Part 7 and 8

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Hello, I've just received the message from my friend saying I can give out her account user for Instagram... Here it is!!! Tomthespooder

No spaces, periods, dashes or anything, just Tomthespooder. 

Alright, here's part seven and eight! :D

Part Seven: I woke up on the roof of a building. I coughed, and realised it was nightfall. I tried to get up, before realising my arms, and legs were bound. "Son of a biscuit..." I muttered, coughing again. "Thomas, where are w-" I stopped, and realised my sunglasses were gone. I groaned, and coughed. "Ugh.... I should've stayed home..." I groaned. "Ah, so you're awake. You know, you've caused me a great deal of trouble." I looked to my left, and was face to face with the ugly green face, and yellow glowing eyes.

I looked away quickly to my right, and closed my eyes tightly. "What do you mean. Isn't Spiderman your greatest enemy?" I asked, coughing again. He growled, and then laughed. "Greatest enemy?" He laughed again. "Greatest enemy! I think you mean he's my greatest annoyance." "Yeah, tomato, tomato." I muttered. "Can I just go home? I've got school tomorrow, so maybe you can do this over the weekend..." I pretended to doze off, letting my head hang.

I felt him nudge me, and I shook my head, and looked at him. "Oh, you again... Were you talking? I'm just really-" He grabbed me by the throat and lifted me off the ground. I thrashed around like a fish trying to break free, but his grasp wasn't going to break. I went limp and made my breathing very raspy. I could hear him chuckling with glee. "W-wanna know something?" I asked quietly. "Your death wish?" He asked.

"No, m-my last words..." He chuckled and with glee replied, "I'll make sure they get delivered to Mr. Spiderman myself. Do tell..." I was still making my breathing raspy, and I inhaled sharply to show that I was in 'pain'. "My name... Is Y/n Nicole Stark, daughter of Anthony Stark, and I know something you don't you bastard." He laughed, as I finished. "I'm not tied tight enough." I kicked him in the stomach, and wriggled my hands out of my bonds as tightly as I could.

Just as I was untying my feet, he yanked up on my hair, and then grabbed my by the wrist with his other hand. He was on a hovercraft, and slowly, he was taking me towards the edge. "N-no!" I started to wriggle, but when I did, he'd loosen his grip. Hot tears filled my eyes, and I looked at the city below.... "Is this where I greet death?" I asked myself. "Will I catch a glimpse of the other side just as my parents did? Will I see them again?"

"No more games... You're a good player, but not good enough. You've run out of tricks, one move, and I could-" "Hey! Let her go! Put her safely on the rooftop, of this building!" The hovercraft turned around, and I saw the one, and only, Spiderman.


Part 8: "Ha, what do you have to bargain!" Demanded the goblin. "Well, I have my life, however, I seem to bargain mine every time... So how about... My identity?" He asked. "No, don't do-" I felt the grip on my wrist loosen. I shut up, and mouthed, "DON'T DO IT. FOR PETE'S SAKE DON'T DO IT. PLEASE." I don't know if he saw or not, but he continued, "However, you have to fight me for it. I'll go easy on you."

"Well, I'm pretty sure I could get a great deal of money if I just zoom off here. You see, I've got the daughter of-" "Mr. Stark, yeah, I know, he sent me to do it, because he knew that if he came, the demands would be different." The black outlines of the eyes narrowed, and the goblin cackled, "I'll put her down. We'll fight. I beat you, I tear off your mask and well, I'll let the little annoyance here explain to the entire city how it happened."

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