Part 1

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**Authors Note**

Okay, so this is my first story, it's about Y/n Stark, which is you, obviously, and Peter Parker. I will try and make these nice and long, but no promises. I've been told I'm a great writer, but I dont think that's true. Anyways, here's the key! Hopefully, you won't get bored of my awful writing. 


Y/n- Your Name, or your OC's (original character) name

L/N- Your last name

H/C- Hair color (yours or your choice)

E/C- Eye color (yours or your choice)

A different Font will be used for texting, and the texts will be in BOLD PARENTHESES that are UNDERLINED. *Thoughts will have the little stars ***.*

Some memories will be pictures, or they will be in BOLD PARENTHESES They may also be videos.


This doesn't fit into the timeline of the MCU, we know, but it's meant for entertainment only. :-) *I had to put a nose, because if it doesn't you potterheads *if any of you are reading this* might think I am a supporter of Voldemort.*  (I'm sorry. NOW, to the STORY!!! :3)

Part One: "Y/n, you ready for your first day of school?" My dad asked. "If emotionally unprepared, physically unprepared, and flustered means ready, then yes." I replied. "Don't worry, senior year is pretty chill." He replied. "Yeah, you guys had easy assignments though. Plus, what if I get a... a swirly, or what if my skirt flies up or-" "Y/n, c'mon, that's not gonna happen. What did you watch when you were little?"

"Those really old movies that you have in the cardboard box on casset." I replied. "Oh, those... Well, highschool is nothing like that. Also, you're bound to make some friends your first day." I scoffed, then replied,"Really? Because I don't remember having any friends in middle school, or elementary." "If you just smile, and say hello, that should-" My dad was cut off by Happy Hogan. "People are rude, arrogant, and don't give a (*censored* (we'll just say he said "crap") *censored*) about whether or not you smile and say hello."

"Wow, thanks for putting a damper on things Happy." Dad replied. "Nah, he's right." I replied. "I'll tell Friday if I get pulled after, or out of school today. Or if I make a friend and if I'm going to their house. Which is highly unlikely." I replied. Just as I was about to open the car door, my dad stopped me and with a sigh, he said,"Y/n... I just want you to remember, that just because you're a Stark, you don't have any reason to act out."

"I know dad..." I replied. "I... I'll see you later. Maybe." I replied. He reached over, and gave me a hug. "You're not grabbing the door?" I joked. He smiled, and opened the door. The cold crisp winter air bit at my nose. I saw students rushing to greet their friends, chittering like squirrels in the fall. (By the way, they don't shut up. I know. Trust me.) As I was walking, I saw the car pull out of the school drop off. I pulled my beanie on tighter, and wrapped my scarf around my neck, trying to hide my well known face. I walked through the door, and so far, nobody noticed me. I ducked underneath drones, and pushed guys out of my way when they pushed me.

I slung my white leather backpack off of my shoulders, and grabbed some paperwork. It had my schedule, and my locker number. "Locker number 1996..." I muttered. "Gotcha." I was happy to know it was a top locker, and nobody was around it. "Locker combo..." I hummed a little melody as I was looking for the combination. After I found it, I muttered, "No child can beat the Grinch!" I heard someone talking about my dad, I looked to my left and saw two boys putting their bags away.

I looked away quickly, hoping nobody had caught me staring. I put in the locker combination, while muttering it so I'd memorize it quicker. "Seventeen... Seven... Six..." I twisted the locker knob, and pulled. It was stuck. "You've gotta be kidding me..." I muttered. I yanked it, thinking it wouldn't open, when all of a sudden, it swung open, and I fell to the floor. "Uhm, are you okay?" A girl asked. My beanie had fallen off, and my scarf was clutched in my hand.

"Yeah... I think so. This is my first time with lockers." I replied. "Ah... Are you from Pennsylvania?" She asked. "Your complexion gives me some hints... Also your clothing style." She lent her hand out to me, and I took it. She helped me up, and said, "Is this your beanie?" I nodded, and as she was about to hand it to me, she saw the name tag. Her eyes widened. "Oh my gosh, you're..." She paused and inhaled before finishing. "You're wearing a collectors beanie!" Squealing with delight, she shook my hand and talked quickly.

"I'm Sasha! Sasha Romaro. I loooove fashion, and I actually designed the cheerleader squad outfits this year! I'm also the head cheerleader!" I plastered a fake smile, and nodded. "I'm Y/n... I gotta put my stuff away, maybe we can catch up later?" I asked. "Oh, and I'm not from Pennsylvania.." "Oh, sorry, it's just, I was from there, and you know, the hair, fashion..." She sighed deeply. "Yeah, I was there for the Summer. That's probably why you were mistaken. Oh, do you wanna talk later at lunch maybe?" I asked. 

She inhaled sharply then said, "Ohh, I'm so sorry sugar, but I've got cheer at lunch, and I'm actually in my senior year. We're separated from the... What year are you in?" She asked. "Sophomore." I replied. "Oh, yeah, we're probably not gonna have any classes tomorrow. Unless you have Theater, then we'll totally see each other then. See ya!" She ran off, and I put my stuff in my locker.

"... Stark? ...Daughter?" I heard someone whisper. "Oh no..." I thought. "Has someone already found out?" I looked to my left and saw the two boys again. I don't think they noticed, I was looking at them until the one shut his locker. I had put all my stuff away, and the bell suddenly rang. I was about to head to homeroom, when they bumped into me. "Peter, you're so clumsy." One joked. 

I have a friend who does Imagines, and if she allows it, I will give her username in my next part. It might take a while, so just hold on, okay? Bye! 

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