Chapter 5

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The next morning, Cynthia and Chloe went with Delgado down to the Los Angeles police station for his special assignment.  

"What are we doing at the police station?" Cynthia asked Delgado. 

"Are we some sort of lookouts? Do we need disguises?" Chloe kept asking Delgado all these questions, being excited. "Are we here to meet our contacts?"

"No" Delgado replied, getting a tad annoyed with the white chihuahua. 

"Chloe, just calm down!" Cynthia told the white female chihuahua. Even the young fashionista wasn't this overexcited.  

"Maybe we should have code names" Chloe said, getting even more excited about this special assignment. "Mine's gonna be... 'White Fox'. Yeah! Cynthia, yours can be 'Prime Queen!'" 

"Oh, no! No, no, no, no, no!" Cynthia disagreed immediately, remembering that was the name of an akumatized victim that she, Ladybug, and Cat Noir had to fight while in Paris. 

"And Delgado, yours should be..." Chloe thought for a moment. "Ohh, I know, 'Jellybean!'" 

"No! Chloe, I just need you and Cynthia to be here, OK?" Delgado said as they came over to a fenced area where they trained their K9 police force. "Because...."

Cynthia and Chloe looked to see that something was bothering Delgado as they came up to the fence.  

"This is a bad idea" Delgado sighed and started to turn around to leave. "Maybe we should go"

"Look. Those two dogs are coming over" Cynthia pointed out to two young german shepherd police dogs. 

"What are you doing here?" The older one of the two demanded, glowering slightly at Delgado. 

"We're here on the big case with you" Chloe replied. "Delgado- I mean, 'Jellybean' and I are old partners" 

"Chloe!" Delgado and Cynthia snapped slightly at the chihuahua. This was no time to be fooling around. 

"I came all the way from Mexico" Delgado looked to these two young shepherds. "I have something to tell you. It's important" 

"Look, we're kind of busy right now" The first shepherd said, still glowering a bit at Delgado. 

"Yeah, We're working on a bank robbery case" The second shepherd added.  

"Bank robbery!" Chloe gasped with delight. "You can totally count on White Fox, Prime Queen, and Jellybean to have your back" 

"Not if one of them happens to be your father" The second shepherd mentioned, glowering slightly at Delgado. "He's never had our back" 

"Excuse me?" Cynthia stepped up to the two shepherds at the fence.  

"Hi. I don't mean to be an interjector, but can you at least tell us if you've seen a big black female doberman pinscher around?" Cynthia asked, referring to Rosita. But the two shepherds simply replied with a 'no'.

The group then heard a whistle from one of the officer's, telling the two shepherds they had to get back to training. 

"We have to go now" The first shepherd told the group before glowering slightly at Delgado again. 

"Bye" The second one added, and then they left. 

"'Father?'" Cynthia raised an eyebrow, still eyeing the two shepherds. "What was that all about?" 

"Is that some kind of code word?" Chloe asked Delgado.  

"No..." Delgado replied before sighing. "Those are my sons"

"'Sons?'" Chloe and Cynthia said, shocked. 

"I had no idea you had sons" Chloe looked up to her german shepherd friend. 

"I thought with you two by my side, I'd have the strength to tell them the truth" Delgado sighed with his head down, feeling bad.  

"What happened?" Cynthia asked curiously, wanting to know the feud Delgado had with his sons.  

"Forget it" The german shepherd started walking away from the police station. "I can't change the past now. I'm sorry I dragged you two into this" 

Cynthia and Chloe looked to each other in silence as they headed back home, feeling bad for their old friend. 

That evening~

Sam was outside in the backyard on the phone with Rachel, explaining to her what had been going on. 

Kali was playing late-night frisbee with Dylan and Dolly when they just had to stop, hearing Sam's conversation with Rachel turning bitter and all frowned to that. 

Rachel insisted on Aunt Viv helping out and her even coming home but Sam refused, saying that the gang would figure something out on their own. Sam soon had to hang up on Rachel, but felt bad doing so. 

Sam's mom had been listening by the doorway and soon came over, asking if that was Rachel on the phone. She soon started teasing about planning a wedding for them, saying she even picked out a dress for herself already. 

Sam flushed a bit, saying that he did love Rachel. But he was worried that he wouldn't be able to give Rachel the life she deserved.  

"You just don't get it, do you?" Kali had overheard the conversation and came over with Dylan and Dolly, telling Sam. "You both love each other, and that's what's important" 

But Sam still looked doubtful though on making a commitment to Rachel. 

"Trust me, I speak from millions of experiences" The adventurous tomboy boasted a bit proudly, recalling all of her past adventures. 

"The rest will work itself out" Kali told Sam confidently. 

But Sam sighed. "Man, Papi. What am I gonna do?" He looked to his chihuahua. "I'm scared I won't be...." 

"...Won't be enough" Sam and Papi both said at the same time, reading each others thoughts.  

Even though Sam couldn't fully understand dogs like the adventure kids could, there were still some times he felt like he could really understand Papi. 

"I feel you, man" Papi said, resting his head on his owner's leg. "I feel you" 

The two humans and their dogs soon went back inside for bed. 

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