• fourteen •

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January 22nd, 2013

Half of the trainees had just left, so the dorms were a lot quieter now. Johnny didn't like being alone, so he decided to go talk to some of the others.

"Alright let's see..." Johnny thought carefully before making his choice, "Doyoung and Taeil are kinda boring, and probably would just ignore me anyways. Yuta and Sicheng are supposed to be studying, but Yuta is probably just flirting with Sicheng, and I don't really want to be there for that. I guess that leaves Jeno and Jaemin. I haven't really talked to either of them yet, but I suppose this is my chance. Well, here we go." Johnny thought as he opened the door to the room that only they were in.

"Hey guys!" Johnny said as he entered the room.

However, he didn't get a response, because the two boys were asleep, on Yuta's bed, cuddling. Well, more like Jaemin was cuddling Jeno. It was honestly one of the cutest things Johnny had ever seen. It was so pure, and they looked so cute.

"Well, I don't want to wake them up, but if they don't get up soon, they might miss the party.... I'll just wait until the others get back and see what Taeyong thinks. Maybe we should just let them sleep. They're young, and not used to the trainee life yet. I guess I'll just go bother someone else now." Johnny thought, quietly making his way out of the room, and into the kitchen, where he found Yuta and Sicheng, actually studying.

"Wow, I didn't know you were actually good at this." Johnny said to Yuta, genuinely surprised.

"Well, I've already done this myself, so it's pretty easy now. Plus I like helping Sicheng." Yuta said, smiling at Sicheng sweetly.

Sicheng smiled back at him, sweet, but also shy.

"Oh, show Johnny how much you've learned already! Introduce yourself like we've been practicing!" Yuta told the other excitedly, but slow enough for him to understand. Sicheng processed what the other has said, then proceeded to do so.

"Hello, my name is Dong Sicheng. I'm in Korea as an SM trainee, but I'm originally from China." Sicheng said, in almost perfect Korean, although it took him a while to get it out.

"Woah! That was amazing! Yuta you're either a really good teacher, or he's a quick learner." Johnny said.

"Both probably." Yuta replied proudly.

"Well, I'm glad this is going so well, at this pace, you'll be fluent in no time." Johnny said to Sicheng.

"Oh yeah.... I just remembered," Johnny started, "Ten told me to make sure everyone was dressed and ready for the party. We might want to go do that, he said they wouldn't be gone very long." Johnny explained.

"Oh so now you're taking orders from him?" Yuta teased.

"Only when I want to, but if it makes him happy, then yes." Johnny explained honestly.

"Oh so you just want to make him happy and please him?" Yuta teased further, smirking.

"That's not how I- I just mea- I like it when he's happy, that's all. And I don't take orders from anyone, I make my own decisions." Johnny ranted, obviously flustered.

"Okay Johnny." Yuta said sarcastically.

"Just go get ready." Johnny told him, going to get ready himself.

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