• eight •

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January 21st, 2013

All of the boys were at the company now, in the practice room, and Johnny was excited, to say the least. This is the first time he gets to see Ten dance. He's heard about how great he is, but hadn't seen him dance at all yet. So he was genuinely looking forward to it. They had been stretching for almost 30 minutes when Yuta broke the peaceful atmosphere.

"Can we get started already? If I stretch anymore my limbs might actually fall off. Also, there's someone here that I'd like to see dance." Yuta added, with a smirk, getting up off of the floor.

"Oh yeah, the new trainee is apparently pretty good, so let's see it. Let's see what you've got." Mark replied, also getting up, triggering everyone else to stand up too.

"First of all his name is Ten, and don't put him on the spot like that Mark." Johnny snapped back with a bit of an attitude. He didn't like them talking to Ten that way.

"No it's fine, I don't mind. Watch closely, and maybe take notes if you need to." Ten reallyyyyyyy snapped back. He mainly aimed this attack at Mark, but it hit all of the others quite hard.

"Confident, I like it." Taeyong said, smirking.

Jaehyun ran over to a corner of the room to put some music on for the Ten. He started playing something that Ten hadn't heard before, but it had a good beat.

"Is this fine?" Jaehyun asked.

"Yeah, this sounds pretty good, thanks." Ten added, his manners coming back to him.

"Ok Ten, don't mess this up. You need to impress them. No. You need to shock them. You need to be better than what they're expecting, you need to give it all you've got. This needs to be your best performance yet. This could determine your position as a dancer, but more importantly. Johnny. Johnny hyung is watching. His eyes are on you, and you only, so put on a good show." Ten tried to hype himself up. He seemed confident on the outside, but he was actually quite nervous.

He waited for the right moment to start dancing, and as soon as that moment came, it was beautiful. His body moved with the music, hitting every beat perfectly. The way he was dancing, was just magnificent. It seemed as if the music ran through one end of his body, and out the other. He wasn't dancing to the song anymore. The song was playing to his dance. It was incredible. None of the trainees had ever seen anyone dance like that. Sure they were good, but their skills were nothing compared to Ten's.

"Oh. My. God." Johnny was definitely not expecting this. "He's amazing, and his.... his body looks beautiful moving like that. Everything is perfect, every move, every step, every expression, everything."

Ten looked over and realized Johnny was definitely looking at his body, so he decided to give him a little more, just for fun. He changed his dancing a bit, becoming softer, but still sharp. He moved his hips a bit more, making sure every curve on his body was to be seen. He noticed the elder's face was red, but he was still watching his very move. All of a sudden, Ten felt very confident and full on slut dropped, putting in a big body roll on the way back up.

Johnny felt his whole body heat up. He realized the younger was staring him directly in the eyes.

"I-Is this for me? Is he trying to kill me??" Johnny was internally panicking. "I'd definitely like to see more of this, but not right now. He's dancing like that. For me. In front of everyone else. He really has no shame. Or maybe he's dancing for them too? Either way this has to stop or else I might pass out." And with that, Johnny walked over to the corner and stopped the music.

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