• six •

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January 20th, 2013

Johnny quickly headed to Ten's room, which was shared by Doyoung, Taeil, and Yuta, but Yuta was still sipping milk and being nosy in the kitchen. Doyoung and Taeil were there, but Johnny didn't care right now. He just needed to be with the younger, smaller, beautiful boy. Did he have feelings for him? No, that's impossible, he barely even knew him. The younger just brought him comfort, and that's what he was going to get. He opened the door and immediately made eye contact with Ten, who was still wrapped up in the blanket, munching on the popcorn. Johnny looked over at Doyoung and Taeil, who were both on the same bed, watching a movie on Doyoung's laptop. They stared back at him, but didn't seem too concerned, and soon gave their attention back to the screen. Johnny finally made up his mind to enter the room. He walked over to Ten's bed, and looked him in the eye, confident, but still feeling nervous.

"Do you care if I stay here for a little while? It's fine if you don't want me to though, I can go to my room, it's just we didn't finish our movie and I don't want to just end the night like that, I thought maybe we could just hang out here for a little while. If that's fine." Johnny ended, looking for a response from the younger.

Ten giggled and unwrapped himself from the blanket, and held his arms wide open, inviting Johnny onto his bed, and into his arms. Johnny looked nervously at the other two boys in the room, and then back at Ten.

"Just come on" Ten said playfully, realizing that the older wasn't sure about this.

Johnny smiled a bit, and let himself onto Ten's bed, and was immediately engulfed by the younger. Ten had wrapped his arms around him, and also pulled the blanket over them. Johnny's ears turned a light shade of red, and he hoped the younger didn't notice this. Johnny felt a sense of relief wash over him. Being held by the younger was just so comforting, and he didn't know why. He had never felt anything like this, and it scared him. He felt so many different emotions, joy, bliss, comfort, relief, happiness, nervousness, confusion, and so many others that he couldn't even describe. He was deep in thought, when the younger snapped him out of it.

"Hyung" Ten said quite loudly, apparently this wasn't his first attempt at getting Johnny's attention.

"Huh" Johnny mumbled back.

"I said do you wanna finish the movie on my laptop" Ten said slowly, making sure the older was paying attention.

"Oh yeah, sure" Johnny said, still not fully back to reality.

Ten finally pulled his arms away from the older, getting up to get his laptop. Johnny took this time to make himself comfortable, lying on his back with his arms behind his head. Ten's bed was definitely more comfortable than his own.

"I should come here more often" Johnny thought to himself, "wait, that's kinda weird, maybe not" He concluded his thoughts.

Ten climbed back onto the bed, opened his laptop, and got the movie pulled up. Once he found where they had left off, he set the laptop on Johnny's stomach, and layed his head on the elder's chest. Johnny was a little taken back by this at first, but that feeling soon left. The younger boy looked so magnificent from this angle. Johnny could see every hair on his head, perfectly positioned. His petite frame looked so beautiful lying there beside him. Everything about him was just perfect, and this was an amazing sight. Johnny could definitely get used to this. He smiled to himself, thinking about spending more days like this with the younger.
As Johnny was admiring the other boy, two more boys were watching the scene unfold in front of them. Doyoung and Taeil's movie had ended, but before they started to get ready for bed, they noticed what was going on on the other side of them room.

"I'm just gonna stay here for now, I don't want to interrupt anything" Taeil whispered to the other.

"Yeah that's probably a good idea, honestly I don't even know what to think. I've never seen Johnny like this with anyone, not even Jaehyun." Doyoung replied.

"Yeah this is odd. Maybe I'll ask him about it tomorrow, but you know how he is, he gets all awkward and never wants to talk about things." Taeil suggested.

"Yeah, he doesn't really like talking about things like that. Oh my- Look!" Doyoung slapped Taeil's arm, obviously shocked about something.

Johnny had started running his hand through the younger boy's hair, smiling to himself subtly.

"I don't know if this is cute, or if I wanna throw up.." Doyoung said quietly, but maybe not quiet enough, because Johnny looked up and quickly removed his hand.

Ten, who was apparently sleeping, was woken up by this, and lifted his head off of Johnny's chest, and sat up, looking like a tired, confused puppy.

"Let's sleep" He mumbled, shutting the laptop and putting it in the floor. He layed back down on Johnny, pulled the blanket back over them, and shut his eyes.

Johnny wasn't planning on sleeping here, but now he had no choice. He was kind of happy about it though, but he would never admit that. Falling asleep was an easy task tonight, unlike usual.

"Gross" Doyoung mumbled before turning around and going to sleep.

"It's kinda cute" Taeil replied quietly, going to sleep as well.

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