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Jungkook woke up in the morning, the day before he and Taehyung would get married.

He was laying besides Taehyung, Taehyung had his arms wrapped around Jungkooks waist and his head tasting on Jungkooks chest, he was laying on top of Jungkook but Jungkook didn't mind at all.

Jungkook smiled fondly down at the boy, he reached out and ran a hand through Taehyungs hair, Taehyungs eyes slowly opened and he looked up at Jungkook with half opened eyes.

"Good morning baby," Jungkook whispered with a raspy voice and a small smile.

"Morning," Taehyung mumbled and removed himself from Jungkook to stretch.

Jungkook turned to the side and hugged Taehyung. "Have you slept well?" Jungkook questioned and closed his eyes in content as he felt Taehyung play with his hair.

Taehyung unconsciously smiled at Jungkooks action. "Yeah but I didn't get much sleep, I were way too excited for tomorrow."

Jungkook giggled. "I were too."

They laid in comfortable silence for a couple of minutes, just enjoying each other's presence as Taehyung ran his fingers through Jungkooks hair and Jungkook rubbed Taehyungs back.

"Baby?" Jungkook questioned and Taehyung hummed tiredly. "Would you like to go out for lunch today, to just enjoy ourselves, maybe eat a little later than usual so it's kind of lunch and dinner?"

Taehyung smiled at the thought. "That sounds like a great idea." Taehyung was about to get up but Jungkook stopped him.

"It's only 8 am, we don't have to get up yet." Taehyung nodded.

"Wait, what about breakfast?" Jungkook softly chuckled at Taehyungs question and leaned more into Taehyung, just wanting to feel him close.

"Let's just lay here for a little longer, I want your warmth," Jungkook mumbled as he placed his head in the crook of Taehyungs neck, smelling his naturally relaxing scent. Taehyung giggled as he felt Jungkooks breath on his neck, Taehyung placed his hand on Jungkook's hand and patted his head, Jungkook didn't mind at all.

At around 2 pm Taehyung and Jungkook were off for dinner on some fancy restaurant that Jungkook chose.

Taehyung sat and looked around the restaurant in amazement. "This looks really expensive," Taehyung commented.

Jungkook snickered and grabbed Taehyungs hand over the table. "It is but I thought it would be nice to try out something like this."

Taehyung nodded and smiled lovingly at Jungkook, they were waiting for their food.

"It's awesome that Korea just made gay marriages legal," Taehyung said with a small smile. (Disclaimer, it's still illegal)

"It really is," Jungkook replied and kissed Taehyungs knuckles.

"Here's your food." The waiter said as he placed down their plates and a bottle of wine, they could both tell he was uncomfortable.

"It seems not everyone is accepting of same-sex couples," Taehyung mumbled when the waiter left with a small bow.

Jungkook picked up the already opened bottle of wine and started purring into two wine glasses. "It doesn't matter what people think, as long as we're happy." Jungkook sends Taehyung a small smile.

"You're right," Taehyung responded and started cutting the meat on his plate.

Jungkook picked up his wineglass and sent Taehyung a smug smile. "A toast for our wedding tomorrow."

Taehyung blushed slightly when he noticed some people at close tables looking over at them but he found the strength to ignore it and have a lovely date with Jungkook.

Taehyung lifted up his glass and clang it with Jungkooks. "I'm so excited for tomorrow."

"I'm excited too," Jungkook said happily and started cutting his meat as he small talked with his fiancé.

They ate in delight as they small talked.

"When our parents talked about our clothing at our wedding, Why'd you freak out when they asked you if you wanted to wear a dress?" Jungkook questioned, a question he had been thinking about for a while.

Taehyung choked on the wine he just sipped but regained his posture. "I don't like cross-dressing, or I do but I don't like to wear it myself, other people look amazing in it, really."

Jungkook giggled. "I was just curious, I think it's cool too."

"Would you like for me to crossdress?" Taehyung asked.

"No, it doesn't matter, I just want you to be comfortable in whatever you wear," Jungkook replied and rubbed Taehyung's knuckles with his thumb.

"I feel comfortable in boys clothing, thank you very much." Taehyung joked with a very dark tone.

Jungkook smacked his hand lightly. "Behave," Jungkook told and leaned down to kiss Taehyung's knuckles, Taehyung giggling quietly.

"Would you like dessert?" A waiter asked as she noticed they were done eating, she didn't seem to mind the same-sex couple and sent them a genuine smile.

"Is that even a question?" Taehyung asked, clearly joking as Jungkook looked through the desserts and ordered one to share.

The waitress giggled at Taehyungs joking as she writes down the order.

"Coming right up." She said and discreetly winked at the two as she walked away, remembering that they still were at a fancy restaurant.

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