Chapter 9

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After they had lost, Colleen surprisingly disowned Appoline, blaming her for the whole thing. Now having the poodle live on the streets, with Rosita's help teaching her how to act like a common street dog much as herself. The good thing the two dogs got out of it was that now they'd stay friends forever without that snobby Colleen Mansfield getting in their way. 

As for our heroes, they were happy to have won the prize money they could now save the house with. But when they got back home, they made the shocking discovery that the pups were missing. 

"Papi, guys, come quick! The puppies are gone!" Chloe exclaimed. "I can't find them anywhere!"

"What?! Gone?!" Papi and the others panicked slightly. 

"Maybe they're hiding somewhere" Dylan said. 

"Ninos!" Papi called his pups. "Hey, this isn't funny" 

"Pups! Where are you?" The rest of the gang looked around. 

Delgado started sniffing around the room. "The scent's old. They're not in the house" 

"Where could they possibly have gone?" Ann asked. 

Chloe started to worry, being the mother and all. "Oh, If anything happens to them, I don't know what I'll do" 

"Don't worry, mi amor" Papi promised his wife. "I will not let that happen" 

"Yeah, Chloe" Cynthia knelt down and placed a comforting hand on the white chihuahua's shoulder, also promising her old friend. "We'll find them"


It turns out, the puppies had gone down to the police station to find Delgado's sons and tell them why their father left them and that he'd be leaving to go back to Mexico soon. Cause that's what family's do, they stick together no matter what. 

But before the pups could even start looking, the police force just got a disturbance about a bank robbery in progress and needed all units to respond immediately. All the officers and K9 police dogs rushed out when Papi Jr and his sisters spotted Delgado's sons, Antonio and Alberto and followed them into the K9 unit truck.  

"Hey, what are you doing in here?" Alberto noticed the five chihuahua puppies. "This is police property"

"We're friends with your dad" Papi Jr replied. "And we've got something to tell you"

But before Papi Jr and his sisters could explain, the truck suddenly drove off with the pups sliding across the floor while inside the truck. 

All the available officers took off while sirens blared like crazy as a swarm of police cars headed towards the bank. Even a helicopter followed in the air. It was chaos down on the scene, when they finally stopped. 

"Come on, boys! Come on, boys!" One of the officers opened the door to the truck to let Alberto and Antonio out to do their job. 

"We'll talk more about this after" Alberto told the pups. "Stay here, we don't want you getting hurt" 

Alberto and Antonio then went out of the truck and towards the crime scene to sniff out the criminals. 

"Oh, no" Papi Jr frowned. "We didn't tell them Uncle Delgado's leaving LA soon". Papi Jr led his sisters as they followed after the german shepherds. "Come on!"

Back at home~

"Uh-huh. Yes, five puppies. Yeah" Sam was on the phone, while the rest of the gang had made missing posters of the pups. 

"Well, if you see them please give us a call" Sam soon hung up his phone. 

"Any news?" Mr Cortez asked while the gang waited anxiously on the couch. 

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