Awake (Hoseok)

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"He's awake."

Everything was a haze to me as those two words hung loosely in the open air. My mind was... occupied, to say the least. My heart raced at the thought of the pretty stranger regaining consciousness, but also weighed down with worry at the thought of how he must be taking in his surroundings. I quickly realized that there was no point in idly questioning the state of the younger, and instead urged Namjoon to step on the gas. 

When we finally made it to the hospital, I lept out of the car immediately and raced to the main lobby. The annoying receptionist was taking too long talking to Yoongi hyung, so I ended up snapping and yelling at her to give us the damn room number. To say that the others were surprised would be a big understatement. The lady gave us the room number and guest key, and with that, we took off. Well, more like I ran away and the others tried to follow. We made our way to the second floor and to the B wing. The rooms weren't numbered in order, so we quickly got lost. The fragile boy's sobbing face appeared in my mind as I started to hyperventilate. Jin hyung was calming me down until we all heard a loud, painful cry. All the six of us had to do was share a glance before hastily walking to the room. I looked at the number. 221. This is it

I rush in with the others only to be welcomed by a small boy thrashing and screeching to keep the nurses away. With each step a person in white took, his big doe eyes would widen even more as he'd shrink behind a pillow. My heart shattered at the sight. I push past the white cloaked people, run up to him, and give him a tight hug. I squeeze my eyes shut, hoping he remembers me. A few seconds feel like an eternity. To my surprise, the doll-like patient leans into my chest, slowing down his trembling. At that moment, I was fully aware of a few things: 1) I was smiling like an idiot, 2) Taehyung, Jimin, Yoongi, Namjoon, and Jin were all staring and smirking, and 3) the nurses couldn't seem to comprehend or care about what was going on. Did I mind? No. Was I going to change anything? No. After a few more seconds, I craned my neck and politely asked everyone behind me to give the two of us some personal space. Not letting go of my embrace, I look down at him and smile. " You're awake."

A/N: Hi my beautiful people I am so so so so soooo sorry about not updating at all this year wow it's 2019. Uhm, in short, a lot has been going on for me personally. My best friend (now ex-best friend) stabbed me in the back twice, I failed my midterms, and my grandparents fell ill back in India. Everything's much better now, so I'll try to update more frequently and get back on track. Also sorry for the short chapter only 440 words...

aNYWAYS I love you all thank you for not hating me ig lol

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