Chapter ten

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Together we walked back to my bed and I told him everything. Everything that the kids at school would say, what his fans were saying, and how I truly felt. I even showed him every place I've self harmed. I must admit, it did feel good getting it off my shoulders and finally being able to be myself around him; I still felt kind of bad though. I've been hiding this from him for a few weeks now.

When I finished, I looked back to him after looking at the floor the whole time. He was trying to fight tears. "Freya, how could you tell me that we didn't miss you? Do you know what we went through to try and find you? We still celebrate your birthday every year and the day you were kidnapped, saddest day of the year. We loved you as Diana and we will continue to love you as Freya. Don't ever think that we don't want you. Who cares what everybody else is saying. You're perfect exactly the way you are. I love you."

When he told me that, I can't begin to explain. It was a sort of feeling that made me extremely happy I guess. This is the first time he has ever told me he loved me. I pulled him into a hug and whispered "I love you too, Louis"

"Freya, can you promise me to never cut or harm yourself in anyway again?"

"Louis, as much as I want to, I can't."

"Can you at least calm down with it? only do half as many as you plan for awhile and lessen each time. After come talk to me. I just got you back Freya, I don't want to loose you again" and at that, he let go and left my room.

I flopped onto my bed and pulled my laptop onto my stomach. I check twitter to see Louis' newest tweet

'I love my sister more than anyone can imagine' I favorited it and went on Club Penguin. Yeah I play club penguin. Problem? After sitting on that for about an hour I decided to head downstairs and see what the guys were up to.

Liam was texting, Niall was eating, Zayn and Louis were playing something on the PS4, and Harry was scrolling through twitter. I sat on the couch next to Louis and started to check Instagram. After awhile of nobody really speaking except for Zayn and Louis cursing at each other for 'cheating' or something being 'un fair', Harry asked "Who wants to pour a bucket of water and ice on my head?" everybody paused and looked at him. "What? It's to raise awareness for ALS. A fan nominated me and I think it'll be a lot of fun. Let's go!" We didn't stop to argue and followed him to the back yard where he got a bucket and started filling it with a hose.

Niall ran inside to get ice and once the bucket was filled, he poured it in. Harry stood in front of a chair and handed Liam his phone. Louis got on a chair behind him and held the water above his head. I heard the ding of the camera starting and Harry began speaking. "Hi I'm Harry and I've been nominated for the ALS ice bucket challenge. Before I start I'd like to nominate Freya Tomlinson and Niall Horan. You have 24 hours. Good luck." And the water was dumped on his head. He let out a loud "ahhh" and started fidgeting to get the ice out of his shirt. I heard the camera stop and everybody started laughing.

"Wait guys," I started "Niall and I have to do that now?"

Simultaneously, the guys responded with a "yup" And Niall groaned. Liam handed Harry's phone back to him and Harry went inside to change. A minute later when Zayn and Louis were filling our buckets, my phone dinged. It said that I was mentioned in a tweet.

'@HarryStyles: Thank you for nominating me! Now I pass the torch onto @FreyaTomlinson and @NiallHoran.'

I groaned and handed my phone to Liam. Harry came out with new clothes and two ice trays. Niall and I got into position with Louis over me and Zayn over Niall. I heard the ding and Niall began speaking

"Hi I'm Niall and this is Freya. We have been nominated by our good friend Harry Styles to do the ALS ice bucket challenge. I nominate Liam Payne and Simon Cowell."

"And I nominate Louis Tomlinson and Gabby Brooks. You have 24 hours. Good luck." And then I felt the water being poured onto my head. I heard a girly scream and thought it was me but then I realized, it was Niall. The camera ran a few seconds later till I heard Liam stop it. Harry handed Niall and I towels and went to fill up more buckets for Liam and Louis.

Liam nominated Danielle and Paul. Louis nominated Zayn and Eleanor. Zayn nominated Perrie and Ed Sheeren.

After all of that commotion I went upstairs and saw Niall had posted our ice bucket challenge on twitter. I retweeted it then went to change. I changed into baggy sweat pants and a baggy long sleeved shirt. When I went downstairs I saw the guys all watching the different videos and laughing. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bag of chips then walking back to the lounge where the boys were and sitting on the arm chair away from them.

I wasn't there for more than five minutes when my phone started vibrating from a FaceTime call from the one and only, Gabby. I answered the call and was instantly greeted by her face

"Oh my god! Freya! How dare you nominate me for that challenge! I'm doing it but don't think you're off the hook." Gabby immediately yelled.

"Haha I miss you too Gabs." She smirked and began talking again.

"Frey, I think this is the longest we have gone with out communication. I honestly thought you forgot about me with all that's going on with you."

"Awe, you know I would never do that. You're my best friend. I can't wait till I see you in person again!"

"Oh my god yes! When is that by the way? I don't know how much longer I can go without hugging the living shit out of you."

"I hope soon. Maybe once I get my car back I can drive up and see you all!" Before Gabby could respond Louis butt in

"Hey Freya, who's this?" and he came into view on the screen. Gabby's mouth dropped. "Hi I'm Louis! Freya's brother."

"I'm uh I'm" Considering she is stuttering so much I decided to butt in for her

"That's Gabby. She was my best friend from back home. She still is. Okay Gabs. I have to go. It's been a long day and I need to shower then head to bed. I love you! Goodnight!"

"I love you too! Goodnight! Nice meeting you Louis"

"Nice meeting you too Gabby" I hung up and saw that the guys were all watching. They went back to whatever it was they were doing beforehand and Louis seemed to have an idea pop into his head before he ran out of the room with his phone in his hand. I stood up, put the chips back, and walked up to my room. I threw my phone onto my bed and went into the bathroom to shower.

After my shower I changed into a short sleeved shirt and shorts. I flopped onto my bed and fell asleep soon after.

Louis' long lost sisterWhere stories live. Discover now