(One Shot you may skip, is not in any way related to the fan-fic)

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kay, this is just a random One Shot that has nothing to do with the story. So, you can skip if you want, but you don't have to. 

(Okay, so in this one, Y/n and Flash are gf and bf but then stuff happens...) 

"Y/n!" I heard a voice call from the end of the end of the hall. It was Flash. "Oh, hey Flash how are you?" I asked. "I just scored a touchdown during practice today." He pecked me on the cheek. "So, do you wanna celebrate at Delmar's?" He asked, holding up a wallet. "Sure!" We raced out to his car. He had bought a silver porsche recently, because Spider-Man had wrecked his old car recently. Silver was one of my favorite colors, and I liked porsches.  However, my dad, Tony Stark, still had better taste. Hot Rod red and the gold titanium alloy, was a perfect color scheme for his Iron Man suit. 

He drove in the city, speeding to Delmar's. He turned to me as we were stuck in traffic. The music was playing softly, then, Flash turned it off. He looked at me, and grabbed my hand. "Felicia, will you go to the dance wi-" ***Felicia?!***  I thought. "I'm not Felicia!" I yelled. Then, I saw it, in his eyes. He had been cheating on me, behind my back. "I can't believe you, you, you, you son of a-" He planted a kiss on my lips, and I shoved him away. "You're a sick bastard! I never wanna see you again Flash!" I grabbed my bag, and got out of the car. "Y/n! It was only a few-" I glared back at him, and felt the tears burn in my eyes. "Y/n, come back baby, please, I'm sorry! She was the one who started it. I told her to bug off, but she k-" Traffic started back up again. 

I left, and ran to an abandoned alley. I slumped against the wall, and cried. ***I knew he was acting up... Gosh, I'm blind...*** I looked at my phone, and saw texts from Flash. I read them. "Y/n, baby, please, I love you, with all of my heart."

The list went on and on. Then, I saw the last text.

"Y/n, I cant keep lying to you... I gotta be serious now.  I never really wanted to be with you, but you were so happy. But, I never really loved you. You just never lived up to my standards. I hope we can still be friends. I was just trying to make Felicia jealous... She's jealous of you, you know that right? Anyways, I guess this is goodbye.

I'm sorry I was never truthful to you."

Then, nothing else. ***He was using me.*** I thought bitterly. "How did I not notice?" I asked aloud. I started crying again. Felicia, a (hair color of your choice), and (eye color of your choice), with (color of skin), and well, her skin just seemed to glow! I wiped my tears, and decided to not think about it. I pulled a hood over my head, and walked to Delmar's. I saw people sitting on benches, couples, who laughed, and hugged, or kissed each other goodbye. ***Was it because I never greeted him, and dismissed him with a kiss?*** I asked myself in my head. 

I walked into the small sandwich store, and ordered a (Prefered sandwich). "Would you like anything else with that?" Mr. Delmar asked. "Not unless you've got gummy bears." I joked. 
"We actually have those if you'd like them." He picked some up, and he didn't add anything to the total price. "Sir, shouldn't I be paying for-" "No, it's on the house. You remind me of my daughter. If you can do that, these, are on the house." He winked. "They were her favorite. Now, go, enjoy the weekend." He waved me off, and I thanked him. I turned around, and bumped into someone. My sandwich fell out of the bag, and money fell all over the floor. I quickly went to the floor, and started to pick stuff up.

I knew it wasn't Flash because of the shoes. I looked up, and saw Peter Parker. He was a sweet kid, who was always nice. ***He's everything Flash isn't. Respectful, kind, sweet-*** "Oh, I'm so sorry about that Y/n!" He exclaimed, dropping down quickly. "Nononono, it's my fault, I cant seem to think or see straight today." I laughed. He nodded. "Yeah, I've got the same problem." He shook his head. "Wow, I've got millions of coins!" I picked them up with ease as he picked up the bills. My sandwich was still in the bag, so that was nice. 

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