Part 9

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okay, so this is part nine I guess...

I dont have a picture for you guys yet so if I do end up having a GOOD one, I will post it down at the bottom... oof, this one is realllllllyyyy baaad.. *cri

Part 9: It was the night of the play, and suprise suprise, Peter, Aunt May, Pepper, and my favorite Uncle, Rhodey, would all be there to watch. Oh, yeah, my dad couldn't come, you see, he had, "Stark things to do." It's not like I care anyways. If he did show up, I'd be happy, but even if he didn't, it would be fine. Sasha was tightening up the back of the dress. "Can you breath?" She asked. "Oh yeah, I have plenty of breathing room!" I exclaimed. She tightened it one last time, and with a giggle she asked, "Sooo, how's Peter?"

I rolled my eyes, and put my hands on the sides of my skirt where my hips would be. "He's here. Or at least he should be." I replied. "You know him, he runs off every now and then to do stuff." She sighed, and replied, "I really wish Jose would notice how much effort I put into this." She put a smile on her face and replied, "However, he can decide to block out whatever he wishes!" She and I linked arms, and walked to the stage. The theater hushed, and I eagerly waited behind the stage.

"Enter Sly and Hostess... Now." I heard someone whisper. Two people walked onto stage. Then later on a Lord, and a First Huntsman. A second huntsman. A servant, players, entered later on, and the first scene was finished. Now, Sly and a First, Second, and Third servant were starting the second scene. A lord entered, he spake the command, and music started to play as he sang a nice song. A conversation arose, and mere minutes later, a Page arrived on stage. Then a messenger.

Now, it was finally time for act one. Lucentio strolled onto stage, and as rehearsed, gave a bedazzling smile, and a wink to the crowd. People laughed, and cheered. Lucentio proclaimed his lines to the crowd and Tranio then came on, asking him questions. After they talked for awhile, Baptista, Bianca, Gerimo, Hortensio entered onto the stage, oh, and me of course.

Baptista did his line, then Gremio. My cue was his last sentence. A question was sprung towards me as I walked onto the stage. "There, There, Hortensio, will you any wife?" He asked. It was my turn to speak. "I pray you, sir, is it your will To make a stale of me amongst these mates?" I asked, bitterness and ferocity hidden in my voice. "Mates, maid! how mean you that? no mates for you, unless you were of gentler, milder mould." He replied, trying to calm the fire that was slowly raging. "I'faith, sir, you shall never need to fear: I wis it is not half way to her heart; but if it were, doubt not her care should be. To comb your noodle with a three-legg'd stool and pain your face and use you like a fool." I retorted. Hortensio replied with anger, "From all such devils, good Lord deliver us!"

The play continued, on, and on, for about two hours, then it ended. Katerina got married, and finally accepted her husband. The husband, won a bet, receiving many winnings, and dirty looks from fellow men. The grand finale was due in a few minutes. People were applauding, and cheering. I put on some shades quickly, and asked Thomas to get some filters on the cheering in the room. He muted everyone's voice except Peter's, his aunt's, Pepper, and Uncle Rhodey. They were clapping, and cheering. Someone tapped me on the shoulder. It was Sasha.

"Time?" I asked. She nodded. I took the shades off, and put them in my bag that was on stage. Everyone lined up behind the curtain, and held hands. Sasha was in between me, and Jose. I could see her grinning from ear to ear. I squoze her hand, and she smiled at me. I smiled back, and then we looked back at the curtains. They were rising, slowly, and the crowd started to cheer wildly. Once the curtains were up all the way, we bowed, and then slowly the lights turned on.

The theater teacher, Mrs. Jones congratulated everyone for their hard work, and dedication. She was now allowing everyone to take pictures. After five agonizing minutes of flashing lights, she was allowing everyone to interact with each other. Costumes had to be returned before the end of the night though. I picked up some of the fabric from the skirt, and rushed to where Peter, Aunt May, Pepper, and Uncle Rhodey were sitting. Ned walked in with a card, and a small bouquet of roses.

He handed them to me, and he explained why he had them. "Well, you see, Peter bought them, but we weren't allowed to bring them in until the play was over. So every other act, we'd switch places." I gave Ned a hug, then Peter. "Hey, Rhodey," I started, "Did anybody else show up?" I asked. "Well, if you're talking about me, then yes, I showed up." I turned around, and saw my dad. "Dad!" I yelled, running towards him. I hugged him, and he laughed.

"I thought you said you were busy!" I exclaimed, pulling away from him. "Yeah, well, Pepper told me to get my a-" He closed his mouth and then opened it, finishing his sentence. "She told me to come watch otherwise I'd get in trouble..." "You watched your language, how nice of you." I replied. "Oh, I gotta get this stuff back to the teacher, I'll be a minute." I rushed back onto the stage, and into the changing room. I took off the dress with care, then threw on a t-shirt, and some jeans. I grabbed my jean jacket, and my poots putting them on as I went through the check-in line. When it was my turn, I only had to return the dresses that I had worn throughout the course of the play, and the hair accessories.

"Thank you Miss Y/n." Mrs. Jones replied happily. "Have a good evening." "Thank you." I ran off the stage, and ran into someone from auditions. "I'm so sorry, let me help you up." Their hand was extended. I debated on taking it, or getting up on my own. 

Oof, try and guess who it is before you move on, then tell me if you were right on the next page! :D

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