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"Taehyung." Taehyungs mother spoke to catch said boys attention.

"Yes?" Taehyung replied, snapping his head up to look at his mother.

She sighed deeply, realizing he hadn't been listening at all would you like to wear a dress at your wedding?"

Taehyungs eyes widened comically, he sunk a very visible lump in his throat and his mouth suddenly dried out. "What?" He croaked out.

Jungkook leaned into Taehyung and whispered. "She asked if you would like to wear a dress on our big day." Jungkook was clearly amused and Taehyung? Not so much.

Taehyung started coughing and Jungkook had to tap his back lightly. "I would very much like to wear a suit, please."

They all seemed to understand and they just shrugged his reply off but still understood that he wouldn't feel comfortable in a dress.

"Are you okay?" Jungkook mumbled in Taehyungs ear as he saw the blank expression of Taehyungs.

"Just a little tired," Taehyung replied and leaned his head on Jungkook's shoulder, closing his eyes for a bit but still listening to the words spoken.

"What main colors would you two like?" Jungkooks dad questioned and smiled at the scene in front of him.

"White and purple," Taehyung mumbled against Jungkooks shoulder.

The adults didn't catch what Taehyung said but Jungkook clearly did as he smiled softly at the reply. "White and purple is our preference." 

"Don't you think blue would be better?" Jungkooks mother questioned with a frown.

Taehyung quickly lifted his head from Jungkook's shoulder, pouting and his hair slightly ruffled. "White and purple."

The adults giggling, even Ji Woo joining in on it. "White and purple it is then." Taehyungs dad said as he calmed down, while Taehyung played with Jungkooks round silver erring, sticking his finger through it and smiling childishly.

"What about the wedding cake?" Ji Woo asked, having an interest in foods, especially desserts and having tough a bit by Jin.

"What about a coffee taste and we'll get Jin to help Ji Woo make it." Jungkooks mother said excitedly as she had seen Jin teach Ji Woo a lot when they were younger.

"I like the idea about Ji Woo and Jin helping make it but I don't like coffee, what about chocolate with banana and vanilla," Taehyung suggested with his eyebrows raised slightly.

"That sounds delicious," Jungkook commented with a satisfied smile playing on his lips as Taehyung nodded satisfied as well.

"Then chocolate, vanilla and banana it is." Ji Woo decided and nodded approvingly.

Taehyung and Jungkook high fived, they were getting good at this wedding stuff.

"What about the rings?" Jungkook suddenly asked, they didn't have engagement rings and they hadn't seen the wedding rings yet.

Taehyungs mother gasped loudly. "We forgot to buy wedding rings!"

Taehyung looked to Jungkook with excitement and Jungkook raised an eyebrow. "We could go choose some and buy them tomorrow," Taehyung spoke and almost knocked over the chair he was sitting on.

"Not a bad idea but please,  choose something suitable and appropriate and not something childish or anything." Taehyungs mother warned and looked at both of them with a warning look.

They both nodded and already had an idea of what they were looking for.

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