(Back to Freya's POV)
I woke up in my bed with a pounding bed and a sleeping Gabby next to me. I look over to the night stand beside my bed and saw something wrapped in newspaper. Opening it up I saw a ceramic bowl that you use for weed. Under the bowl was a small baggy containing the magical green leaf. I jumped out of bed and grabbed the goodies. I ran down to the kitchen and grabbed a piece of tin foil and sprinted back up to my room. I opened a random drawer on my desk and carefully placed the bowl inside. Then, I wrapped the small baggie in the tin foil because it keeps in the smell. After it was wrapped, I put it in the drawer and closed it.
Gabby was rustling around in the sheets, probably waking up. I fast walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. This can buy me some time. I strip off my clothes from yesterday and climb into the shower. The hot water burns my back in a sort of relaxing way. After I overly scrub my body, I step out of the shower and onto the cold floor.
I take my sweet time drying off my body and getting dressed. When I walk out of my bathroom, Gabby is no longer a sleeping form on my bed but rather a fully awake and aware girl sitting on the edge of my bed. "Freya, I think you know what's waiting for you downstairs"
I nod "Yes. Let's get this over with." We walk out of my room together, down the stairs, and into the living room. As expected, all five boys are sitting around just staring onto space. When Gabby and I walk in, all eyes and heads shoot in our direction.I guess you cold say they were all looking in
One Direction
God, that was terrible. I should not made puns in my head anymore. After a little mental self loathing I remember what went down this weekend and what they are waiting for. I take a seat in the only free single seater which is the arm chair by the fireplace, All six pairs of eyes are staring at me, waiting for me to start. "Well I guess you all want to know what happened this weekend, right?"
I get a small chorus of yes's so I begin my story.
(Her story in flashback form)
After I ran, I somehow ended up in a strange part of London. Soon it was sunset and I wanted to rest my legs. I found a bench outside a small bar and sat down. Soon, Gruff walked out and we began talking. His friends came out a llitle later and he offered to bring me to his home. So I went. I met his wife, kid, and his entire "Family". The asked me what happened so I told them the whole story I found it so easy to open up to these people.After dessert, Gruff offered me a tour.
After my grand tour of Gruff's house, we settle in the living room where all of the very little kids and a majority of the adults were residing. We hung in there for an hour or so just telling each other stories of our life when Ethan emerged from a door Gruff called the basement. Ethan told me that the basement was where the teens hung out and basically dragged me down the stairs. When I got down there, I was immediately struck with the smell of vodka and cigarettes. It was a chill hang out. They were watching movie about these two guys searching for a White Castle. I wasn't really that engaged in it but everybody was laughing so hard.
After the movie ended, a girl named Beth suggested truth or dare. That made all the teens fo wild so of course we all started playing. There were a few dares that I don't think I should mention but the ones that seemed to be everybody's favorites were them telling me to try smoking weed and seven minutes in heaven with Ethan. Okay, they were my favorites too. After the game died down, we smoked some more weed and then ran around the neighborhood. There was no yelling, just smiling, dancing, and laughter. Eventually we had to head home and Gruff offered my his daugther's bed. The next morning I was greeted with a giant home cooked breakfast out in the dining room. Most of the house was still asleep and they have a no eating till everybody is downstairs rule.
This particular morning, the house was still sleeping so Jane got out her air horn. After the loud blaring, I heard many thumps on the ground form people falling out of bed. Withing ten minutes the whole house was smiling, eating, and telling the stories of their crazy dreams. Little Abigail had a nightmare though that apparently woke up half the house with her scream. It was about the boogyman she said.
After breakfast, Gruff asked me if I wanted to accompany him on some errands with him so I complied. I borrowed jeans and a shirt from Jane and we set off. We went to the mall to do returns, lunch was at a pub, we then just took a ride to my favorite park. There, we sat and talked about everything that has happened to me in the past four months. Everything. Not one detail was left out and he gave me some great advice along the way. Somewhere along my babbling he caught onto the fact that I was living with a famous boy band. After the story, I showed him some of the shenanigans i have caught on camera but he eventually took my phone and turned it off because he could see the constant calls and texts were making me really annoyed. After that we stayed around for a couple more minutes before he drove me past the house. We parked a few houses away and walked to the end of the driveway, just looking at it. He asked me if I wanted to go home. It took me a couple of minutes but I declined. We walked back to his bike and rode off back to his house.
When we got home we didn't even realize that it had gotten late and the family was waiting on us to have dinner. apologies were thrown around and then we sat into out seats. Dinner went by just s smoothly as the other night, if not smoother. I left that table with a stitch in my side from laughing so hard. I went to the basement after and I honestly don't remember half of what went on down there. I just remember waking up in bed with Ethan and I was wearing his shirt. My underwear was intact but I can't say the same for his. The morning went on like the other and the day was spent in the backyard. Everybody was doing different things. Ethan and I were cuddling on the hammock just staring at the trees above us. Eventually we were called for lunch and after lunch I went and sat by the little kids. I was thinking everything through. Sunset came and I knew what I had to do.
I told Gruff that I wanted to live with them. He of course was happy and told me I could so the teens and I went off to celebrate. Susan joined us this time and we were having the time of our lives. after an hour or two, Gruff came down and said that he was calling a family meeting. The meeting was about me living with them. At first everybody was all for it but then Gruff made a long speech about how much my other family must be missing me and somehow, he changed everybody's minds. After our dinner, I soon found my self of the back of a motorcycle with Gruff and the entire gang following us."
"I think you all know what happens from there." I say while jumping out of my flashback state. I look around the room and see dropped jaws and wide eyes. "This weekend has also made me come to a conclusion."
"And what's that?" Gabby asks me, being the only one to speak besides me since I got down here this morning.
"I'm ready for the world to know about me. Everything, about me. You can tell the world that that song was for me or that I'm Diana, whatever."
Louis came over and hugged me. "Sis, you know you don't have to do this, right? We can easily ignore this whole thing and act like nothing happened."
"No, Louis. I'm tired of hiding. Hanging out with Gruff and his family this weekend, taught me something. If I don't hide myself from people, then I won't have to stress out so much. I tested it on them and it works. Who knows, I may end up helping some girls who are going thought what I went through."
"Are you sure you want to do this?" I nod. "Then I know the perfect way." Louis says while smiling.

Louis' long lost sister
FanfictionLouis Tomlinson, a member of the popular boy band One Direction, had a younger sister. The catch is, she was kidnapped at age 2. Freya Wilson is a depressed and suicidal girl. Her home life was never to blame until the day she finds out that her br...