Harshad's caretaker role

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Story through Harshad's POV..
The sun's reflection landed on the university with cloudy weather. The student's sound spreaded with bliss everywhere. Harshad is eagerly waiting for his next move . He looked through the entrance for Jenny's arrival. He has literally no plan for today, but he decided to go with the flow and he is not ready to miss a single chance to cover Jenny's feelings towards him. Julie entered the class alone. She smiled at him and sat on her place . Harshad asked her, " So where is your partner in crime?'' and raised his two eyebrows. Inspite of being eager, he pretended like being casual. Julie sighed. Julie, "She is not feeling well. She has high temperatures ,so I left her in the room to take rest". Harshad is not enjoying this news eventhough he has harder feelings for her. He felt like , He wanna fly to her and ask her that she was feeling well or not". But something stops him. He sat on his place as soon as the class starts. But his mind was reminding him Jenny's face features and her smile. He broke his thoughts and managed to spent the first hour of class. At the break time, Harshad, Julie and Ashwin were sitting in the canteen . Julie and Ashwin were busy at talking. Harshad remains silent. Julie noticed him and secretly gestured her eyes to Ashwin to let him notice Harshad's silence. Ashwin forced a false cough teasingly . Ashwin, "Looks like someone is missing someone, What's cooking bro?". Aswhin and Julie claps an Hifi with laugh. Harshad gets irritated , "Guys please, stop making funs! " . Harshad took his mobile to check the time. Harshad, "Julie , Can you do a favor for me?". Julie and Ashwin blinked at each other.Then Julie noded her head.
---Scene breaks---
Jenny was rolling on her bed left and right to seek sleep . But something is disturbing her which is Harshad's thoughts without doubt. Whenever she tried to divert from thinking about him, his thoughts came to her even more deeper. Jenny pulled her blankets tightly and closed her eyes to try again for sleep. Suddenly she heard a noise and waked up from the bed. She founds that was an flower vase which has been broken by someone near the window. She slowly walked towards the window with fear. The window was wide opened, her neck was tightened with fear. She looked outside the window and closed the window door. Suddenly she felt an hand touched her shoulder gently from behind. She was shocked and screamed by closing her eyes tightly. It was Harshad who dared to enter Jenny's room. He turned her by covering her mouth with his hands from shouting. He whispered with low sound, " Jenny stop, it's me, Harshad. Open your eyes first". Jenny calms her voice down after listening Harshad's voice. She looks at him with surprise and stood like a statue. Harshad waves his hand up and down towards her by holding her to make her conscious. Harshad," Jenny, Are you okay?" and again he waved his hands towards her face. Jenny realises the situation and asked him in a low voice, " How did you came here?" with tense. Harshad walked towards the bed to sit without waiting for any invitation. He smiled at her cutely. All her anger demolishes at this one smile of Harshad. She lost at him . Again she realises the situation and rushed towards him with hurry and anger. Jenny, " I asked you something. What are you doing here? Why did you came here? And how did you came here? ". Harshad stood up and placed his forefinger on her lips to calm her down. Harshad, " Relax Jenny !. How many questions do you ask? " He released his finger from her lips and sighed a smile. Harshad ," okay , I'll tell you on by one. Julie told that you are sick, so I have decided to visit you immediately. That's why I bunked the classes . I know that I won't be allowed to visit the girls hostel. So I became a typical super hero and climbed the pipe of the building which has 12 floors totally and I passed 4 floors to reach your window which was really tough. Actually you should appreciate my master minded work ". Harshad pinched his lips and raised his eyebrows to give a smart look at Jenny to describe what he did was lawful . Jenny laughed at his cuteness. They both smiled. Jenny looked at him with full of love. Jenny, " So , tell me Mr.Superman, you did all these things for me ?". Harshad noded his head with a smile. Jenny, " But what's the need of this? I'm alright now". Harshad ," No you are not. I know ,your temperature is still high , you need a care !!. Jenny sighed and tried to convince him. Harshad holds her and makes her to sit and touched her forehead to sense the fever. Jenny really liked the way he cares. He searched for the medicines where Jenny points him to the direction. He get her food medicines from her table and feeds her. She hesitated until Harshad gives an strict look . He feeds her food and make her takes the medicine. Jenny obeyed Harshad. He then lets her to rest on the bed and he spreaded the blanket over her. Harshad himself have no idea that why he was doing all these adventure window climbing actions and caretaker role just to win an girl's heart which he hates the most. He pulled a chair and sat near to her. Jenny looked at him with teary glowing eyes. Harshad , " Come on, don't create an emotional sequence please Jenny" with a cared voice. Jenny smiled at him.
Jenny : " you know something ? you are not what I have thought !!I thought you would be one of those rich rude people who always used to make fun of other peoples and behaves demanding. You are different than I think!! " Her words gave him uncomfort feeling. He forgot that he was doing all these things to win her feelings. The things were happening the same according to his plan, but he can't enjoy the victory with full hearted. The clock rotated it's needle fast and it's been evening since they spent so much hours by talking . Jenny touched and holded Harshad's hand. Jenny , " Thankyou for coming here.. I'm feeling secured when I'm with you". Harshad's plan of making Jenny to confess her love would have happened if he lets her to speak for a while. But Harshad interrupted Jenny's talk. Harshad, " Jenny, I think I have spent enough time here... Julie will be reaching here anytime, So you should be taking some rest until she comes as I'm leaving now. Take care". Jenny noded at him. Harshad makes his way to exit from the same way he entered. Jenny helped him by holding his hands when he climbed down from the window. Harshad then slowly gets down by grabbing the pipelines. Harshad jumped into the floor and waves her gudbye to leave that place. Harshad enters the car and puts his seat belt. He gives a high breath and wipes his face with hands. He then started driving his car.Jenny watched Harshad until he departed from that place. She smiled herself and jumped into her bed with blissful feeling.
( I've took a long break. From now I'll speed up✌🏻. Thanks for supporting. Next part will be uploaded soon)

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