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"This house better be pretty," Taehyung mumbled as he walked behind Jungkook, into their future house.

"I'm sure it will," Jungkook promised as he snickered quietly, Taehyung had been woken up early, so he was in a pretty bad mood and pouting all the time as he held Jungkooks hand.

"The walls are ugly and the floor creaks, can we go now?" Taehyung asked with bored eyes.

Jungkook chuckled as he embraced Taehyung. "Baby, give it a chance." He pecked his cheek and pulled him fully inside.

"Uh, that's pretty!" Taehyung exclaimed loudly as Jungkook showed him the living room.

Jungkook had been preparing the house in secret for a while in order to surprise Taehyung and he sure was surprised.

"Do you like it?" Jungkook asked Taehyung as he wrapped his arms around Taehyungs waist from behind.

Taehyung turned around in Jungkooks embrace and jumped him, luckily Jungkook was prepared.

"I love it!" Taehyung exclaimed loudly as he wrapped his legs around Jungkooks torso and arms around his neck, kissing his face all over.

Jungkook giggled happily. "I'm glad you like it, it's not just the furniture, it's the floor and the walls and some places even the ceiling."

"Sorry about what I said before." Taehyung apologized as Jungkook sat him down on his feet again.

"It's okay, baby, you were just tired," Jungkook replied and connected their noses, shaking his head slightly so they rubbed against each other.

"Want to see our bedroom?" Jungkook questioned and grabbed Taehyungs hand, softly pulling him towards a room as their house was only one floor.

Taehyung swung open the door when Jungkook showed him what room it was.

Taehyung softly gasped and ran to the bed, throwing himself on to the big king-sized bed.

"This is so soft!" Taehyung exclaimed as he rolled around on the bed.

Jungkook giggled but quickly rushed to one of the sides of the bed. "Look out, baby, I don't want you to fall off the bed," Jungkook told as he held Taehyungs waist so he wouldn't fall down.

Taehyung slid down the bed and sat in front of Jungkook. "Thank you, I'm really happy that you did this for me."

Jungkook smiled fondly and leaned into peck Taehyungs nose. "Only for you, bear."

"I'm not a bear!" Taehyung exclaimed and fell into a fit of giggles, Jungkook soon joined Taehyung in giggling and they just ended up sitting on the floor, giggling for literally no reason at all.

"Do you want to see the rest of the house?" Jungkook questioned when their giggle contest dies down, Taehyung nodded.

They saw the rest of the house. The kitchen, the bathroom with a big bathtub, the rest of the living room and the garage. They were done and they both loved the house.

"Do you want to go for ice cream?" Jungkook questioned as he started the engine of his car.

Taehyung yawned obnoxiously loud. "I just want to go right back to bed." Jungkook chuckled.

"I'll join you, you're so warm and I love cuddling with you." Taehyung hit Jungkooks shoulder lightly. "Stop being such a flirt." He giggled.

They went to Taehyungs house because that's where Taehyung wanted to go.

"Hello boys, you two are back early." Taehyungs mother greeted from the couch, seemingly watching a movie with her husband, having paused it to greet her oldest son and fiancé.

"Jungkook surprised me!" Taehyung squealed and made his mom stand from the couch to hug him and then letting her sit back down.

"I know that sweetie, he asked permission to do it."

Taehyung giggled as Jungkook pulled him up the stairs to his room.

"I'm very thankful for what you did, you spared me a lot of time." Taehyung thanked as he closed the door.

"Don't thank me, baby, I wanted to do it," Jungkook told and pushed Taehyung down on his bed, softly laying down besides him, hoisting himself up with his elbows.

Taehyung shifted around to lay under Jungkook so Jungkook we're hovering above him still with his elbows.

They were facing each other and their bodies were pressed together.

Taehyung reached out to play with Jungkooks hair, twirling it between his fingers and ruffling it, Jungkook closed his eyes in content. "I love you, Jungkookie."

Jungkook opened his eyes to look at Taehyung, he smiled genuinely. "I love you, Kim Taehyung." He let his head fall down so he could connect their lips, Taehyung leaning in too.

They moved their lips perfectly together, melting into each other's touch.

They pulled apart for air and connected their foreheads instead. "I'm excited," Taehyung said bluntly.

"For what?" Jungkook asked confused.

"To marry this beautiful and loving man in front of me," Taehyung whispered with a small smile.

"And you say I'm cheesy." Jungkook chuckled and pecked Taehyungs lips.

Forced But Chosen Marriage✔️ || TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now