Chapter 6: The raven.

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Emilia was shaking when I showed her the photo. How could my mom the most social person the town have ever known could hide a relationship and have two babies, obviously babies were not kept a secret but the dad was? Emilia even told me no one was allowed inside the Ward during the pregnancy.
"Emilia, do you know who the man is?" I asked
She was terribly shaking
"Oh dear, I do know who the man is, but I can't believe he is your father. How could Julia even get into a relationship with him? To be honest I won't be surprised to know he killed her." she said
Hearing that piece of information I had to tell her everything so I did. I told her about the diary and the note about my mom's killer and that I knew it was my dad...
"Dear lord I will tell you who the man is Jocelyn bit promise me you won't accept him as your father ., "Em shakingly said.
"Em, you are like a second mom to me. I promise you em. Tell me who it is let's bring justice to my mom"
'"Jocelyn his name is Ericson commonly know as The Raven, he did not believe in equality with humans, he wanted to rule them. He wanted to become the king of everyone, he tried to persuade your mother many times, she did not give in. One day he just disappeared out of thin air 2 weeks before your mom's death. rumors spread. But by the looks of these photos, your mom appears to have given in and have a relationship with him probably knowing your mom she died because she did not accept to make him the king or something similar" she explained carefully.

"Jocelyn please don't tell the truth about your father to Sofia. she will be devasted. You don't know what that man did to this world." She added.

" Em, I promise you. but can you please tell me what he did. I deserve to know"

"oh, dear Jocelyn. I can tell you the truth but please don't accept him as your father. and you might want to sit down for this."

I quickly went to the kitchen grabbed a pot of tea and biscuits placed it on the coffee table when Emilia returned with a folder with news clippings and  2 blankets.

" Jocelyn this folder has been borrowed from the crown's investigation so please be careful with it," em said and handed me a blanket.

we got cozied up on the sofa, covered in blankets with hot tea in our mugs.

"When Julia turned 22, we were above the moon. her mom, your grandma the previous queen had to retire as Julia turned 22 and was ready to take over the crown. this is probably the best time to mention that the royal family can only produce female heirs. Your grandma Rose was the best woman I have ever met when my parents died when I was 15 your grandma adopted me. Julia and I  basically went from best friends to sisters overnight. Mama Rose was reluctant to retire, Even though Julia was more than capable of being a queen, there was a threat to our kingdom. Someone named the Raven was threatening the whole paranormal population, he said he had found a ritual to overpower the force which is keeping us from humans. he wanted to rule the entire planet including humans. There is a rule stating that the queen of the paranormal world will and can rule the human world if she broke the force. no previous queens have tried it they never found the ritual. we all had happy lives. when the word came that the ritual has been found panic broke into the town, however, the raven was not able to rule the world as he was not the king, the only possible way was to marry your mother. Mama Rose was scared Julia will fall for him as rumors had that he was a handsome 24-year-old. however the rules stated the queen had to retire once the heir turned 22, Mama Rose had no other choice. Julia proved her wrong or so we thought. as far as our knowledge she stayed away from the raven, she even sent guards to arrest him, those guards never returned.  after a year under Julia's ruling raven disappeared nobody heard from him. we were all proud of Julia. but at that time we didn't know Ericson(the raven) and she was friends nonetheless dating. I don't know how she kept away the position of the king from him for 6 years. I still can't believe she had 2 children with him. no offense to you Jocelyn but I hope you understand the situation. a year before your mom died we started hearing from the raven again. we thought he had disappeared, but now I know that he was secretly dating your mother, I mean look at these pictures they look happy, really happy actually. julia didn't seem so surprised by the return of the raven and 2 weeks before your mom died the rumor had it that Ericson had dissaperad again or better died. 3 months later we found his dead body near the lake in the forests. the thing is Jocelyn the raven might not sound evil but he had killed hundreds of innocent people as a test for his ritual if he won the entire human population was under threat. thankfully he is dead. now after looking at these photos I have a theory but it seems too crazy."

" Em you have told me and trusted me with all this please tell me your theory it might be entirely possible"

"well Jocelyn by the looks of the pictures it looks like both of them were in love. I think one day their argument about making him the king got out of hand he killed your mother then Ericson killed himself as he loved Julia and was not able to live without her"

"Em, I think you just read my mind... I am completely sure that was what happened. here look at this photo, Ericson is looking at my mom so lovingly when she is holding me. I think we solved a mystery em."

"Jocelyn if you don't mind can I release an official statement about the murderer and that it was the raven and we found proof in Julia's secret diary which you unlocked we don't have to mention about their relationship or that he is your father. the people deserve it, Jocelyn.

"em, I would do anything for my people, go ahead and release the statement. I am going to sleep now I have to digest this information."

"Jocelyn what do you think is in the attic. to my knowledge, the attic was off-limits nobody except Julia had access to it. she said it was her safe haven. even I was not allowed to enter. the key to the attic always hung around her neck. it was a small silver key. it was tiny actually. she always wore that and the pendant together. it was linked in the same chain. when we left you at the human world she only gave instructions to give you the pendant not the key. we were not able to find the key. she has very specific instructions in her will."

"em are you talking about this key," I asked as I removed my pendant opened it took the key out. "this was the key which unlocked that box"

"omg! jocelyn that's the one. I never knew that pendant could open"

"me too me, until yesterday. I promise we could explore the attic tomorrow" I said yawning.

"I understand Jocelyn, have a good night"
"goodnight em"

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