• three •

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January 20th, 2013

"There is literally nothing you can do about it now, so just stop thinking about it. About him. Stop feeling bad because you left him there alone. If he wanted to hang out with you he would've been here. But he's not here. Ugh just stop dwelling on this dumb thought and enjoy yourself" Johnny battled with himself, as he often did these days.

He had been playing Ski-Ball by himself for almost and hour now, and the other trainees were starting to worry about him. He was never this quiet, and he seemed to have a strange look on his face. Worry? Or maybe it was grief. It was hard to tell, since he didn't get this way very often.

"Johnny is everything okay? You've barely talked to us since we've been here. Plus you've been playing that stupid game for almost and hour and haven't even won anything." Taeyong joked, but his voice was still laced with concern.

Johnny stopped playing the game, and faced Taeyong, with a nervous, pleading look in his eye.

"Do you care if I go home early?" Johnny asked abruptly.

"Of course I don't, I'm not forcing you to be here, but can you at least tell me what's up? You can't just act like nothing is wrong." Taeyong lectured, almost parent like.

Johnny faked a smile and tried to look as happy as he could, "Taeyong everything is fine, there's no need to worry about me. I just haven't been feeling too well today. I think I might be catching a cold or something, but it's no big deal! I kinda just wanna go home and rest." Johnny explained, assuring the other that nothing was wrong.

Taeyong looked a bit concerned at first, but quickly lightened up, "Hopefully you're not getting sick, but thanks for letting me know! It makes me happy to know that my friends are doing well. Sorry for getting a bit worried, I just want to make sure everything is going good. Go ahead and go back to the dorms, and if you're still up when we get back, I'll make you some warm soup. Be careful and call me if you need anything!" Taeyong finished cheerfully.

Johnny was greatly relieved that Taeyong didn't question him any further, and he was free to go home. He did kinda feel bad lying to him though, but it wasn't necessarily a lie. It was true that he wasn't feeling well, but he knew the reason, and it wasn't some stupid cold. It was the short, bold, beautiful boy that was sitting at the dorms at this very moment. All alone. Johnny didn't know why this boy that he had just met made him feel things so strongly. He had never felt happiness like he did while they cooked breakfast together. He had never felt attraction like he did when he watched the younger boy smile, eyes disappearing from the pure joy in his face. And he had never felt guilt like he had when he walked out of the dorms earlier that day, abandoning the boy with a pleading look in his eye.

Johnny had already arrived at the dorms by now, and was walking through the door when he heard yelling and a loud noise. The voice he heard was unfamiliar, but then he heard a second, softer voice. "Please... just leave..." the soft voice whimpered, in between loud sobs, "You were never... you were never supposed to find me! Why are you here!?" The soft voice became louder, and it was then that Johnny became aware of who this voice belonged to. Ten.

He quickly made his way into the room that contained the scene that was echoing through his ears. When he reached the room, he saw Ten, sitting up against the wall, crying, while a much bigger guy towered over him, holding his fist up. The sight in front of Johnny split his heart into two. One side filling with agony, and the other with rage. Before processing what he was doing, Johnny grabbed the other guy buy the collar of his shirt, turning him around, and landed the hardest punch he could conjure right into the center of his face. He could feel the cracking of bone underneath his fist, and knew immediately that the guy's nose was broken. But he didn't care, all he cared about right now was the shocked, younger boy sitting on the floor. He looked Ten in the eye, grabbed his hand, and quickly led him out of the room.

"Stay here, don't move" Johnny demanded to.

Johnny made his way back to the room where he the guy still was. He was lying on the ground, holding his nose, while blood seeped out of the cracks between his fingers.

"Okay listen to me. I don't know who you are, but I'm sure you know who we are, and who we work for. I could easily get you arrested or worse, but if you leave right now, and never set foot near this place again, I won't say anything about it. That is a promise. I don't want to get involved in anything, and cause an even bigger problem than there already is, so I advise that you listen to me, and take my offer." Johnny spat out harshly, barely being able to contain himself.

The man got up, glared at Johnny, and left, saying nothing. As soon as he walked out of the door Johnny ran into the room where Ten was. He had stopped crying by now, but his face was still red and puffy.

"Oh no" Johnny started, staring at Ten in disbelief. He just noticed his lip was bleeding and swollen. "D-did he hit you?" Johnny mumbled, shaking from the anger built up inside him.

"Johnny it's fine, I'm fi-" Ten said nervously, but was interrupted.

"Fine? No it's not fine! He! Hit! You! He's gonna-" Johnny started yelling, feeling his blood boil. He didn't know why he was so angry, he never got like this.

"Johnny!" Ten yelled, stopping the elder's yelling, and bringing him back to reality. "Please just drop it, he's gone now, I'm okay" Ten finished calmly.

Johnny wasn't sure what came upon him, but he pulled the younger into a tight hug, wanting to heal him and protect him. All at once, so many different feelings went running through his body, and so many different thoughts filled his head. And that's when Johnny made one of the most important decisions of his life.

"From now on, I will protect him. I will stay by his side, even when he doesn't want me there. I will watch over him, even when he doesn't know I am. I will always be there when he needs me, and I will be there even when he doesn't. From this day on, you, Ten, will be my number one priority." Johnny vowed to himself.

He didn't know why he felt so strongly for the younger boy, who he barely knew, but he wasn't going to let this go. He won't stand around and watch him get hurt again.

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