vi. malleable time

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November 15th, 1993
Hours Earlier

Hope, Harry, and Hermione had used her time turner to go back in time and fix everything that had transpired

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Hope, Harry, and Hermione had used her time turner to go back in time and fix everything that had transpired. Hope had awoken in the hospital to see her mother, unconscious, with her wound being tended to. Her father was in the highest tower awaiting the dementors kiss. If they didn't go back in time, her father would have his soul sucked out.

The three tried to retrace their steps, first they had to go to Hagrid's. But not before stopping to see Hermione punch Draco and Hope pin him against the wall.

"What did he say to you, Birdie?" Harry asked curiously. Hope sighed, biting her lip.

"Oh, um, he'd found out who my dad was and basically threatened me."

Harry's jaw tightened. He'd deal with Draco later. Nobody threatens his family.

"Malfoy's coming!" Hermione exclaimed before the trio jumped through the wall just as Malfoy and his goons ran through. Once, their other selves began running down towards Hagrid's hut, the three stealthily followed, careful not to be seen.

"Look! Buckbeak's still alive." Harry noticed as the three looked down at the creature from a hilltop.

"Of course!" Hermione said. "Remember what Dumbledore said? If we succeed, more than one innocent life could be spared."

"Let's go." Hope whispered, nudging the other two down the hill and behind the large pumpkins. They looked to see the minister, Dumbledore, and executioner coming down the hill towards them.

"It's them." Harry said as he started to stand but was quickly pulled down by Hermione and Hope.

"The minister has to see Buckbeak before we steal him." Hermione informed.

"Yeah, otherwise he'll think Hagrid set him free." Hope added as she watched her past self inside the hut.

"That's Pettigrew." Harry seethed, noticing Ron get "Scabbers" back.

"Harry, no." Hope said, shaking her head.

"That's the man who killed my parents, Hope!"

"I know that better than anyone, Harry. But, bursting through the door and seeing two Harry's in one place? Bad idea." Hope warned as she held his arm to keep him in place. He nodded slowly.

"Fudge is coming." Hermione noticed before turning towards the hut. "And we aren't leaving..."

Hermione looked at one of the pumpkins, noticing a rock on it. She picked it up and chucked it through the window, hitting Hope's past self in the back of the head.

Hope's present self winced in pain as she rubbed the back of her head. "Bloody hell, Hermione! Watch your aim."

"Sorry!" Hermione whispered before throwing another rock that hit the back of past Harry's head. Present Harry rubbed the back of his head gingerly.

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