Chapter thirty seven

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The next morning I awoke with and achingy vagina and warm arms around me. I roll over to where Harry is staring at me. "Were you watching me sleep?' I ask him.

"Yeah. Got a problem?" He answers sassily.

"Just hand me my phone you dufus." I say while laughing. He shoves his hnd under a pillow and pulls out my phone. I take it out of his hands and turn it on. I have a shit ton of twitter notifications and a couple texts. I check my texts and they are all from Gabby.






Each text was less than a minute apart and it made me laugh. Harry looked over and read through them. "How do people know this stuff already?"

"I don't know." I tell him. I open up twitter to see the responses from Harry's tweets.

'@1Dorgasm447: I SEE THAT CONDOM WRAPPER @harrystyles'

'@weheart1D395: @harrystyles Looks like somebody had a fun night'

'@Real_Liam_Payne: @harrystyles @FreyaTomlinson next time keep it down or play some music. other people live here too' That one was great. I favorite it and turn to Harry.

"Harry, you're an idiot. That picture you posted had the condom wrapper still in the background!" I tell him while pulling up the picture as proof. He looks it over and rolls over onto his back letting out a large groan and rubbing his eyes. "Liam also wants us to keep it down next time or turn on some music."

"So there will be a next time, then." Harry says while pulling a cheeky smile towards me.

"Well it may have been my first-" I start

"Ahah! So last night was your first time!"

I roll my eyes. "Of course it was Harry. I was a loser all throughout my school life and right after I graduated I was sent here. Where could I have possibly ftt in finding a guy, falling in love with him, then having sex with him? Huh?"

"Isn't that what happened with me?" Harry asks

"Oh that's cute. You think I'm in love with you." Just as I see a sad expression appear on Harry's face I say "Of course I love you Harry. Do you really think I would have had sex with you last night if I didn't?" HArry pulls me closer and kisses me long and hard.

"Well in that case, I love you too." We smile again and I scoot to get out of my bed then stand up. "Where are you going?"

"I have to shower and get dressed. As much as I'd like to stay in that bed with you all day, we need to get up." All he does is groan and roll over and bury his head in the pillow. I shake my head and walk into my bathroom. I turn the shower on and wait for it to heat up. I strip of my pajamas and climb in. I'm in the midst of shampooing when the curtain slides back revealing a nude Harry. Not saying anything, Harry climbs in and starts hogging the water. I push him over to wash the shampoo out of my hair.

Just as I'm reaching my hands up to start scrubbing, I feel Harry's hands on my head instead. I drop my arms as Harry cleans my hair. He also ends up doing my conditioner too. When he's done, I turn to him.

"Now if you don't mind, Freya, I'd like to shower please." I laugh and push him against the wall. The hand that I used to push him against the wall, he ended up grabbing and using it to pull me closer like he did to Zayn when the shot the music video for Best Song Ever a few months ago.

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