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"...yeah I'm in Westward," Jacob says as he pulled into the parking lot of some store. "Have everyone switch and come head over, but be careful because this place has hunters all over the place."

Jacob got out of the car and closed the door behind him, holding the phone between his head and shoulder. "I want someone to stay with Connor and make sure he doesn't move. He needs to be put in front of the council." 

The male alpha walks into the store and heads straight to the back of the store. "Um, have Hari stay back. Then have Kian lead the charge."

Whoever was on the other end said something before Jacob nodded his head even though they couldn't see him. "Yeah I'll be safe... I'll see you later, bye." Jacob then hung up and looked in front of him at the array of drinks. 

Jacob sighed before grabbing an ice tea and heading towards the cash register. He places the drink on the counter and pulls out his wallet. The cashier looks at Jacob with a small smile on his face. 

"So what's so big about this charge," The guy said. 

Jacob looked up and raised an eyebrow at the man. "Excuse me?"

He nodded his head toward the door. "I heard you come in," He says. "So about this charge... is it something big?"

"It's none of your concern thank you." Jacob said.

"You're a wolf aren't ya," The guy says. "An alpha no doubt."

Jacob didn't say anything and the cashier just smirked and crossed his arms. "Oh come on," He said. "You're in Westward. Wolves are the talk of the town everyday. Few minutes ago a hunting pair saw a wolf wandering in the woods."

"A wolf," Jacob said. "Did they know what kinda."

The cashier shrugs. "An alpha maybe," They didn't shoot it though, there's this guy that most people call 'Black' who tends to ward off hunters. People think he's a wolf himself."

"Where does he live?" Jacob says. 

The cashier nodded. "A little close to the border of the territory."

Jacob quickly left after that not even paying attention to the fact that he didn't buy his drink. He left his car in the parking lot and started for the woods. 


"I can't believe it's you," Black said as him and Raven walked through the woods. "I-I don't even know what to say to you."

"A hug would be nice." Raven says with a grin.

Black turned around and wrapped his arms tightly around his sister and spun her around before putting her back down on the ground. The two siblings looked at each other nothing but happiness spread on their faces.

"What are you doing in Westward?" Black said.

Raven sighed. "Things have gotten worse Zay," She says. "Taylor and Dad have only gotten more determimd on their purge of omegas. They have one of my friends now."

Zay nodded his head. "They bring wolves through Westward first, its where they make the most money."

"What about you," Raven says slapping her brother in the arm. "A wolf in Westward, its unheard of."

Zay shoved his hands in his pockets. "You left, Dad was on a hunt.... Lily was born," Zay sighed.  "Mom and her were gone and taken into the auctions, I moved here for the same reason you're here now."

"I should've been there..." Raven said. "I could've done something."

Zay stops in front of his little sister and puts his hand on her shoulder. "It was I who should've been there, I made a promise to you years ago pup. I said I would never let dad hurt you and because of me you have those scars on your back."

"It's because of Dads need for power that he did that to me," She said. "I'm not mad at you, what happened to me wasn't your fault." 

The older beta sighs and smiles a little.

"What?" Raven says.

 Zay moves and the two start to walk side by side again. "Nothing it's just that, He chuckles. "When we were younger you always said you didn't know why you were chosen to be the next female alpha. Then I look at you like this now and I see why you are."

Raven looks over at Zay. 

"You're strong Rave," He says. "Quite possibly the strongest person I have ever known. You wouldn't be here if you weren't."


Jacob had been walking through the woods for a good thirty minutes before he found what he assumed was the cabin that had Raven. 

During his trek through the woods he noticed a lot of hunting stands. When he was younger the first thing her learned about was Westward. It's the first thing that any werewolf learns about. 

Throughout the 70s and 80s Westward was one of the most dangerous places. For werewolves and humans alike, the Westward pack would tear through the city like a cyclone. You were lucky if you escaped with your life, humans would board up their houses and wolves just stayed out of the Westwards way. 

There was no true reason as to why they were like this. Their origin was unknow even to the most oldest of wolves. It was like a plague, silent but deadly. 

Eventually he made it to the cabin, it was the only one out her so it must be his. Before he could even open the door Raven quickly opened the door. 

"I was wondering when I'd see you," She says walking away from the door. 

Jacob made a face before following Raven inside. He closed the door behind him and followed the female alpha who was sitting at the kitchen table. 

"Who's house is this?"

Raven took a sip of her drink. "My brothers."

Troye took a double take. "Your-your brother?" 

She puts the glass down. "Did you get word to everyone else, are they on their way. You did tell them about the hunting post right?"

"I did bu-."

"Good," Raven says.

She then gets up and rinses her glass out. Troye turns around in his chair. "Is he here?"

"Yeah, he's in the back. Told him about our little mission and he's calling a few extra paws. Westward is the biggest auction post, that means there is going to a lot of security, especially since that stunt you pulled."

He scoffs. "You mean you pulled."

Raven shrugs as Zay walks back in. He looks between Jacob and Raven and smiles. "Kay," He says. "I've done a few calls and they should be here." He then begin to walk towards his front door. 

"That quick?" Raven says following her older brother. 

Troye gets up. "So were just aren't going to talk about the elephant in th-."

"Oh my god." Raven says. 

Jacob walks up behind Raven and Zay. "Is it like ignore Jacob day or something because every time I- oh my god it's the...."

"Westward pack." Jacob and Raven say in unison.


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