Part 5

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Okay, so here is part fiiiive!!! I will probably not post my Christmas story until I get some reads on this one, so if you would like some Christmas holiday spirit, with the one and only Peter Parker, you gotta get reading, and tell your friends! 

*remember if it is in bold parenthesis it is texting!!!* :-)

Part Five: I waited for Peter by my locker, and asked if he'd be able to come by today. "Yes. I just gotta text my aunt..." He brought out a phone with a cracked screen. I was afraid that the screen would shatter when he text, but it was perfectly fine. I stared at the phone, and asked how it happened. He put his hands in his pockets and looked away, before saying, "It fell... Out of my window... Into the ally."

"Ouch." I muttered. I got a text on my phone, and saw it was Happy.

(Are you coming outside, because if not, I can just leave.)

I text as fast as I could, without caring about my grammar. (Nononono, I'm coming I promise, my locker was stuck, and I had to ask someone to help me.)

He text back, thankfully with his final answer. (Two minutes.)

I grabbed his wrist, and bolted down the hall and looked for the black car. I saw it start to drive off. "OH NO YOU DON'T!" I shouted. I bolted across the parking lot, and threw myself in front of the car. I gritted my teeth, and looked away, hoping I wouldn't get knocked over. Or ran over. Happy would run you over... Or me, depending on his mood. 

Happy honked his horn, rolled down the window and snapped, "What was that for!" I growled, "You said, TWO minutes. That, was 45 seconds." He unlocked the car, and Peter rushed over. "Oh no.. You brought him?" Happy groaned. "Yes, I did. Now, lighten up! Yeesh!" I criticised. He locked the car doors, and drove us all the way to the compound. It took a while, but we got there eventually.

I jumped out of the car and told Peter to follow me. I walked towards the elevator, and pulled a card out. I stuck it into the elevator card slot, and then pushed in a code. "Sometimes, I wonder why my dad doesn't just fire Happy." I muttered. "I mean, he never replies to anyone's texts, or calls, he snaps at everybody, and he doesn't know how to keep a promise."

"Yeah... Trust me, I know." Muttered Peter. The elevator doors opened, and I walked to my room. I opened the door, and said, "Go ahead and put your stuff down on the desk, and... Let's get to work... Or I don't know...?" I laughed nervously. "I don't do this kinda stuff..." He was looking around the room, then said, "I like your room. It's not super decorative and-" His eyes were glued to one of my art pieces on the wall.

"Is that-" I knocked the art off the wall, and snatched it off the floor. "It's nothing. I'm not done with it." I shoved it under the bed, and asked what we should do first. "Well, we could do algebra homework." He suggested. "Sounds good to me." I shrugged. I grabbed my backpack and a phone rang. We looked at each other, and both checked our phones. "It's not mine... Y/n?" He asked. I dumped out my backpack on my bed, and we sorted through the papers and books, looking for my phone.

"Got it." I held it up, and answered it. "Yolo?" I asked. He stifled a laugh, and mouthed, "Yolo?" I nodded and rolled my eyes. "Y/n, are you at home?" It was my dad. "Yes, I'm at home." "Did Happy give you a ride home?" "Yes, yes he did. Did he tell you I was home?" My dad was quiet for a moment, then replied slowly, "I don't recall him informing me anything of the sort. However, you need to call, or leave a text message. Good luck, and tell Thomas I said 'Hello'." I rolled my eyes, and replied, "Peter's here by the way. He's wondering when the next intern meeting is. He wanted to know if he could meet Spiderman as well."

"Oh, tell him I say hi. Good luck on your homework. Bye kid." He hung up. "Bye dad..." I grumbled. "He says hello Peter." He whispered, "Hello Mr. Stark." We both laughed, and then he asked, "Who's Thomas?" "Oh, sorry, I should've done this earlier." I clapped my hands, "Thomas, what's the weather?" I asked. "It is approximately 95 degrees fahrenheit."

"Woah!" He jumped out of one of my chairs, and asked, "Can you pull up the last known location of Spiderman?" He asked. "Sorry, do you have a frog in your throat, I didn't quite understand that Y/n." Peter stifled a laugh, and I told him to quit. "Thomas, this is Peter, Peter, Thomas. Thomas, will you add Peter to one of the few people in your voice recognition?" I asked. "Sample?" "Oh, erm, I'm Peter... Peter Parker."

"Congratulations, you're allowed to ask me questions, and I can answer you. If you ask a dumb question, sometimes you'll get a dumb answer." Thomas replied. "Oh no, really?" Peter asked sarcastically. I blinked in surprise and replied, "I hope you don't talk that way to your mom." A pained expression clouded Peter's eyes. "She's dead. So's my Uncle... And my dad." He looked away, and I felt embarrassed, and ashamed.

"I don't know who my parents are either." I admitted. "Yeah right, you're-" "Adopted. Pepper found me after the Stark Expo failure. My parents had died. I was young, and I didn't remember much. She asked me where my parents were, and I pointed to where they last told me they loved me." I could feel hot tears swarming my eyes. I blinked them away, and Peter said he was sorry. "Well, now we both have something relatable." I muttered, suddenly all smiles. "Y-yeah... Something in common." He nodded. ***I wonder why they took me in though...*** I thought. 

After a few hours, Peter had to go home. I paid for a taxi, and some pizza to bring home to his Aunt. "Hey Peter..." I reached out and touched his shoulder. "This... This was fun. You also remind me of a guy I used to..." I stopped quickly, then finished, "I guy I used to be really good friends with. I hope you can come over again." He nodded, "I enjoyed it to, we'll see each other tomorrow?" He asked. "Maybe..." I shrugged. He climbed into the taxi, and it drove off. I went back into my room, and cursed at myself silently. "I almost told him my secret." I hissed. "Thomas, pull up my yearbook from Middle School. In New York." I commanded. "Would you like me to pull up some tunes?" He asked. "Yeah." "Hamilton?" He asked. "Sure. Why not?"

Okay, I would've put something like Bon Jovi, or Journey, or even Neon Trees, but people don't know who they are anymore. People know what Hamilton so....... -_- 

If you like Journey, or Bon Jovi, or Queen, go you, you rock, or if you don't know, I suggest listening to...

Bohemian Rhapsody- Queen

Don't Stop Me Now- Queen

Another One Bites the Dust -QUeen

You Give Love a Bad Name -Bon Jovi

Bed of Roses -Bon Jovi

Livin' On a Prayer- Bon Jovi

Don't Stop Believin' -Journey

Faithfully -Journey

Separate Ways -Journey

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