• twelve •

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January 22nd, 2013

Ten woke up to a heavy feeling on his chest. No, not his chest, his whole body. He opened his eyes slowly and saw something so beautiful it should be illegal. A sleeping Johnny. A beautiful, peaceful, happy Johnny. His body was thrown across Ten's. And his face was lying on his chest, giving him the perfect view. His brown hair was messy but looked so soft. His lips were parted and wore a slight pout. His eyelashes were visible due to his closed eyes, and they looked so pretty. His skin was radiating in the morning sunlight. This moment was everything Ten could ever dream of. He wanted to spend the rest of his life like this. Admiring the most beautiful person on earth. He truly is the prettiest boy Ten has ever seen. The sleeping boy slowly started to open his eyes. He wasn't fully awake yet, but he noticed the younger staring at him.

"Hi baby." He said with the softest, sweetest voice Ten had ever heard.

His eyes were barely open and Ten thought he hadn't even noticed what he was saying. However, Johnny was fully awake, and knew exactly what he had said.

"He seems to really like it when I call him baby. Even though he doesn't let it show, I can tell it makes him happy. So from now on, he's my baby." Johnny thought to himself. Little did he know, Ten also had a plan.

"He's in no place to call me baby right now. I mean look at him. He looks like the cutest, softest baby in the world. Even though he's so much bigger than me, he seems so small and gentle. He really is tiny at heart. So from now on, he's my baby." Ten made up his mind, not knowing what the other had already decided on.

Ten ran his fingers through Johnny's hair, watching how it perfectly fell back into place. Johnny just smiled, closing his eyes, still laying on the younger's chest. He enjoyed this more than he could explain. They both did.

"We need to get up baby, the new trainees will be here soon." Ten told him softly.

"But I'm comfortable." Johnny said, pouting.

"Me too, but we really should get up. Taeil and Doyoung are already up, and everyone else probably is too." Ten replied.

Johnny slowly got up off of the younger, and out of bed.

"Aw he looks like a sleepy puppy this is so cute." Ten was mentally sobbing at how cute Johnny was.

"I'm gonna go take a shower I guess, I'll see you when I get out." Johnny said, obviously still sleepy.

"Okay, but I need to get in there too, so don't take too long." Ten replied.

"Alright." Johnny said, grabbing his things and walking into the bathroom.

"They'll be here in fifteen minutes!" Taeyong yelled from the other room.

Johnny and Ten stared at each other. Both of them thinking the same thing, but not wanting to say it.

"Maybe.. Can I... Okay Johnny just let me shower with you." Ten finally just said it.

Johnny's face turned red, even though he knew this didn't mean anything. They just didn't have enough time to shower individually. Both of them had an awkward look on their face, and they didn't really know what to do next.

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