Chapter thirty four

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When I woke up, I was out of my annoyingly tight nurse costume and was now in my favorite yoga pants and one of Harry's shirts that I had packed. I was also in a moving car. Wait. I'm completely changed and I'm in a moving car. I look to my right and see that my brother is driving. "Hey Lou, what's going on?"

"Oh good, you're up! You nearly slept for twelve hours. Listen, we don't have to talk about what happened last night, but just know that I'm here for you when ever you feel the need to talk. Gabby and Jake filled me in with what they know and I heard a few things from Harry."

"You talked to him?" I ask quickly

"Yeah. I was waitng for him on the stairs when he came in. He knew from the look in my eyes that I knew what he had just done. He immediatly went into apologizing and trying to explain himself and I wouldn't have it. According to Gabby's story of how you reacted, we are very similar. We kept screaming at each other, the boys came out of their rooms, when Harry found out that you weren't here, he tried to leave to go find you again. The boys and I held him back though and basically barricaded his door."

"Oh. So everybody knows now, I'm guessing?"

"Only the people in the house know. I asked the boys to not talk about it to the girls or friends or anything."

"Okay. Thank you." Just then we passed the road that we would take to get to our house. "Um, Louis, you passed the road that we" I drifted off.

"I know. I don't want you home yet when I'm not there and I need to make a quick stop at my friends house."

"Which friend?" I ask while watching the houses that pass get larger and larger. "Wow, and I thought our house was big."

"We are actually paying a visit to Mr. Cowell."

If I had been drinking something, It would be all over the dashboard of Louis' car. "Wait, wait, wait. I'm meeting the Simon Cowell while I'm hungover and just woke up. Wow Lou, great timing"

"Can you blame me though? My little sister was hurt last night by a guy that she happens to share a house with and I don't want her to be left alone with said guy. Can you really blame me? I want to be there to protect you, always."

I took a few seconds to think about it. "You're right, Louis. I'm glad that I actually have a guy besides Jake that I can count on. How long till we get to his house" Just as I said that, Louis turned into a driveway.

"Actually, we're here." To say the place is huge would be an understatement. It looked so white and clean. I'm actually afraid to even look at it with out the fear the the sun will hit in the right spot and blind me. Louis parked the car and got out. I hurridly unbuckled my seatbelt and got out as well. Louis walked right up to the door and allowed himself in. "Uncle Si? I'm here. I brought somebody here for you to meet!" He yelled into the pristine looking house.

It was only a few seconds before we heard a light thunking noise from the stairs, slowly getting louder. "Louis! How are you, lad?" He said quite loudly while pulling Louis into a man hug. "And this must be your lovely sister. Nice to meet you,love." Simon says while shaking my hand.

"It's nice to meet you too, Mr. Cowell."

"Oh please, call me Simon. What is with Tomlinson's and not answering how they are? Louis rarely answers and when I asked you it just simply flew right over your head."

"Well, Simon, I've been better. How are you?"

"I'm doing okay." There were a couple seconds of silence and everybody standing in a small triangle. "Well, Louis we have some things to go over in my office. Freya, you are more than welcome to explore the house, any food you want you can eat, and if you need help with how to work a tv or if your lost, ring this bell and my butler will come to you." Simon said then handed me a bell. I nodded and the two males walked away.

I spent about half an hour just strolling through the house and looking at everything. I walked outside and saw a large section of grass accompanied by a pool about the same size. It's the first day of November so the pool was covered. I did a lap around the yard and walked back inside. Eventually I found myself in a room with like five gaming systems, a wall full of movies and another filled with games. There was also two rather large couches with a giant tv across from it.

I spent about five minutes looking for some form of remote when I finally gave up and rang the bell that I stuffed into my waistband. In less than a minute a young man walked in. "You rang?"

"You're Simon's butler?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I didn't imagine you as a guy in jeans and a dress shirt."

"Ahhh I see. You expected me to be some proper old man in a tuxedo. I see. Well if you don't need my help then I'll just go" He drifted off while slowly backing up.

"No! Could you find the remote for me? I can't find it."

"Sure." The man walked over to the table and lifted it up where there was a secret compartment. He pulled out a black remote then closed the compartment.

"Witchcraft." I said while grabbing the remote and turning the TV on. The butler left and I was left alone watching TV. I watched some reality show for a couple of minutes till an overly peppy news anchor came on the screem. I could tell that this wasn't an actual news channel and this was basically news for teens. They talked about a new album that was coming out for five minutes and then a picture of Harry and I came on the screen. It was the one of him kissing my cheek and my face was scrunched. The one we took a few months ago while at the park.

"I think we were all waiting for the day for these two to become a couple but what we didn't anticipate was the sinking of this ship. See what I did there? Last night the two were spotted at a Halloween party back in Freya's hometown. There were many pictures sent in of the couple canoodling on the couch but one that did stick out was this." Pictures of Harry and I passed by like a slide show till they stopped on a picture of Harry and the other slut on the couch together. "Whoa there, Harry. What are those hands doing? Eye witnesses say that this went on for several minutes till Freya walked back in and went pretty much batshit crazy on the girl then ran out of the house. Neither of the two have said anything on social media but we will keep you updated. Is this really the end of Farry Stylinson? Let us know what you think! Tweet about it with the hashtag #HNRFarryStylinson and we will air some of them after these few messages."

The screen then went into a report about the new album that is coming out this month from One Direction and the hype about it. "Don't listen to them" I heard from behind me. I whip my head around to find Louis leaning on the couch next to me. "They just take things and twist them to make a better story. Honestly just ignore it." I nod. "I still have some things to finish up with Simon but I just wanted to check up on you. We'll be done in like ten minutes."

"Okay." Louis leaves and I go back to watching the TV. As promised, the reporter comes back on and pictures of Harry and I from that night come back on the screen.

"Welcome back, guys. Incase you're just tuning in we are talking about the Halloween hookup from last night. Harry Styles was caught cheating on his girlfriend Freya at a party at Freya's friends house. Now we asked you guys to tweet your thoughts on this to #HNRFarryStylinson and as promised we will be airing some of your tweets." As screenshots of the tweets came online, the reporter lady read them outloud.

"'#HNRFarryStylinson I think Harry could do sooooooo much better than that bitch' Oh rough one to start out with"

"'#HNRFarryStylinson Probably a misunderstanding. Everybody deserves a second chance!' Very optomistic of you. Let's move on."

She read through a few more tweets basically all going off of what the others said but slightly different. The segment was over by the time Louis came back in to tell me that we were leaving where we said that goodbye to Simon and got back into the car. We started the ride over the house will soon be filled with nothing but tension for who knows how long.

Louis' long lost sisterWhere stories live. Discover now