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"Ye?" Taehyung asked from inside the bathroom as Jungkook was laying on Taehyungs bed with his phone and Taehyung was brushing his teeth.

"Are you done yet?" Jungkook asked, yawning loudly afterward and chuckling at Taehyung with frost all over.


"What?" Jungkook asked confused.

Taehyung finished brushing his teeth and washed his mouth before saying anything again.

"I'm done."

Taehyung walked into his room again and Jungkook got up from his bed.

"Let's go then," Jungkook said and offered his hand to Taehyung.

Taehyung took it and swung both their hands in the air. "Let's go ride those horses!" Taehyung then ran out of the room, dragging Jungkook along with him, Jungkook giggling all the way through the house and out the front door, both quickly saying goodbye to Taehyungs mom on the way out.

They both got into Jungkooks car and drove off.

"We are here." Jungkook voiced as he stopped the car and looked at Taehyung.

Taehyung didn't look back, he was too busy looking at a field with horses running around and playing or eating grass.

"Let's go," Taehyung said and in one fast motion swung the door open and jumped out the car after unbuckling his seatbelt.

Jungkook got out as well, looking at Taehyung with slight amusement.

Jungkook started walking towards a house that was placed a little away from the fields and marks.

When they were by the house, Jungkook knocked but then realized that there was a doorbell and he rung it. Taehyung giggled at him.

The door opened and there stood a middle-aged woman with sun-kissed skin and a soft smile.

"Oh hello, Jungkook." She greeted.

"Hi, Hwa-Young." Jungkook greeted back with a little wave.

"Come in." She voiced and opened the door fully for them to come in, Taehyung followed Jungkook inside.

Taehyung carefully pulled Jungkook closer to him by his shirt. "Weren't we going to ride horsies?" Taehyung whispered to him.

Jungkook snickered at his behavior. "We are." He swung his arm around Taehyungs shoulders as they walked inside and sat in the living room with Hwa-Young, of course after taking their shoes and jackets off.

"So Jungkook," Hwa-Young said and caught both Taehyung and Jungkooks attention. "Is that the fiancé you've been talking nonstop about lately?" Hwa-Young continued with a knowing smile.

Jungkook blushed slightly. "Yeah, this is Kim Taehyung, my fiancé." Jungkook smiled at Taehyung and he couldn't really do anything else than smile back.

"So you two are in love right, I know it was kind of planned but I also know that you, Jungkook had a say in it," Hwa-Young asked with a slight frown looking from Taehyung to Jungkook.

"Uhm." Jungkook scratched his neck as he looked at the ceiling for a moment. "I know it's supposed to be a business marriage and all but I hope that we could work it out and make it something more," Jungkook said as he looked at Taehyung for a brief second and then averted his gaze on the floor.

That warmed Taehyung heart and he smiled at him. "Of course," Taehyung whispered to him and placed his hand on his that was resting on his knee.

"I hope you guys will make it work, it sure looks like it." She eyed Taehyungs hand on Jungkooks. "Jungkook, you called earlier today about borrowing two of my horses, you said your fiancé loves animals and that he would love it."

"Yeah he does, you should have seen him when I told him about our plans for today," Jungkook said and smiled at Taehyung, leaning down and kissing his forehead.

"Jungkook, I expect you to be using everything you've learned from when you still went here with your sister and look out for your fiancé." She smiled at Taehyung warmly.

"Of course, Hwa-Young," Jungkook said and smiled wholeheartedly.

"Now go." She shushed them out as she smiled at them.

They wore their shoes and went to the riding stable.

"I didn't know you knew how to ride horses." Taehyung voiced in amazement as Jungkook easily got on a black horse named Onyx.

"It's my sister's fault, she wanted to learn how to ride them and my parents wouldn't let her do it alone, so she begged me to come and as the good and amazing older brother I am, I learned how to ride horses and everything."

Taehyung giggled at him. "You're amazing." He started petting the bay and brown horse Jungkook had helped him get on, its name was Cinnamon or that's at least what it's stall said.

"You learn quickly," Jungkook commented as Taehyung was sitting on Cinnamon, riding a little bit in front of Jungkook.

"Thank you," Taehyung said as he went to turn around.

"No!" Jungkook quickly yelled as he got up besides him. "You always have to know what you're doing, if not you could easily fall off."

Taehyung carefully nodded. "Sorry." He apologized with a small voice.

"Don't apologize Tae, I've made that mistake too the difference is just that I actually fell off."

"What happened then," Taehyung asked as they rode side by side, the sun starting to set and the helmet being a little itchy.

"Well, I broke my hand." Jungkook giggled. "But I definitely learned something, I just wouldn't want you to learn it the same way."

Taehyung started petting Cinnamon under her mane. "You're so sweet Jungkook," Taehyung mumbled but he knew he heard it, cause he made both the horses stop.

"What do you mean?" He asked carefully as he made sure both of the horses wouldn't start walking again.

"You're just so nice and take good care of me." Taehyung smiled fondly at him. "In the start, I didn't want to marry you, I felt trapped." He heaved a sight. "But now I couldn't imagine my life without you, you care for me and I wouldn't want to marry anyone else but you. At the start I was angry because I had to marry one of my friends and I knew I had feelings for you I just- I don't know, I just felt trapped." Taehyung looked up from Cinnamon's mane and looked at Jungkook that were already looking at him.

"You liked me?" Jungkook asked as a big smile formed on his lips.

"Yeah," Taehyung replied as a small blush crept up on his cheeks.

"Let's ride some more before it gets too dark," Jungkook said as he was filled with more energy at Taehyungs confession.

"Yeah let's." Taehyung smiled as he saw how happy Jungkook was.

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