Sorry (Hoseok)

145 7 33

A/N: aNNE nOTICEd mY cRApPy bOOk aND i'M sHOoK? LiKE wUT? hi btw...

Also, two more things: 1) I'm in Charleston, South Carolina from Sunday onwards for about a week so I decided to update early (while I still can lol), and 2) the chapters will sometimes overlap to show the different POVs of what happened... so sorry if this gets a bit confusing

Aaaaaanygay...... on to a long-ass chapter, featuring irrelevant shit! (The chapter will end at the same cliffhanger btw... sry to disappoint)

"HOBI WHERE ARE YOU?!" I wince as I move my phone away from my poor right ear (even though he sounds equally as loud in both).

"Calm your fucking tits, Jin. I'm on my way." I roll my eyes and sigh loudly before chuckling as I proceed to walk down the sidewalk. Phone in my pocket with my hands I watch a puff of my warm breath rise and dissipate into the surrounding cold air, patiently waiting in expectancy for Jin's voice to blast into my ears through my headphones in response to my remark. Fortunately, I didn't have to wait that long.

"YAH!!! TAKE THAT BACK, YOU DISRESPECTFUL DONGSAENG!! THAT'S HYUNG TO YOU, YOU POTTY-MOUTHED BRAT. EVER HEARD OF HONORIFICS?!?!" I laugh really hard this time, while still clutching my ears in pain. There are sometimes when I question how I hold so much respect for him...

"Aiight, Eomma. I get it that you're excited for your boyfriend's birthday, but calm down a little bit, will ya?" Jin's tone noticeably switches to the opposite end of the spectrum, and I can practically hear him smiling as he responds back to me.

"Ok, Hoseokie.... just remember to get the cake from the forest house pla—"

"Jin hyung. I'll be fine. Stop worrying about me." I let out a small grin as I respond to my worried hyung's unnecessary reminder, not pointing out that the 'forest house place' is actually an inn. "I can take care of myself," I pause as I notice the light change and quickly run across the road before continuing again, "...I promise."

Hearing the senior who has millions of things on his plate worry about me ironically makes me worry about him. For the seven years I've known him, Jinnie has always taken it upon himself to make sure that not a single hand is laid on me without my consent. And whenever things have happened to me, he would beat himself up and cry when he thought no one was looking. One time I just couldn't take it anymore and I confronted him about it. He's been getting better slowly for the past 3 years, not only because of me, but because of the friends we made together along the way: Kim Namjoon (his boyfriend), Min Yoongi, Park Jimin, and Kim Taehyung. I internally beam with pride after realizing how far Jinnie hyung has come. Obviously, though, this all happened in only a few seconds, cuz fanfics amirite.

I finally get yanked out of my own thoughts back to the present when I hear Jin cough slightly before answering, slyness already detectable in his voice. "Mhmm says the guy who decided to go shopping on his own and—"

"Hyuuuuuung~" I whine in the cutest way my tired, numb face can while pressing my hands into it. "I thought we agreed that we'd never bring up that incident again...!" The once still air is now rushing into my face as if it were a silent alarm clock to wake me up. Suddenly, I hear Taehyung's equally whiny yet chipper voice in the background, complaining that Jin isn't doing anything to help and something around the lines of 'Namjoon is going to be half an hour early' or something. Jin swears under his breath and I chuckle for the third time today as he hastily leaves the call.

I take this moment to sigh contently before checking my phone, which reads 7:07. Ah, it's time to make a wish! I close my eyes, sniffling softly, and silently pray for a quick second before I realize something's off. I can't feel my nose. At all. My eyes grow wide, almost about to pop out of my sockets, before I race to the forest inn right across the street. When I hear the small bell on the door ring, I simultaneously sigh in relief after feeling the warmth of the cozy building envelope me in a tight embrace. I keep my eyes closed in serenity until I hear an amused and familiar, deep voice.

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