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Raven laid on the floor of her cell playing with the bracelet on her wrist. Her mother gave it to her after her first change, she almost laughs at the moment now. Raven wondered a lot how he mother would react to what she is doing now, how she is.

She wasn't always like this, she wasn't always so cold and defensive. For a long time she was happy.... they were happy. Her father wasn't the beast he is now, he was loving. He still favored her brother more because he thought Zayden was to be the next Alpha but he still loved Raven. 

The female alpha sat up. She began to think of the little girl she saw when she was being dragged in here. Her little sister, Lily, she really looked like a mixture of both herself and their mother. 

She had long dark hair just like she did. She couldn't see much of her face but what she could see she saw that she had light brown eyes, it made her wonder what her wolf eyes were like. Has she even went through her first change yet?

 The more she thought about Lily she began to feel different. Raven didn't feel like herself she felt... she couldn't even describe how she felt. All she could really tell is that she didn't feel like herself. 

She felt carefree almost like... a child? 

The heavy metal door opened and James along with a few other men walked in. Raven stood up looked at them with a smirk on her face. Gone was that carefree feeling that she couldn't describe. 

"Twice in one day," Raven said. "It's almost like you love me or something."

"What did you do to her?" James said in a growl. 

Raven scoffed. "To who," She said. "Lily, you should ask yourself that you're the one who tore her from her family."

"Don't play stupid with me," He says. "She knows about the bond."

The smirk on Raven's face fell. That's why she was feeling strange earlier. She looked back at her father and the two men on either side of him. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

James scoffed. "You never were a good liar," He said. "No matter the bond will be gone soon enough."

Raven looked at her father, there was only one way to break a soul bond. "You wouldn't," She said. "I'm the one you hate." 

"Oh don't worry," James said. "You'll be next." 

James looked at the men on either side of him and they were quick to grab Raven. Raven tried to break out of their grasp but do to her self-inflicted cuts and bruises as well as being flat out tired she was no use for them.

"You're not going to get away with this James," She says. "You won't have to worry about the council, I'll deal with you."

'It's go time,' Raven had said telepathically to Jacob. 'Now'


"I have a sister," Lily said. "But-."

The double doors opened and several of James' men walked in. All of the other female omegas cowered away as they made a straight line for Lily. Before either of them could react one of the men grabbed Lily.

Everyone started to scream in protest as they watched the little omega thrash against the men. Troye looked for any opportunity to break Lily free but it was no use, it was very obvious that these men are much stronger than he is. 

"Troye!" Lily screamed. "Troye please, don't let them take me!" 

The male omega looked past the men, he could easily run. He was fast, much father than the men. If he ran he could go and get help.

Lily saw Troye debating on whether or not to run and she shook her head. "Troye don't, don't let them take me."

"I'm sorry." He said before sprinting out of the room. The men tried to reach for him but he was too fast. It was the one thing he liked about himself. He was agile in both wolf and human form. 

He could hear Lily scream from the room and it made Troye wince. He hated himself for leaving her but there wasn't much he could do if they grabbed him too. 

The only good thing about where they were keeping the omegas it was close to a door that went to the woods. He could hear several footsteps running through the auction house looking for Troye. That seemed to be all he ever did, run away from people after him. The only thing he hoped for now is that his that his days of running are over. 


"We need to move and we need to move now," Jacob said. "Raven just gave word."

Both packs started to head towards the auction house. Some of them were already turned into wolves and others were still in their human form and getting ready to switch. Ria, Jacob and, Zayden were still in their human forms. They decided they would change if they need to when they get there. 

They were running for a little before Ria raised her hand which caused everyone to stop and Jacob to walk up towards her. "What is-." He starts to sniff. "Who is that."

"You smell it too," She says looking over her shoulder. "I don't recognize it. Brace yourselves."

Everyone began to stand their ground waiting for whoever it was to run up to them. A few minutes went by and they started to get anxious. As whoever it was got close Jacob started to recognized the smell.

"Stand down," Jacob said. "I think I know who it is."

Everyone does as he says as Jacob looks in the direction of the smell. A few more minutes go by before a weirdly shiny Troye runs in at top speed and almost falls over by how fast he's going. 

"Oh my god." Jacob said before running to Troye and grabbing him close. 

Everyone else gave each other a looks as they watched the two interact. Troye forgot how intoxicating Jacob's smell was. He could practically feel himself being drenched in it as he inhaled and exhaled. 

"I thought I'd never see you again." Troye said. 

Jacob let out a breathy laugh. "After I just found you," He said. "Wouldn't dream of it pup."

Troye pulled away and look at Jacob he smiled a little before looking past him and at all of the wolves behind them. Jacob noticed his confusion and scratched the back of his neck.

"This is the Westward Pack," Jacob said. "They offered to help."

The omegas eyes widened. "As in the Westward Pack."

"Sorry were not what the legends depicted." Ria said.

Zayden chuckled and took a step forward. "Zayden Black," He said. "I'm-."

"Raven's brother...." He said, "Lily," He then turned to Jacob. "They-they grabbed Lily, I wanted to save her but there were too many so I ran. They found out about the bond, I don't know how but they di-."

"Troye breathe," Jacob said. "What bond."

"Soul bond," Troye said. "Lily and Raven share a soul bond and I think they plan on breaking it."

"How do you break a soul bond," Ria said. "Isn't that one of the strongest bonds wolves can share."

"They have to kill them," Troye said. 


i feel like this story has gone to shit ngl. 

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