xv. hangover

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January 2nd, 1995
9:25 am

Hope awoke the next morning to a pounding migraine

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Hope awoke the next morning to a pounding migraine. She let out a soft groan as she sat up in her bed. She squeezed the bridge of her nose with her thumb and index finger as she took in a sharp breath.

"You alright, Nix?" Ginny asked with a soft smile playing on her lips.

"I'm brilliant." Hope murmured sarcastically.

"Oh, well I found these. They're addressed to you. One's from your mom, the other has no address." Ginny said as she extended two wrapped gifts. One was wrapped in red paper and a white bow. Hope smiled softly, knowing it was from her mother. The other was white with a card on the outside. On the card was a sketch of a large, black dog.

Hope grinned, knowing it was a gift from her father. As Hope lifted the box to inspect it, she saw a small hole in the side. As she peered into it, a big, green eye stared back at her. Hope furrowed her brows and quickly tore through the wrapping paper. When she removed the top of the box, a small black cat stared up at her curiously with a note resting beside it.

Hope scratched the kitten behind its ear as she read the note aloud.

"Happy Birthday, Birdie. I hate I can't be with you on this special day but I found someone who can. He is a very unique cat. He will protect you just as I would. Love you, always." Hope read, pursing her lips as she sniffled. She then set aside the note, turning to the black cat.

"Hello, there. What should I call you? Any preferences?" Hope asked. The cat's ear twitched as a response.

"How about... Jinx? That's a nice name, right?"

Jinx flicked his tail, signaling he enjoyed his new name. Hope pet him absentmindedly as she began to open the gift from her mother.

She peered inside to find a small, dainty silver colored ring. On it rested a small silver bird that flapped it's wings as she slid it onto her left index finger. She smiled softly knowing she'd write her mother and thank her incessantly for the obviously expensive gift.


The students bubbled with excitement about the upcoming final task. Hope only felt dread. Ever since the tournament began, she'd felt a nagging in the pit of her stomach. A gut feeling that something wasn't right.

A sigh escaped her lips as she took a shortcut through the courtyard. Her eyes looking up at the blue sky, not noticing the smirking figure nearby. Just as Hope began to pass by Draco, he pulled her to him. She let out a surprised gasp causing Draco to quickly cover her mouth since there were others nearby.

"Are you mad? What are you doing?!" Hope whisper-yelled as she shoved Draco off slightly. He only smirked.

"What? Scared of Potter seeing?" Draco murmured pompously as his eyes traveled to her lips.

Hope rolled her eyes in annoyance. "I don't want anyone seeing."

Draco's hand reached up to cup Hope's blushed cheek before thumbing her bottom lip gently. Hope tried not to smile. She tried to contain how it made her feel when he looked at her that way. How it made her feel when his skin grazed hers. How he made her feel.

Draco licked his bottom lip, craving her kiss. He spent a majority of the night thinking of her. Her soft lips. Her stunning hazel eyes staring back at him in shock. Her blushed cheeks that she tried to hide so desperately.

Hope craned her neck to look up at him as she leaned in slowly, not even realizing her actions. Her hands resting on his chest.

Their lips touched so softly. Barely at all. A small kiss filled with so much emotion.

"Hope!" Her cousins voice called nearby. Hope gasped and quickly pushed Draco off of her. Draco barely had time to regain his composure before Harry walked to the pair.

"What's going on?" Harry asked eyeing the two.

"Malfoy wouldn't bugger off so I thought I'd teach him a lesson." Hope lied casually.

"Leave her alone." Harry warned before turning to Hope. "Come on, Birdie, lets go."

"Bye bye, Birdie." Draco sang as the two walked away, his normal smirk resting on his lips. As much as Hope wanted to take another glance of him, she kept her eyes forward and pushed her thoughts of him to the back of her mind.

"What's the plan, Harry?" She asked turning to her cousin. A frazzled Harry pushed back his dark, unkept hair.

"I've no idea."

Hope took in a deep breath. "Well, don't worry about it. I'm sure everyone feels that way."

"Even Cedric?" Harry asked.

"He's not as self assured as he seemed, Harry. He's struggled with this, too. And just think, you're years younger." Hope said.

"Hey." Hope said, stopping Harry. "You can do this. We believe in you." Hope assured causing Harry to nod.

"Hey, Harry." A deep voice greeted, the two turned to see Cedric with a small smile on his lips. "Mind if I borrow Hope?"

"Not at all." Harry muttered before making his way to what Hope assumed was the library.

"Hey. What's going on?" Hope asked as she crossed her arms.

"Hope, do you not remember last night?" Cedric asked, tasing his brow.

Not much... why?" Hope asked slowly, anxiety filling her.

"Well, you said some things. One, being that someone kissed you. And you apologized that we didn't work."

"Oh, bloody hell! I am so sorry!" Hope gushed as her hands flew to cover her face out of embarrassment. Cedric chuckled lowly.

"It's alright, Hope. I had just wanted to tell you that Cho and I finally started dating. All thanks to you."

"That's amazing, Ced!" Hope exclaimed as she pulled Cedric into a hug.

"Yeah, she's grand." Cedric murmured as he released her. "But, I'll see you at the final task, yeah?"

"Of course, Ced! I'll be there cheering you both on." Hope smiled softly. Cedric grinned and nodded.

Unbeknownst to Hope, this would be the last time she ever saw him smile so genuinely.

So sorry for the wait. And this is kind of a filler chapter leading up to the final task. Sorry Ced :(
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