Lost (Seokjin)

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A/N: Yeh, it's Jinnie speaking this time. Jinnie plays a huge part in Hobi's life, so his POV may be one of the chapters. That being said (uhmm... typed...?), this is only part of the surprise, but enjoy (I hope) ^v^!

WARNING: SHORT CHAPTER (pfft as if all of mine aren't already)

It's been three weeks since Namjoon's birthday, and Hoseok is currently an absolute mess. Three. Fucking. Weeks. I've known Hobi for what has seemed like all my life, and yet, I've never been able to understand how he's able to get so attached to everything in literally a few seconds. I remember the first time I got him to finally open up to me (it took a lot of effort, so thank me, beaches *flips hair*) and he cried after watching my class goldfish die. He only saw it once. I swear if he's not a fluffy ball of sunshine who's unfortunately gone through shit he never deserved, I don't know what he is. AAAAAAAAANYWAYS, back to how my favorite hoe- I mean, adorable little brother (😇) turned into this emotional mess sprawled across the floor.

- Flashback -

The 5 of us (Joonie, Yoongles, Chiminie, Taehyungie, and I) found Hoseok in the middle of a forest clearing and immediately engulfed him into a hug, huddling around him as if we were his shield from the outside world. After about a minute or two of us whispering comforting words, Hoseok fell unconscious in my arms. The others' eyes widened, looking concerned. Joonie even whipped out his phone to call the paramedics again. Such a dependable boyfriend~💕 I grabbed his hand and pushed it down before shaking my head and asking for help with picking up Hoseokie. We all carried him to the car and drove home.

The next morning, we were all out of the house by 5:30 am. 'Why?', you may ask, 'Are you crazy?' Yes, we are, but that's beside the point. Joon got a call from the paramedics that said they were ready to let us see Mr. Perfect Fetus. Hoseok was the first one up and splashed cold water on Yoongi and Jimin to wake them up. Taehyung was lucky. We all sped out onto the road and towards the hospital, with Namjoon and Yoongi in the front, Jimin and Taehyung in the back, and Hobi and I in the middle so we can get out first. Hobi could not sit still. He only met the stranger a day ago and he's already so emotionally attached. I haven't seen him like that since.... well, that's a different story.

As soon as we reached the parking lot (although Joon was still hadn't parked yet and the car was still moving slowly), Hoseok opened the door and jumped out before dashing towards the main building. The other four were yelling as I followed after him, racing as fast I could to keep up.

When I reached the lobby, I saw Hoseok talking rapidly and furiously with one of the doctors, who eventually led 6 of us (when we all arrived) down the hallway to the office of one of the doctors. Now, this is where Hoseok officially lost it. The doctor in this room said that the pretty stranger was still unconscious and his vitals were not stable and that he was being kept in a room so no one could come to visit. We eventually reached home, and Hobi collapsed on my bed as soon as we did. Ever since then, he hasn't eaten much (only when I force him to) and has stayed locked up in his room (sometimes mine) for days without end.

- End of Flashback -

So, yeah. There's a lot going on. All of us are worried about him. That reminds me, I should go check on him. Quietly, I tiptoe to my room and cautiously open the door so it doesn't make a creaking sound, only to see Hoseok lying down on the bed looking at me with a dull expression. He stretches his arms out towards me, and I immediately react. I give him a soft smile before walking in and giving him a long hug. We sit there for a while, Hoseok's face tucked into the crook of my neck, taking in short, shaky breaths. I gently caress his bony back in an attempt to give him some comfort, and to my surprise, he leans into the touch. It pains my heart to see my dongsaeng that I have treasured for so long this troubled and vulnerable. We were having a  moment together, but Namjoon rushes in and ruined it, stumbling over his feet in the process. I give my clumsy king a 'really?' look, just to have my eyes widen in shock with what he says next.

"He's awake."

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