head rapidly. "Burger King."

Jungkook sighed but, we went to McDonald's because he kept insisting and saying that they had better fries.

"I want a happy meal." Taehyung beamed.

Jungkook tucked an eyebrow. "You sure?"

"Yes, please." Jungkook nodded slightly and ordered, a Big Mac for himself and then, of course, a happy meal for Taehyung.

"Here you go," Jungkook said and sat their food on the table.

"Thank you," Taehyung said and hugged the teddy bear him and Jungkook made earlier that day, Taehyung named him Kookie.

"You're welcome, Tae," Jungkook said and put some of Taehyung's hair behind his ear and caressed his cheek, Taehyung unconsciously leaned into the warm and loving touch, he saw Jungkook smile softly at that action.

Taehyung soon dived into his happy meal. "This cheeseburger is really cheesy, but not as much as you," Taehyung commented jokingly and Jungkook chuckled shaking his head at him.

"You've got some ketchup." Jungkook voices and reached for a handkerchief, he softly wiped it away, his face showing concentration and Taehyung laughed lightly at his cuteness.

"You're so Cute." Taehyung beamed and hit out with his hands, making sure not to actually tilt something over.

"No, you are," Jungkook argued back.

"Yah, don't argue with me!" Taehyung said and hit Jungkooks arm lightly.

Jungkook smiled at him as he took a bite out of his burger. "Okay okay."

"Are you two dating?"

Taehyung and Jungkook both looked up from their meals and down at a little girl.

"Hm?" Taehyung hummed confused.

Jungkook leaned in to tell Taehyung what was going on. "She asked if we were a couple."

"Oh," Taehyung said lowly as he made an 'o' shape with his mouth.

"Yes," Jungkook said.

"No," Taehyung said at the same time.

They looked at each other with raised eyebrows and then at the girl that slowly lifted up her arms.

"I'm just gonna go." She started backing away. "You two should totally kiss though." And then she ran as fast as she could.

"What just happened?" Taehyung asked and looked at Jungkook with a puzzled look.

"Good question, but she's right though," Jungkook smirked for the first time in a long time.

"About?" Taehyung tilted his head.

"This." He quickly leaned in to give Taehyung a peck on his lips and then leaned away to capture his reaction.

Taehyung was shocked and looked down. "Was that staged or something?" Taehyung asked as he blushed.

"Yeah, she's my cousin." Jungkook giggled and smiled his infamous cute smile while bobbing Taehyungs nose.

"How'd you know?" Jungkook asked with a smug smile when Taehyung finally looked up.

"She had the same smile as you and a stranger would never do that."

Jungkook shrugged. "True."

"How'd you make her do it though?" Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows.

"Oh, I gave her five bucks and a happy meal."

Taehyung chuckled. "You're unbelievable."

Jungkook smiled cheekily. "I know."

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