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"Raven... what are you wearing?" Jacob said as the female alpha carefully entered the car, her body still ached from time to time but with her being a wolf it was more of a dull pain.

Raven looks down, she was wearing a black cardigan, black skinny jeans, a black tank top and, black boots. She then looked over at Jacob and shrugged. "I'm undercover."

"I can see that." Jacob says.

Raven sighs and rolled her eyes. "If we're going to talk to auctioneers we have to make it look like we aren't trying to take them down," Ravens looks Jacob up and down and smirks. "There's a suit in the back for you to change into."

Jacob looked back and just as Raven had said there was a suit hung up nicely. Jacob had realized that it was his and looked back at Raven with a weird look on his face. "When did you-."

"Don't we have some places to be Bix." Raven said with a smile.


"One time...." Lily said giggle softly. "My brother did this little trick. He'd close his eyes and when he opened them he had his wolf eyes and his ears. He'd do it whenever I was sad."

Troye and Lily quickly became close in the short time they were on the trailer. Although, the whole time he couldn't shake the fact that she felt familiar.

"My mom used to engulf me in her fur when I was a little cub," He says his mind seemed to go somewhere else as he recalled his past. "Whenever she did that I felt safe, it was as nothing could hurt me." She id it to make me laugh whenever I was sad."

Lily looked up Troye. "Is she in the auctions?"

Troye nodded. "I was young when it happened, maybe a little bit older than you. A hunting pack came through they took my mom and sister and killed my dad."

Lily nodded before looking down at he wrist. They stayed silent for a while, it had been awhile since she was able to talk to someone like this. There are barely any kid omegas in the auction, this is one other than herself but she is kept away from everyone else.

The trailer stops which causes the omegas in the trailer to whimper and cower away from the door. Lily gasped before clutching onto Troye tightly, the male omega put his arm protectively around the little girl. The sound of footsteps were becoming louder before a middle aged man opened the trailer door.

He had a wicked smile on his face as he looked around the at the women before his eyes landed on the male omega and the small child. His smile managed to grow bigger, almost resembling a cheshire cat.

"Well...well...well," He said walking in the trailer, the other female omegas shy away as he walked in almost as if he would strike if they were too close to him. "Is this the male omega the werewolf population has been buzzing about, I must say I didn't think of you to be so skinny."

"You leave him alone!" Lily said but Troye was quick to pull her away from the man.

The man made a face before bending to stoop to the little omegas height. "Ah... and little Lily your father told me about you, said you were a feisty little thing."

Lily growled but since she was so small it sounded like a cat purring. The man laughed before looking back at the male omega.

"Sorry about the transport," He says with fake sympathy. "I thought Mr. Franta would be a little gentle with you."

Troye stood up looking the man somewhat in the eye, he was a little bit shorter than the male omega. "They're going to stop you," He said. "Jacob Bixenman and Rav-."

Troye stops himself before turning around and looking down at Lily. "Raven Black."

The man looks between Troye and Lily before chuckling. "Taylor told me about his kid, I wouldn't hope for the best."

He steps away and looks at the rest of the omegas. "Now..." He said with a sadistic smile. "Let's get started."


"Why don't you want to kill your dad," Raven said glaring out the window. "He brought so much pain to your family. hell, you might've even still had a family if it weren't for him."

Jacob sighed as he drummed his fingers on the steering wheel. "He's still my dad and before all of the money and the auctions he was a good man, he made me who I am today."

Raven made a face and looked at him. "But you aren't anything like your father... you're so much better than him."

Jacob shrugged. "The man is still my father regardless, no matter how much I hate him I don't think I could kill him."

"Do you think he'd kill you?"

Jacob glanced at the female omega and sighed. "I can't say I know for sure."

Raven nodded her head before leaning it against the window. It was silent for a little bit before Jacob pulled up to a red light and looked at Raven properly.

"Why do you want to kill your dad." He said.

Raven's look hardened. "He hurt me, he tore apart my family and who knows.... maybe he made some deal with your dad to sell my mom off."

"How did he hurt you."

"He clawed at my alpha markings on my ba-back," Raven said her voice cracking a little. "Those don't heal, Jay. He tried to strip away something that I didn't ask for."

Jacob sighs as he pulls off from the red light, "But that doesn't give you the right to kill him."

"Doesn't it," Raven said. "You don't know what happened. For months after the attack I constantly looked over my shoulder. I spent days in and days out wondering if today was the day that dear old fucking dad is going to kill me."

"But he's still your fa-."

"Father's don't hurt their kids," Raven yelled before taking a deep breath and calming herself down. "They- they just don't okay."

"I'm not going to try and change your mind but at least think about it," Jacob said he paused waiting for a response once he realized he wasn't getting one he continued. "You may not like him but what about your sister, she doesn't know the horrible things he has done to you. Killing him because he hurt you is only going to end up hurting her."

Raven sighed, she didn't say anything. Raven hated to admit it but Jacob was right to a certain extent. She doesn't know what Lily's life was like with her father. It could be perfect, so killing him would make her like the monster.

Then again, the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree.



i've been on wattpad for four years now, i didn't think i would be on here that long.

anyways hoped you like the chapter, next one is going to be focusing a bit more on jacob along with the auctions.

might even do a flashback. who knows.

the bells about to ring gtg. much love


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