Lost (Hoseok)

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A/N: This lil A/N isn't really necessary I just wanted to say sorry for the really late update, and that to make up for it, I've prepared a surprise for you guys.... heh heh heh....


As soon as the boy loses consciousness, my mind was completely blank. I... I panicked. I picked up my phone and call Jin right away. I don't know why it didn't call 1-1-9 or something. I guess it was because I was so much more comfortable with Jin hyung. Plus, he would know what to do after I told him the situation, right?

After dialing his number, my phone rang for too long. What were, in reality, a mere 5 seconds felt like an entire eternity. The situation was extremely stressful, you know. With one arm I was trying to reach the one person who can calm me down and possibly save a life, and with the other arm, I'm carefully gently holding the small, fragile head of a complete stranger. What if Jin gets mad at me? What if the old guy finds the two of us before I can get help? What if I'm too late? The thoughts racing through my mind give me a searing headache, feeling as though it's piercing through my temple, blurring my vision.

Jin picked up quickly, and thankfully, didn't immediately start yelling like I thought he would. Instead, a jumble of incomprehensible words fell out of his mouth in a rushed, yet soft and gentle manner. As soon as his voice is heard through my phone, I immediately fall apart. I sob as if it's the only purpose for my existence, not paying attention to Jin's muffled orders to whoever was in the background. After a minute or so of hearing the faint sounds of yelling and shuffling, I hear Jin come back to the phone.

He asks if I'm ok, to which I don't answer. Jin presses the issue, bombarding me with questions. "OhmygodHobiwhathappenedareyoubleadingdidyoudieohwaitifyoudiedthenyouwouldn'thavebeenabletocallmeinthefirstplacehahahawowI'mstupidanswerme,myabsolutefavoritehoe....waitCANYOUEVENFEELYOURFACEISTHATWHYIHEARNOTHINGFROMYOU?!" I put my phone on speaker mode and place it on a rock next to me so I don't drop it because of nerves. Shaking, I move my arm from under the stranger's head with caution and proceed to protectively hug his delicate, frail, ivory-colored body, pressing my sweaty hands against his wrist, trying to check for his pulse. I forget that Jin is there, and regret it.

"JUNG FUCKING HOSEOK ANSWER ME, BITCH!" I jump slightly, tensing when I hear Jin's angry voice above a lot of whirring background noise. Jin is literally the calmest person I know (not saying that I know many people... but still). He seems to get angry only once in a blue moon, so it's scary hearing my hyung actually genuinely upset. I wipe the tears streaming down my face and get ready to say something to make sure he doesn't get even more mad at me. This process takes me about 30 seconds, thank god.

"S-stranger hurt....  man with d-dagger........" Just as I thought I was getting better, I proved myself wrong when I choked on another sob. Nice going, Hoe-suck. Right after that, I hear multiple cars screeching and the patter of feet rustling the leaves on the ground. Instinctively, I  shift in front of the injured person behind me and grab a twig off the tree, holding it out like a sword in an attempt to defend the two of us. To my relief, I see a familiar face run towards me, engulfing me in a bone-crushing hug. I tuck my face into the crook of Seokjin's neck, practically inhaling the scent of shelter and safety. The others huddle around me too, whispering sweet nothings in my ears as I slowly stop hyperventilating. I sigh in relief as I make out people in white suits, from the corner of my eye, placing the arrangement of bones tightly wrapped with a thin layer of skin that is the unconscious child I had acquainted myself with earlier onto a white stretcher, racing out of the clearing. Exhaling in contentment, I close my eyes and let myself drift off into unconsciousness as well.



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