Chapter 10

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After running only a few more minutes, the gang soon arrived at the bread factory. 

"This smells like the place" Delgado sniffed out the area. 

"Of course it's the place" Brock said, pointing out. "Look, there's a sign right there that says so"

"I don't know about this" Cynthia hesitated a bit, being the coward she usually was. "Those guys in there might be real mean" 

"I hate to admit it, but Cynthia's right" Teeders agreed. "We don't know what we're dealing with"

"Anyone got some kind of a plan?" David asked. 

"Don't I always, amigo?" Papi boasted.  

"Yeah" Stan added, having a plan that was full proof. 

"Are you sure?" Dylan asked a bit nervously.  

"Hey, have I ever steered you guys wrong?" Stan smirked to the others.  

"Well?..." The rest of the gang started before Stan interrupted them. 

"Don't answer that!" The border collie talking dog glared slightly at all of them. 

"Let's go!" Kali led the gang inside the factory. 

Inside the factory~

The puppies were still stuck in the bags while the crooks were checking over the stolen money. Until one of the men opened a bag and discovered Papi Jr stick his head out and bark at them.  

"Back off, mister!" Papi Jr glared at the thugs. "You can't kidnap us and get away with it!"

The three thugs all laughed at Papi Jr at how intimidating the little chihuahua was trying to be. "What are you gonna do, bite my toe? Wow, look how tough he thinks he is"

"Bring it on, ese!" Papi Jr challenged. "I'm a Chihuahua Warrior"

The thugs kept laughing until they saw Pedro appear just behind the chihuahua, looking rather menacing. "Back away from the puppies! And in case you're wondering, this isn't a smile" the pitbull had his teeth bared. 

The three criminals suddenly backed away in alarm, being nervous. 

"Wow. I'm really good at this" Papi Jr thought, not realizing it was Pedro who was actually scaring the men. 

"Nice doggy" One of the men told Pedro nervously while backing up.

"Who you callin' 'nice?'" Pedro growled. 

The three robbers suddenly grabbed their bags of stolen money, with the other pups still inside and took off, all splitting up. 

Papi Jr soon turned around to see his adoptive uncle had come to his rescue. "Uncle Pedro. You found us! I mean, not that I needed your help or anything. But they're getting away!"

"Don't worry. They won't get far" Pedro said, before barking which echoed through the factory and altered the others.

Chloe, Delgado, Cynthia, Dylan, and the twins were all together when they pushed out some carts, having the crook crash into them and drop the bag, freeing Pep and Lala. 

"Oh! Thank goodness you're OK" Chloe came to her pups. 

"Looks like we still make a pretty good team, Delgado" Cynthia said. 

"Yeah, we still got it, kid" The german shepherd smiled to his friends. 


There were still two more criminals left, when Papi, Kali, Teeders, Dolly, Stan, and David suddenly appeared and were throwing bread rolls at them. 

Stan meets the Beverly Hills ChihuahuasWhere stories live. Discover now