"Mom, I think I'm gay," a 13 year old Alec worriedly told Maryse.

Maryse gave a sigh and placed her hand on Alec's cheek, "Oh, Alec, you're just confused, you are so young right now, you'll see. Someday, you're going to marry a nice girl and take over the institute for your dad and I. It'll all be okay, honey. Dad and I will figure it out for you if we have to."

"But, you don't understand. I think I really like somebody, Mom!"

"Who would that be, darling?"

"Jace." Alec's voice was timid as he said the boy's name.

Maryse paused, "Alec, you cannot be in love with Jace, you aren't in love with Jace. You two have just met, and besides, he's your brother."

Alec scoffed, "Yeah, adoptive brother. We aren't blood related, so maybe it's real. What about love at first sight?"

Maryse got a faraway look in her eye as she said, "Love at first sight doesn't exist, darling" Suddenly, she came back to reality, "Alec, honey, why don't you go train with Jace?"

Alec rolled his eyes, knowing that his mother would never believe him, but followed her order anyway.

*5 years later*

Alec laid on his bed at the institute, recalling the conversation he had with this mother five years before. He sighed; she still didn't want to believe she had a gay son. There was a sudden knock at the door.

"Alec! Get your ass out of bed. We have training to do," Jace said from the other side of the door.

Alec smiled and got up to open the door to see Jace's usual smirk, "Well good morning to you, too." He was trying not to stare at Jace. You're not gay, you're not gay, he thought to himself. It didn't even matter at this point. Jace and Alec had become parabatai since they've met. Romantic relationships between parabatai were strictly prohibited—a fact which Alec thought about every day. He still had feelings for Jace, but was forced to choke them down and hold everything in.

"Are you coming?" Jace asked, waving his hand in front of Alec's face.

"Yeah, I'll be there in a minute. Just let me change."

Alec shut the door and changed into his training gear. He looked in the mirror to make sure he looked ready to go, left his room, and made his way to the training room.

Jace was already waiting for him.

"Ready?" Jace asked while twirling a seraph blade.

"Ready," Alec said, giving Jace a small smile.

Alec blocked the first few of Jace's attacks, but then he looked up at Jace's eyes, saw the smile on the blonde's face, and was suddenly knocked off his feet. Jace sat on top of him, his legs on either side of Alec's body.

"I won," Jace said.

Alec was trying not to concentrate on the fact that Jace was currently sitting on him.

"Get off of me," Alec said, turning his hips to knock Jace off. Jace landed on his back next to Alec with an "oof,"

"Jace?" Clary's voice could be heard as she entered the training room. Jace immediately got up, smiled, and went over to her. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her on the mouth.

"Good morning," Jace whispered against her lips.

Her giggle echoed through the room as she blushed, saying "Morning," back.

Alec couldn't help the pang of jealousy that came over him as he looked away from the couple. He was jealous of Clary and what she had with Jace.

The click of Izzy's heels could be heard as she walked towards the training room. Popping her head into the open doors, she said, "Mission, we have to hurry!"

The four shadowhunters grabbed their weapons and headed out of the institute. Izzy quickly explained their mission as they traveled the streets of New York.

"It's not too much farther. A warlock lost control of his client, now there's demons all over the streets," Izzy quickly spoke.

"There! I can see them," Clary suddenly said, looking up the street. Sure enough, there were about five insect-like demons walking around.

"Ready, Alec?" Jace bumped his parabatai's shoulder.

"Always," Alec punched Jace's arm.

"Enough bromancing, let's go," Izzy urged.

The shadowhunters launched into action. Blades were swinging, and ichor went flying. The demons' bodies disappeared back into their own world as they hit the streets.

As the last body left, a man came out of the nearby building.

"Excuse me?" he said, gaining the attention of the Shadowhunters. "I just wanted to thank you. A client got a little disgruntled with my actions, and I guess decided to send his minions at me. I apologize for making you come and fix my mistake when you probably have better things to do."

Jace looked surprised, "Wow, a thank you and an apology from a downworlder, especially a warlock, in the same sentence."

Alec couldn't take his eyes off of the warlock, "Jace, be nice."

The warlock turned his attention to Alec, "Magnus Bane, High Warlock of Brooklyn, happy to make your acquaintance."

"Um, I'm... Alec," Alec replied, "Hi."

"Well, I'm happy someone could be polite," Magnus said with a pointed look at Jace, who rolled his eyes.

"Right, so this is my sister, Izzy, and that's Clary," Alec said, introducing the two girls, who each gave Magnus a polite smile. Magnus smiled back. Then he turned toward Jace again.

"And, Jason was it?" Magnus asked.

"It's Jace," Jace spat. "We gotta go."

"Goodbye, Alexander, Isabelle, and Clarissa," Magnus said.

Izzy shot Magnus a smile before turning around and falling into step behind Jace.

Clary waved and joined Jace with her ponytail bouncing with her movements.

"Bye," Alec said. He could feel his cheeks heat up slightly, he wasn't sure why.

You're not gay, you're not gay, he thought to himself as he joined the rest of his group. 

"What the hell was that all about?" Jace asked, suddenly right next to Alec.

"What you do you mean?" Alec answered.

"You and the warlock, you were so nice to him. Why?" Jace's voice was bitter. 

Alec scoffed, "They're people too, Jace." 

"Alec! Warlock are literally half demon! That's not being "people"" Jace said in a mocking tone.

"And? Why should they be treated any different? We're half angel," Alec pointed out.

"Yeah, but we aren't downworlders. We are the ones who fix the chaos they create."

"Honestly, Jace, you're beginning to sound like a circle member." Alec immediately regretted the comment when he saw the look on Jace's face. 

"Alec! That was uncalled for," Izzy suddenly spoke up.

"But I do agree with Alec," Clary said, "You were a little mean, Jace." 

Jace set his jaw, "Whatever," he mumbled before quickening his pace away from the group. 

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