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special guest time!!


"What," One of the wolves in the pack say with a laugh. "Not what the legends depicted." 

Raven stepped up and looked at the pack before looking back at Jacob. "How do you even know these guys..."

Jacob chuckles as he crosses his arms. "I'm uh..." He chuckles. "I'm apart of them.

The wolf that spoke up walked up to Raven and draped her arm over Raven's shoulder. "Zayden here has been an important role in this pack, especially living out here where all of the hunters are."

She looks at Raven. "Female alpha huh, Raven? Zay has told me a lot about you."

Raven chuckles nervously before clearing her throat. "He has."

"Mhm," The girl says. "Especially your little escapade here, says your here to stop the omega auctions and take down dear old dad." 

Jacob watches the scene unfold in front of him before stepping in. "Yeah," He says. "And we don't have much time, I heard word that they are selling their new "batch" tonight."

"And who are you?" The girl said.

The male alpha sighs. "Jacob..." He puts his hands in his pockets. "Bixenmam. And you?"

The girl crosses her arms. "Not as important as you," She then shrugs. "Most people call me Ria, I'm a beta."

"Sounds familar."

"Trust me," She says. "Won't see me in any book. Now, whats the plan, you do have one right?"

Jacob made a face before shaking his head. "Well my pack in  on their way, I didn't expect Zayden to call for back up. And yes I do have a plan," Jacob looks to Raven. 

"But you aren't going to like it."


The owners of this particular auction didn't feel like making special accommodations for what may be the only male omega in existence. So, Troye stayed with all of the other women through the entire preparation process for the auction. Even when they were showered and lathered up with something that Troye didn't know the name of, that quickly became awkward.

To Troye's surprise he wasn't treated as bad as he though he would've been. He still thought all of this was wrong and inhumane (even if they weren't completely human). Although Troye thought that the wolves were abused here and treated horribly. Sure they never really referred to the wolves by their names and gave them shitty food that's only purpose was to keep them sustained until they were someone else's responsibility. 

That's when the abuse would come in, if you weren't "lucky" and bought into being a sex slave who's only duty is to have babies to make packs bigger, you were just manual labor. There a few people that run away from their owner, and the ones that do and are able to live to tell the tale all say the same thing. 

They work like dogs (no pun intended), especially in Westward. They sell like hotcakes and the buyers will spend whatever they can to get their hands on them. Some buy them just to kill them and others use them for work. Auctioneers couldn't care less what the buyers use them for as long as they can make some money. 

During the day Troye heard people talk about tonight's auction, they said it was going to be the best they ever had. Especially with Troye, he was going to be the start of the entire thing... the only male omega. 

Right now, him, along with everyone else was in a room where they keep all of the omegas after they are prepped. They don't want them to get dirty before they can even be sold. Troye was sitting off by himself as everyone else talked to each other. His eyes were glued to the little dash on his wrist to show that this was his first auction. 

"Hey," Lily said as she walked up to Troye.

He looked up and noticed that Lily wasn't slicked up in oil. "Hey," He said question full in his voice. "You aren't oily."

Lily looked down and giggled. "Oh yeah," She says. "I'm not being sold."

"Oh," Troye says.

"You won't either right," Lily says. "You said that your friends are going to free all of us right?" 

Troye sighed. "I hope."

The young omega frowned a little as she put her hand on his oily shoulder. "My brother always said if you have hope anything is possibly."

"He sounds smart."

"I don't know," She says with a shrug. "I don't really remember him much."

Lily then skipped off out of the room. Troye watched as the little girl left, she was filled with so much light and yet still seems to be surrounded by so much darkness. She barely knew her family and yet she bounces around as if nothing is wrong. It reminded him of himself before all of this happened. 

And he hoped that he could have that same amount of light.


'You really think that this is going to work, what if some hunters try to come and kill me or some shit' Raven says as she walks through the woods in her wolf form.

'He's going to buy it trust me, according to Ria this is the are where he runs with his pack,' Jacob says. 'And make sure you seem I don't know.... broken'

Even in her wolf form Raven rolled her eyes as she walked through the woods. She started to hear the padding of paws and began to fake a limp as well as whimper. Once she heard the paws stop and slowly come towards her she scratched herself in the face and leg before switched into her human form. 

She scratched herself a few more times before making it look like she was attacked. The sound of wolves quickly turned into human as they grew closer. 

"What," Raven said through squinted eyes and a raspy voice. "Never thought you'd see me again... daddy?"


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