Chapter 7

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The night before the dog show, Kali, Cynthia, and the rest of the teens were all calling up their families and telling them their situation to see if they could help out in any way. 

"Okay," Kali hung up her phone and told the gang. "We're all set for the dog show tomorrow"

"Just as long as they don't have any dog shows for cats" Stan mentioned, making the others playfully roll their eyes at him and chuckle. 

Chloe had been watching Delgado from outside the window. The poor german shepherd was pacing up and down on the porch, distressed about something. 

"Is he nervous about the dog show?" David asked as he came over to the window along with the rest of the gang.  

"Why would he be nervous? We're definitely going to win this thing. I got a plan that's full proof" Stan said with confidence. 

"No, it's not that..." Chloe and Cynthia replied, both strongly knowing what was really going on with Delgado. 

Chloe and Cynthia had told the rest of the gang earlier about Delgado's sons and why he had been so down lately. 

"Looks like he could use a friend" Kali told the others as they headed outside on the porch to comfort poor Delgado. 

"You OK, Delgado?" Teeders and the twins asked the german shepherd as they came up to him. 

"Hmm?" Delgado looked to his friends, then looked away. "Yeah. Sure..." 

"We know you're worried about your sons, Delgado" Chloe looked to her old friend.  

"Please, tell us what happened" Cynthia begged, being very concerned for the police dog. 

"We're your friends" Papi smiled at the german shepherd.  

"You can trust us" Dolly added.   

Delgado sighed, being quiet for a few moments before he told his friends what happened. 

The gang all had the power to see Delgado's flashback thanks to Kali's crystal magic. 

About three years ago, when Delgado was on the force in Mexico, he and his crew apprehended some really bad guys... They also got their dogs.

Those dogs said they'd get their revenge by hurting his pups. 

So Delgado took his boys out of the country and brought them to Los Angeles. He had his two pups in a basket and left it on the front doorsteps of the police station until an officer came out and found the pups, taking them back inside. Delgado thought they'd be safer away from him. 

It was the hardest thing he'd ever done... He went into hiding and lost contact with my sons. And as time went by, he knew he had to find them again. 

But now his sons think that he abandoned them for no reason. 

"But if you tell them what happened, they'll understand" Dylan said to the german shepherd.  

"Yeah" The rest of the gang nodded their heads, agreeing. 

Delgado sighed, hanging his head down. "My sons won't listen to me"

"I doubt that" Kali looked to the german shepherd with concerned eyes.  

"After the dog show, I'm going back to Mexico" Delgado told his friends. 

This made the rest of the gang feel bad for their friend. But what they didn't notice was that Papi Jr had snuck out of bed and had heard the whole thing while watching by the window. 

Later, Papi came upstairs along with Stan to check on the pups and see if they were asleep... but they weren't. 

They were too worried about their family splitting up, so Papi told them another story about the chihuahua warriors. The lesson being that the chihuahuas stayed loyal to their friends and family, even at the risk of their own lives. 

"Stick by your loved ones, even in hard times" Stan told the pups.  

"We are stronger together than we are alone" Papi added. 

"From now on, we'll be the most loyal Chihuahuas ever" Papi Jr told the two adult dogs. "And we'll never let our family split up"

Papi chuckled as he smiled to his pups. "I know you won't"

"Sweet dreams filled with plenty of bacon wrapped cats, pups" Stan told the puppies as he then left the room with Papi. 

"Good night, Dad. Good night, Daddy" The pups all yawned and were soon fast asleep. This time for good.  

"Your fathering skills are getting better, Papi" Stan smiled to his friend as they came out of the pups' bedroom.  

"Muchas gracias my friend" The Spanish speaking chihuahua said, but sighed looking back towards his pups' room. "But I just still don't know how to discipline my pups and make Chloe happy. I'm out of my depth"

"Robert, how do you get your kids to be so well-behaved?" Stan asked his stuffed orange monkey. 

It was silent for a few moments while Papi looked at the chew toy monkey awkwardly since Stan believed it could talk. 

"No, Robert. Papi can't have his pups stuffed with premium polyester toy filling" Stan told his toy monkey. "I'm not saying that it's wrong, I'm just saying that it's wrong for us"

Meanwhile, later that night~

Appoline had been told by Rosita to meet up with her at the dog park. 

Appoline passed by the fountain and came over by the bushes, being a little uneasy since the dog park was a very different place at night. 

Rosita soon popped out of the bushes, startling the french poodle. 

"Don't do that, peasant!" Appoline glared slightly at the female doberman, speaking some french. 

Rosita then said to Appoline that she called her here tonight because... she wanted to join the dog show tomorrow. Appoline laughed, saying that they weren't just gonna let a scrappy street dog like her enter. But Rosita insisted, saying that she wanted to join because Appoline had inspired her and had really been impressed by the french poodle. 

Appoline felt touched that someone really appreciated her talent and beauty, besides all her fans of course. 

Appoline's owner Colleen soon came after finding her and took her away, looking disgusted towards Rosita as they left. "Ulgh, go away mutt!" 

Our heroes, canine companions, and villains too went to bed that night, knowing they had a big day ahead of them tomorrow. 

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