Chapter 2

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Four months later~ 

Back in Pasadena at the James-Jennings house, the family had just finished gathering up their suitcases and were about ready to leave. 

"Thanks for watching Stan while were gone at Grandma James' place" Avery thanked the Harpercop siblings for watching her family's dog Stan while they were away on vacation out of state.  

"No problem" Kali replied, glad to be watching the James-Jennings special pet. 

Stan had become famous after he told the world he could talk and writes a blog for a living. 

"We're going to have so much fun, right Stan?" Ann asked Stan.  

"Yeah we are!" The talking mix breed dog said excitedly. "I've always wanted to visit Beverly Hills. I'm dying to drink out of one of those fancy toilets with the sparkling water that taste like air freshener"  

"Well, thanks again for watching Stan" Ellen told the Harpercop siblings before mumbling under her breath. "I could really use a break from him"  

"We'll be back in a few weeks" Bennett added before heading out the door towards the car. "Come on, kids" 

"Goodbye Stan" the James-Jennings kids hugged their dog and then left with their parents, driving off to the airport. 

"Come on, Stan" Brock gestured the talking dog to follow him as the Harpercop siblings decided to get going too. "We'll take you to meet Papi, Chloe, and the puppies" 

Over that four month period, Papi and Chloe had a litter of five adorable little puppies. Rosa, Lala, Pep, Ali, and Papi Jr, the only boy in the litter. 

After getting a few kinds of transportation throughout town, Stan and the Harpercop siblings soon arrived in Beverly Hills at Viv's mansion. Cynthia was already there helping out Chloe and Papi with their mischievous puppies since she and the Harpercop siblings had offered to help Sam watch the dogs over the six months until Rachael and Viv would come back. 

Kali had Dylan and Dolly with her also as the gang came into the backyard to find Papi playing with his puppies. Papi soon spotted his friends come in with Stan. 

"Amigos!" The Mexican chihuahua called out to his friends, beaming once he saw them and ran over to them. 

"Hi, Papi" Kali smiled at the Spanish chihuahua as she knelt down to scratch him behind his ears. 

"Hola, Papi" The twins greeted, petting the little dog. 

"Nice to see you again, chihuahua warrior" Dolly and Dylan also greeted while wagging their tails, since the first time the two teenage dalmatian siblings met Papi was at his wedding. 

Papi then spotted Stan come over up next to the human kids. 

"So, is this the famous talking dog you've been telling me about?" Papi asked the Harpercop siblings, looking at the mix breed border collie. 

"The one and only" Kali smiled proudly to Stan then introduced him. "Papi, this is Stan. Stan meet Papi"

"He's the one who helped rescue us while we were lost in Mexico with Chloe and Cynthia" Ann mentioned. 

"Hello, it's a pleasure, noble and brave chihuahua" Stan greeted Papi. "Or as you say in Spanish, 'La caucho pollo gusto me gusta pipi'" 

"You just said 'the rubber chicken taste like pee'" Kali told Stan. 

"Si, yes" Papi nodded.  

"Oh, uh, I totally meant to say that" Stan fake laughed, being the humorous, wisecracking dog he was. Dolly also laughed at Stan, but not to be mean, he was just so funny.  

Stan meets the Beverly Hills ChihuahuasWhere stories live. Discover now