iii. the spineless toad

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August 22nd, 1993
Great Hall, Hogwarts

"First, I'm pleased to welcome Professor R

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"First, I'm pleased to welcome Professor R.J. Lupin, who has kindly accepted to fill the post as Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. Good luck, Professor!" Dumbledore finished as all of the students applauded Remus. Of course, Hope clapped the loudest.

"Of course!" Hermione exclaimed. "That's why he knew to give you the chocolate, Harry."

"Potter!" A distinct voice yelled. Hope rolled her eyes at the sound of it. Of course, it was none other than Malfoy, the boy that tormented her cousin indefinitely.

"Is it true you fainted? I mean, you actually fainted?" Draco asked, a smirk dancing on his lips. His accomplice dramatically acted as if he was fainting.

"Shove off, Malfoy." Ron sneered, turning Harry to face the opposite direction.

Hope merely smirked, turning herself entirely away from her table to face the Slytherins.

"Malfoy, how about you do everyone here a favour and shut your pretentious arse up?" Hope asked in a sickly sweet manner.

"Who are you to talk to me?" Draco questioned pridefully. Hope scoffed, she couldn't help but find his "obvious superiority" hilarious.

"Oh, just the girl that's going to make you run crying to daddy." Hope smirked, her hazel glinting at the idea of challenging Draco.

Draco's piercing blue eyes narrowed at Hope. He'd never admit it, but he liked the way she talked to him. The fact that she didn't try to ignore him or throw out pathetic insults, she actually threatened him. Very few have threatened Draco Malfoy, and those who did, became his priority to harass. And Hope had just made his list.

Birdie hated Draco ever since her second year at Hogwarts. She hated the way he treated her cousin. She hated the way he boasted about everything. She hated his need to make others unhappy so that he could feel tall. "Typical bully." She'd always think.

Even though he was still a prat, she'd noticed some differences in his appearance. He no longer slicked back his platinum colored hair. It now fell loosely onto his forehead. His face seemed more defined and less childlike.

"In a way, some could even call him... attractive?" Hope thought silently, before shaking her head and dismissing the passing thought. "Draco? Attractive? I'd rather listen to a Mandrake scream then EVER be caught dead with that toad."

Hope quickly turned back from her table, shaking off her thoughts of Draco. Dumbledore continued with his speech, announcing Hagrid to be teaching Care of Magical Creatures, causing the entire student body, excluding Slytherins, to clap excitedly. Hope adored Hagrid, he was the gentlest, most pure half-giant she'd ever met.

Dumbledore went on to discuss that Hogwarts would be allowing dementors on the grounds. He warned the student body not to give the dementors reason to harm. Hope silently disagreed with the idea. She thought it all pointless. Her father wasn't a killer.

"-for one only needs to remember, to turn on the light." Dumbledore finished, waving his hand over the candle, causing the flame to light.

All the students began their feast. Hope pilled nearly every piece of food onto her plate, except meat. She loved animals too much consume them for nourishment. Fred and George used to pester her for it until she turned them into rabbits, and threatened to have them for dinner. From then on, they've left the subject alone.

After all the students had their fill, each began heading to their separate dormitories.

As Hope stood, she'd accidentally bumped into Draco. The Slytherin boy grimaced.

"Watch it, Phoenix!" Draco snarled.

"Oh, shove it, you spineless toad." Hope muttered, shoving past the boy without remorse. Draco grunted. He couldn't let her get away with that, especially not in front of the other Slytherin students.

"Oh! Nix, look who it is!" A voice whispered from behind Hope. She knew instantly it was George. Even though their own mother would often get them confused, Birdie never did. They were entirely different and entirely aggravating in different ways.

"It's the love of your life." Fred finished, pointing to the dark haired Hufflepuff boy walking in front of them. Hope's cheeks instantly went red. Even from behind, he looked incredible. She didn't want to admit it, but she did fancy Cedric. Who didn't?

"Shut up, the both of you, before I turn you into fish and hurl you so far into the Black Lake and you'll never find your way back." Hope warned sternly while pointing a finger at the pair. Hope was fantastic at charms and hexes. Her mother told her she'd gotten her knack for mischief from her uncle and father, which she greatly prided herself on.

The boys merely chuckled, knowing she probably would turn them into fish, but messing with her was too much fun.

"Oi! Diggory!" Fred yelled, causing Hope to smack his chest. Cedric turned, giving a head nod to Fred before noticing Hope. A soft smile pulled at the corners of his lips as he waved at her. Hope bit her bottom lip gently as she began to wave back but ultimately found herself lying face down on the floor.

She stood up quickly, heat rising to her cheeks from embarrassment. She looked up to find Draco and his posse snickering.

"You pathetic little toad!" Hope exclaimed, slightly flustered. Draco chuckled lowly.

"Maybe you should watch where you're going, Phoenix."

Before Hope could open her mouth to throw out a more foul insult, she found herself face to face with her crush.

"Hey, you alright?" Cedric asked, his voice soft and eyes full of concern.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm alright." Hope muttered, dusting off her skirt. Cedric stared at her a moment before glancing to Draco.

"Don't- Don't mind him, alright?" Cedric advised.

"Yeah. Thanks." Hope said gratefully, a soft smile playing on her lips. Even though she felt embarrassed, Cedric checked on her. Hope rationalized that it's just because he's a Hufflepuff and he's kind but she didn't care.

And even though she'd agreed she wouldn't mind Draco, she did mind him. In fact, he wouldn't leave her mind. Everything about him managed to piss her off.

Draco and Hope had officially become enemies and it was the beginning of a race to see who could ruin who first.

Okay! I decided to continue this story since the majority of people wanted to read it. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Love to you all. (:
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