¦fourth - when it gets normal¦

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It has become kind of a routine for Emily to go to the camera room as often as doctor Paige allows it. She looks out for Winston, Newt and George, as well as her other close friends. Emily keeps close track of what they do and what decisions they make.

She also snatches a few pages out of Thomas' notebook, copies them and puts them in there again, before he notices anything. Or at least she thinks so.

The door gives its normal creaking sound as she opens it. Brandon looks up and directs a silent 'hello' at her. Thomas just nods along with Teresa and Rachel. Aris is not here. Emily's hardly seen him the last days.

Emily continues her walk to her workplace and sits on her chair.

She hums a short tune the Gladers invented until she is hushed by Teresa with a sharp glance. Thomas says something along the lines of "Stop scaring her, she's an important variable". The younger girl searches the screen for her friends again.

Newt's with Alby, talking about his leading position. Emily also spots Minho in front of the homestead. He just came back from running, apparently.

Not long after she's finished writing her interpretations for her teacher down, Brandon waves her over and asks her to show him something on his computer again.

Emily grins and nods, does a few clicks, explains why it doesn't work the way Brandon wanted to do it and leaves the room again, heading for her room.

Dear Diary

I know it has been a while since I've last written to you. I'm sorry.

But there hasn't occurred anything special, really. Nothing more special than the probands - boys - being in a giant maze and trying to survive.

Oh dear, I hope I'm not copying the doctors.

Nothing special, I say. That's true, I think. But there's also something I would like to share with you.

Lizzy's been distant. Awfully distant. The last time I saw her, she demanded me to call her Sonya, not Lizzy. Sonya is the name WCKD gave her. She didn't like it and Newt also called her Lizzy or Elizabeth, despite the doctors. I liked this little act of rebellion. I wasn't brave enough to call Sonya her real name when we were with a doctor, though. But in my mind, she stayed our Lizzy.

Now, Newt is gone, and I think Sonya accepted that. She tries to move on, to forget her brother. But I won't forget him. He gave me this diary and I'm not forgetting that.

Its normal that they are up there. And it's okay. But they won't be up there for a long time.

I know I've written less. It's because I want to save as many pages as possible. This is the only Diary Newt gave to me and I want to use it well.

Also, I don't want to write in any other book. I want to write into this one. And for this purpose, I need to save pages. And wait for Newt to come back.

Until next time, dear Diary.

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