Chapter 1

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Cynthia Widdlestine, Kali Harpercop and her younger siblings the twins, Brock and Ann were at the church for a wedding they had been invited to by a very special couple. 

Teeders, David, and many other of their friends, humans and dogs alike had also been invited to the celebration. Including the new recently added members to the Harpercop family, dalmatian siblings Dylan and Dolly. They were all dressed up nicely, even Kali, but still always had her favorite yellow bandanna tied around on top of her head, as they sat in the pews with everyone else. 

"Ladies and gentlemen..." The priest began. "We are here today to celebrate the union of two very special individuals. Two souls that shall become one and shine only more brightly together" 

"I can't believe this day is here" Viv was nearly in tears.   

"Won't you please join me in bringing together in marriage a much beloved couple... Chloe and Papi" The priest announced. 

The couple was revealed to be not people at all, but the lovable chihuahuas who Cynthia had made friends with on her and the rest of the adventure kids last adventure. 

"Oh, Papi" Chloe sighed dreamily, looking to her future husband. 

"Ay, Chihuahua" The Mexican chihuahua looked to his future bride, dressed up in a tux and hat.  

"Oh, I'm just so happy for them" Ann told her siblings with a sigh. 

"Me too" Brock added. 

"Nothing says I love like a big, wet, slobbery, doggy kiss" the tomboyish Kali smirked. 

"I'd prefer a darker setting, with more skull heads... and evil clowns" Cecilia, Cynthia's goth twin sister replied in her usual dreary voice. Cynthia rolled her eyes slightly at her sister, while the others backed away slightly in fear at the mention of clowns. 

"You may all be seated" The priest told the human guests, then turned to Chloe's friends and all the other dogs who were in the pews on the opposite side of the room. "Sit"

The priest began with the usual stuff heard in wedding processions.

"Chloe and Papi, do you take each other to love and honor in good times and bad, in wet nose and dry nose, as long as you both shall live?" 

Papi gulped while looking at Chloe, being nervous for a second before saying. "I do"

"I do" Chloe said. 

The crowd heard the chihuahua's barks, saying 'I do'.  

"I now pronounce you husband and wife" The priest announced, then told Papi. "You may lick the bride" 

Papi and Chloe kissed while Cynthia, Kali, the twins, Viv, the dogs and all the other guests applauded, all being overjoyed for the newlywed dog couple. 

Awhile later, at the reception~

Humans and dogs alike had come form all over to the celebration, bringing a toast to the newlywed chihuahuas. It was such a big and fancy party with food, presents, music, and even a little extra something special for the dogs. 

Dolly of course just had to pull off one of her insane stunts to make the wedding even more memorable much to her brother Dylan's annoyance, but Papi and Chloe didn't seem to mind. 

"Oh, they're just so perfect together" Teeders sighed, looking over to Chloe and Papi. 

"This has to be one of the most strangest things I've done in my life" Cynthia mentioned about being at an actual dog wedding which seemed impossible, then asked out loud with a bit sarcasm. "What's next? They'll have quinceaneras for dogs?" 

Kali and the rest of the gang soon came up to congratulate Papi and Chloe. 

"Well, congrats you two" Kali smiled proudly to the two little chihuahuas.  

"May your life together be forever filled with love, happiness, and adventure" Ann added. 

"And good luck with the honeymoon" David piped in. 

It was soon Cynthia's turn to come up and give her blessings to the newlywed chihuahuas. 

"I'm so happy for you two... and proud" Cynthia smiled to her two canine friends, who she had become close with during their adventure in Mexico.  

"Muchas gracias, mi amigos" The Spanish speaking male chihuahua smiled, thanking his friends. 

"You're all too kind" The Beverly Hills female chihuahua added to her friends. 

Not too long after, the gang had been told that Viv and Rachel were leaving on an expedition for six months down in the African rain forests, searching for plants for medical research. Cynthia thought Vivian was crazy to leave her wealthy Beverly Hills home. But then again, Cynthia's mother Cassandra had told her that Viv has done plenty of crazy things during her years since they've been friends. So with Viv and Rachael going away, this meant that Sam would be and promised to take care of the dogs while they were gone. And Kali, Cynthia and the gang were glad to be helping out. 

"Thanks so much for inviting us, Cynthia" Teeders told the rich teenage fashionista. "This wedding is amazing!" 

"We're so lucky!" Brock told his rich fashionista friend and his sisters. "I can't believe we get to stay here in this mansion just to help and take care of the dogs"

"Speaking of which, today is about Chloe and Papi" Cynthia reminded her friends, being happy. "So, come on. Let's dance" 

The adventure kids and their friends all went to boogie on the dance floor, with David and Brock quickly stealing the show. 

Kali then looked around and quickly spotted the wedding cake. "Ooh, free cake! There goes my diet" but she didn't care about her lame diet right now and went over to eat as much cake as she wanted. "Ooh, kibble flavor, with a hint of peach... I love it"   

Later that evening~ 

The wedding reception had died down a bit but was still going with the couples slow dance. Spanish music was playing a very lovely song, even the dogs started howling along. 

"Nice moves, Cindy" David complimented while dancing with Cynthia. 

Kali decided to be the oddball of the crowd on the dance floor and started dancing with her two dalmatians. 

"I must admit, Stan's wedding wasn't nearly as perfect as much as this one" Cynthia told the Harpercop siblings, comparing a wedding of a friend of their's to Chloe and Papi's. 

"Hey, I liked Stan's wedding!" Kali defended.

"It had its corks" Ann shrugged her shoulders. "But in a good way"  

"I never thought my dog would get married before me" Sam said while dancing with Rachael. 

"Well, maybe it'll be me and you walking down that aisle one day" Rachael told her boyfriend. 

"l'd like that very much, Rachel" Sam smiled while he continued dancing with his girlfriend. 

Papi and Chloe where dancing separately away from the crowds underneath the gazebo, having their first romantic dance together as husband and wife.      

"l call this move the Chihuahua Waltz. You are so light on your paws, mi corazon" Papi told his new wife. 

"You're not so bad yourself, my love" Chloe admitted to her new husband.  

"Tonight my heart is bursting" the orange male chihuahua told the love of his life. "I am the happiest dog alive!" 

"And I'm the luckiest girl ever" the white female chihuahua added before spotting something up in the night sky. "Oh, look!" 

"What is it?" Papi asked.  

"A shooting star!" Chloe said. "Quick, make a wish" 

"What more could I ask for, mi corazon" Papi asked the love of his life. "What do you wish for?" 

"Well, what about a family?" Chloe thought. 

"Family? Ay, Chihuahua..." Papi actually sounded a little nervous about the possibility of having a family. 

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