Home (Hoseok)

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Time skip: 3 weeks

I'll never forget the name I read a few weeks ago on the name tag of the small, fragile boy. This same person has changed my life and the lives of my friends tremendously. When he entered our lives, the six of us felt as if he was filling a void we never knew even existed. In this time, we've all gotten close to our no longer timid new roommate. We've laughed together, cried together, and so much more.

Although it took a lot of time and effort, we finally got Jungkook to open up to of us. Not gonna lie, I do miss the days when he'd cling onto me alone like a small little bunny, but I'm a lot happier now that I can see he looks like he's at home. The fear that used to be in him seemed to completely vanish. Now he's smiling a lot more, he looks less pale, and he's a lot less 'skin and bones' per se. It's happy to know that Jungkook's role in our family seems to be benefiting him as much as it's benefiting us.

Jin's a lot happier now than he used to be and always refers to Jungkook as his youngest child. The smol bean has grown to take advantage of his status to get everything he wants, even if it is 5 gallons of banana milk. Jinnie does "scold" him a lot, but you can see the joy in his eyes as he does so. Namjoon, even though he loves the tiny new addition, easily gets jealous of their relationship. It's definitely... entertaining. Jungkook also makes fun of Joonie for how clumsy he is, trying to cover his obvious flinch every time the infamous God of Destruction drops or breaks something.

You can easily see a change in Yoongi-hyung too. He's less annoyed about the world and more annoyed at the little child. But, it's evident that he has a soft spot for the bunny. Jungkook hangs out with him a lot more than he hangs out with me now. I can hear his angelic voice as he sings for Yoongi Hyung as he makes his songs. I wish he would sing for me one day. The two of them meet up to do this every other day, and their singing sessions last for hours. It sort of gets lonely without my roommate by my side... nOT SAYING THAT I'M BOTHERED BY THAT OR ANYTHING HA NOT AT ALL!

Even though we barely knew him for a month, we're all instantly infatuated by him. He can do everything. Literally. When Chim and I would go for dance, Jungkook would ask where we were going as he would've been alone in the house. I, being the softie I am, let him come with us to watch. That night, he immediately picked up the dance step we were learning. The coaches at the studio were astonished to say the least. So, now he comes to class with us before coming back home to play overwatch with Tae.

A pang of hurt forms in my chest every time we go to dance practice, as even then he's surrounded by a crowd of girls. He seems happy enough, so why should I be put off by it? I know I'm being extremely selfish when I say this, but I miss when we used to spend more time together. I mean, alone, like we used to two weeks ago. Not just because I enjoy his company, but I'm worried about him too. About a few days ago, I started to notice Jungkook acting differently. I don't think anyone has noticed his slight change in behaviour, so I decide against telling them because they already worry about the boy so much.

He's starting to look like the way he did when we originally found him. Well, minus the bruises. He's gotten noticeably skinnier. Sometimes he'd stagger in his walk, and other times he wouldn't come back to our room from god knows where until really late in the night. There are times he's stumbled in at 3am and before getting in bed. Since I'm a light sleeper, I notice these things silently. I try to check on him from time to time, but he always wears the same faint grin, ensuring me that he's fine. I don't believe him one bit though. It's not that hard for me to see right through his lies. He was on such a positive trend, and now everything's just going back to how it used to be, and it scares me. What happened to him? Why is he like this? I just want him to be happy and healthy again.

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