Chapter 8

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Early the next morning, the gang took off down to the Beverly Hills Dog Show with their dogs to get them registered. 

When they entered, they looked around to see all sorts of people and dogs. 

"Wow!" The adventure kids, and the dogs especially were amazed. "What a place" 

"We got nothing like this back in London" Dylan mentioned. 

"Yeah" Dolly added, while the gang walked along and soon spotted the giant check that had the $50,000 prize money for whoever would win the dog show. 

"Whoa..." Everyone was left speechless. 

"That is one big check" The adventure kids and dogs said. 

"Oh, please" Cynthia said like that $50,000 check was no big deal. "That's nothing compared to my allowance every week"  

"How much is your allowance for the week?" Teeders just then had to ask that question to her rich, over dramatic fashionista friend.  

"Sam, you're gonna need a bigger wallet" Papi turned to his owner.  

"If we win, do you promise to get me a bacon wrapped cat?" Stan begged Kali. 

"Oh, I'll give you more than that" The tomboy promised she'd give Stan the goods. "I'll take you to the whole ranch after this"  

As the gang continued to make their way through the main room, they noticed how the dogs and their owners all looked very similar in appearance to each other.  

"Is it me, or is it hard to tell the dogs from their owners?" Sam asked.  

"Nope" The rest of the adventure kids shook their heads. 

"Hey, man, don't flatter yourself" Stan told the landscaper. 

The gang soon came up to the registration desk. 

The man at the desk, who happened to be the host and also a judge. Judge McKible to be precise, looked to the gang confused at to what they were doing here. "May I help you?"

"I hope so" Sam said. 

"We're here to enter the dog show, Sir" Ann told the judge.  

"Oh" Judge McKible said, then looked over the desk down to see the gang's dogs. 

"Buenos dias" Papi smiled at the judge. 

"What's up" Stan greeted.  

"With, uh... these dogs?" The sophisticated judge asked, sounding like they were joking. 

"You got a problem with our dogs, mister?" Brock glared slightly at the self-centered judge, being offend just cause they weren't wealthy people.  

"This is a very prestigious dog show" Judge McKible explained. "Dogs train for years to be prepared" 

"I am not sure you or your..." He then looked disgusted at the group's dogs again, saying they weren't equipped for entering. "Dogs, have what it takes" 

"What's the big deal anyway?" Kali suddenly spoke out in protest. "Shouldn't it not be all about the competition and just about having fun with your dog?" 

The smart mouth tomboy starting giving the self-centered judge that staring look, he got lost in his words and didn't know what to say. This rebellious teenager and her friends were really starting to bug him. 

"And I beg your pardon sir, but if you clearly haven't notice, this is Stan" Cynthia introduced. "The world's famous and first ever talking dog who writes a blog"  

Stan meets the Beverly Hills ChihuahuasWhere stories live. Discover now