Lost (Jungkook)

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A/N: JUNGKOOKIE IS BAK (also this will be extremely short)

          The last thing I remember before waking up is collapsing in a stranger's arms. This stranger had perfectly styled black hair, a sharp jawline, and two beautiful round, dark eyes that glistened in the dark.  He wore these really expensive looking jeans and an oversized gray hoodie. He gave me a worried look when I passed out in the forest, too. It's been a while since someone has done that to me. But, it's pointless reminiscing. So, you're probably asking, 'Jungkook you absolute idiot how the heck did you end up in this place?' To be honest, I don't even know. I slowly get up to take in my surroundings., hoping for a clue of some sort. Well, that doesn't take me long because there wasn't isn't really anything to take in. Now, I'm in this dark place with no idea how I got here or how to get out.

          Suddenly, I hear a little girl humming softly. I can't figure out exactly what it is, so I try to move closer to the sound. All my attempts were futile, but the voice gets louder on its own. Immediately, I recognize the song she's humming- it's one I know all to well. Trembling in fear, I break out into a sprint. I don't know where I'm going, but all I can think of is trying to get the fuck out of here. Again, I'm not getting anywhere, and the voice is still getting louder. I run faster and faster until the song ends. At that moment, to chains launch at my arms and legs, securing them in place. The little girl started to call my name repeatedly. The sound of skipping progressively got louder and echoed through the chamber I was in. The voice of a little girl, calling my name repeatedly, the sound of her getting louder and louder as she says it again. "Jungkook".  All I can do is tremble at this point, knowing what's going to happen next.

Unexpectedly, the girl stops. It's like she completely disappeared. Instead, I feel a soft tap on my shoulder. I whip my head around, just to see him. A punch gets thrown at my right cheek, and a knee is shoved in my gut. I fall forward, doubling over in pain, as he stomps his foot on my back a couple of times. I let out a quiet sob and he slowly walks in front of me right before crouching down and squeezing my cheek harshly. I want to say it hurts, I want to run. But, I can't. You can run, but you can't hide. I look up in horror as the man smirks evilly and vanishes. The ground starts to tremble violently, a bright white crack zipping down the middle of the earth, between my two feet. The chains fall, and so do I, into a realm of nothingness once again.


Lol sry for the trashy content I'm high off of literally sleeping 2 hours only over the past 3 days... like srsly a 13 yr old shouldn't be doing this...... I suck at life lmao T_T

Aaaaanyways tysm for sticking with the crappy author that is this freshman piece of shit who managed to fuck up her update schedule after like one fucking chapter *gestures to self*

Aaaaanyways tysm for sticking with the crappy author that is this freshman piece of shit who managed to fuck up her update schedule after like one fucking chapter *gestures to self*

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I luv u all so muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuch <3

I luv u all so muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuch <3

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...lol bye again


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