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"Congratulations." Jin congratulates and hugged both Jungkook and Taehyung.

"Thank you, hyung." Taehyung thanked with a box smile.

"Here's your gift from all of us," Jimin said and handed them the gift.

"Thank you, Chim." Taehyung thanked and hugged Jimin and went to hug the others too.

Taehyung and Jungkook walked together to the table where all their gifts would be placed.

"I'm so happy!" Jungkook exclaimed and hugged his bow husband.

"I am too," Taehyung told and kissed Jungkook as Jungkook rested his hands on Taehyungs waist and Taehyung wrapped his arms around Jungkooks neck.

"The hall looks amazing," Jungkook commented as he looked around, their family starting to walk inside and place gifts, congratulate them and small talk with family members they didn't see often.

"Yeah but I don't care when you look like a whole meal over here." Taehyung murmured against Jungkook's lips.

Jungkook giggled. "You really do too." Jungkook started slowly spinning Taehyung around, some of their family members looking at them with big smiles and some taking pictures.

"Damn, I really thought I was all alone, didn't
I?" Taehyung mumbled as he rested his head on Jungkooks shoulder.

"You're not alone, baby, I'm right here and ready to give you all of my love," Jungkook mumbled into Taehyungs ear.

"I'd like that," Taehyung said and lifted his head to look into Jungkooks mesmerizing eyes.

Jungkook smiled and kissed Taehyungs lips passionately.

They soon went to sit down in the center of the room, to soon eat as the food was being served soon.

Jungkook took Taehyungs hand in his as they sat side by side, Taehyung looked to Jungkook and Jungkook looked back with a small smile.

"You two are too cute!" Hoseok exclaimed as he snapped a quick picture of the two, they both giggled at their friend.

"Taehyung." Said boy swifter his eyes to look at his mother approaching the two.

"Do you two remember what is being served?" She asked with a frowned, she seemed to have forgotten herself.

"No, why?" Taehyung asked also starting to frown like his mother.

"I'm kidding." She chuckled. "I just came to congratulate my baby and his husband." She pinched Taehyungs cheek.

Jungkook playfully slapped away her hand and hugged his husband tightly. "He's my baby now."

They all chuckled till Taehyungs mother stopped and cracked a small knowing smile.

"I've got a surprise for you, Taehyung." Taehyungs face brightened. "What is it?"

"Eon Jin, Jeong Gyo come in here!" Taehyungs mother called and smirked as she saw Taehyung almost cry out in happiness as he saw his younger siblings for the first time in a long time, they had both been traveling the world and experiencing things but Taehyung didn't like to talk about it much because he missed them so much.

Taehyung hugged his younger brother and sister tightly. "I've missed you two so much."

"Hey guys, remember me?" Jungkook asked as he walked up to Taehyugn and wrapped an arm around his waist.

"Jungkook!" They exclaimed, they sure did remember the boy who'd hang out at their home and play Overwatch with both them and Taehyung all the time when they were younger.

"I've missed you two," Jungkook exclaimed and hugged them tightly before turning back to Taehyung again.

"I knew you two would get married one day!" Eon Jin exclaimed knowingly. "Now Where's Ji-Woo? She owes me five bucks."

They all laughed, including Ji-Woo who approached them from behind.

"It's you who owes me five bucks but you can keep it, we are after all family now," Ji-Woo told as she playfully ruffled Eon Jin and Jeong Gyos hair, though they protested.

"Who's ready to eat?" Jungkooks mother asked as she hugged her son and son in law.

"I am!" They all exclaimed happily.

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