xvii. haunted

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June 27th, 1995

Hope stared dead ahead as Dumbledore spoke kind words about Cedric

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Hope stared dead ahead as Dumbledore spoke kind words about Cedric. She didn't move. She didn't cry. She just felt empty.

The sound of sniffling caused her to clench her fists tightly. Half of those crying barely knew Cedric. Hope instantly stood to her feet, her fists clenched at her sides. Her lips parted, but no words came out. She quickly closed her mouth and turned her back on the student body who stared at her in shock, before bursting out of the Great Hall.

She ran out the doors and through the corridor until she ran out of breath and collapsed on the cold floor.

"Voldemort." She whispered.

She wasn't afraid of saying his name. He killed her friend and in her mind, he was just a pathetic tyrant who killed those who posed a threat. Cedric was just in the wrong place and was killed for it.

Hope sighed softly. She knew her cousin was struggling just as much as she was. He dreamed of his death, she dreamed of seeing his cold, lifeless face.

"Hope." A male voice all too familiar whispered. Her head snapped up to find a platinum haired Slytherin boy.

"Draco." She croaked emotionlessly.

Draco, unsure of what to do, nervously slid down beside her. Hope stared ahead, unflinching.

"I'm sorry." Draco said gently, wanting to hold her, to comfort her but not knowing how.

Silence filled the air. Those same empty words everyone said.

"I'm sorry for your loss."

"Are you okay?"

How was she expected to reply? That she was fine? That it was okay?

But it wasn't. She wasn't fine and it wasn't okay that he was murdered in cold blood.

Draco stiffly wrapped his arm around her shoulder, pulling her to him. He turned towards her and lifted her chin gently. Her hazel eyes fluttered upwards to meet his. He thumbed her cheek softly before leaning in to kiss her.

Hope kissed back, enjoying the way it felt. To feel something other than loss and emptiness. Something that actually made her feel like she was still alive.

And then, Cedric's face flashed in her mind, causing her to quickly push Draco away. His brows furrowed in confusion.

"I can't." Hope whispered hoarsely while shaking her head.


"I'm sorry." She muttered, quickly standing to her feet and turning on her heel.

"Hope!" Draco called. "Hope, he's dead!"

Hope stopped and turned to face him slowly. Her eyes narrowing in on him.

"You think I don't fucking know that? You think I don't know he's gone and I'm never going to see him again? That his lifeless body haunts my fucking dreams? Please, remind me. Tell me again." Hope seethed lowly, her face inches from his.

Draco let out a puff of air but his eyes softened. He didn't mean it the way it came out. He never did.


"Leave me alone, Draco." She spat, her eyes blazing with fury. "We're done."

"Fine. Have it your way." Draco said through clenched teeth before turning on his heel and leaving her there in the hall, instantly feeling regret with each step.

And finally, the sob rose in her throat and the tears fell.


"Mum." Hope whispered upon seeing her mother waiting outside their little yellow home.

"Oh, Birdie." Genevieve cooed before scooping her daughter into her arms. For once, Hope didn't cry. She'd run out of tears.

"Mum, he's everywhere. I see him in everything I do, everywhere I go." Hope stuttered as she ran her fingers through her dark hair.

"I know. I saw James and Lily everywhere for a long time. Do you remember when Remus would stay over late?"

Hope nodded.

"Well, he would stay to help me with the nightmares. They were every night. Until finally they just... stopped."

"How did you get them to stop?" Hope asked desperately.

"I guess... I finally accepted that they were gone and that wasn't my fault." Genevieve whispered. Hope nodded, understanding her words.

"Harry is going through the same as me. He was there. He watched it happen." Hope said sadly.

"We'll have him stay a few nights. He shouldn't deal with the Dursley's at a time like this."

"Mum, he said- he said he saw Aunt Lily and Uncle James." Hope muttered biting her bottom lip. Genevieve sighed contently.

"They helped him, didn't they?"

"He said they did, yeah."

Genevieve smiled softly. "Of course they did."

The two entered the small home together, closing the door behind them. Genevieve made her daughter tea and Hope began to tell her mother about the year, leaving out a certain detail that she wasn't ready to speak of, yet. Jinx happily purred by Hope as she scratched his ear absentmindedly.

Hope was broken but she knew, even though things seemed bleak, day by day, it would get easier.

kind of a filler chapter. drope (draco & hope) are on rocky terrain atm. we'll see how things pan out for the next year (:
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