Chapter 4

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The next morning, everyone else woke up bright and earlier as today Sam was going to take everybody to meet his family. 

The tired landscaper was still in bed when Papi Jr came up and licked his face to wake him up while the others had gathered by the bed. 

"Rise and shine!" Brock told Sam, opening the curtains to let the sunlight in while the dogs started barking.  

"OK, OK. I'm up" Sam said a bit groggy as he stood up straight in bed.  

"You know what they say, 'the earlier bird gets the worm'" Stan quoted. "Wait, why would I want worms? I just got rid of them" 

Dylan and Dolly rolled their eyes playfully once the border collie mix breed said that. "Don't worry, pal. You're covered" 

"I know you guys are excited about meeting my side of the family today, but at least let me get dressed first" Sam chuckled to the gang. 

"That's right" Cynthia said as she was shown wearing a nice, fancy dress. 

Although the gang asked the young fashionista out of annoyance why she always wore dresses and never regular clothes like they did, even since this was a simply occasion.  

Cynthia gasped like she had just been highly offended, declaring. "What kind of animal would that make me!?!"

The rest of the gang all rolled their eyes at her, as they were ready to hit the road.

Soon after only a few hours of driving, the gang had arrived down in Los Angeles.  

"So, what do you guys think of where your dad and I grew up?" Sam asked the pups while driving through town. 

"The city where movie stars are born?" Brock proclaimed, looking out the window and putting on his cool shades.  

"Yeah, like Leonardo Da Vinci!" Stan piped up. 

"Da Vinci was an artist" Kali told the talking dog. 

"Oh... then I meant the other one" Stan replied awkwardly. "Wait, how many Leonardo's are there?" 

"It's beautiful" Ann and Cynthia said, admiring all the scenery they passed by. 

"Ah" The Mexican chihuahua sighed. "So many great memories" 

"Oh, Papi. It's so colorful" Chloe said. 

The pups were really impressed, loving everything about this place. "Wow! This is so cool"

"Oh, look, kids. Over there" Papi pointed out to a fire hydrant on the corner of a street. "That's Dad's first fire hydrant"

"Wow!" The pups said in amazement. 

The gang then passed by a fenced area where a few cars and other junk were along with spray-painted walls.  

"Ooh! I got a bone hidden right there" Papi said.  

The puppies were having the time of their lives, when they spotted an ice cream vendor. "Ice cream! Can we get some ice cream, Dad? Yeah, ice cream!" 

"Now, kids..." Chloe reminded her pups. 

"All in good time, kids" Papi told his pups. "First, you must meet my family"

The gang soon arrived in front of Sam's family's home while the car pulled up into the driveway. Sam's mom was out in the front yard watering the plants.  

"Hey, guys. We're here" Sam said once he parked his car.  

"Home sweet home" Papi sighed, seeing his family's house after so long.  

Stan meets the Beverly Hills ChihuahuasWhere stories live. Discover now