¦sixth - when they strike again¦

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How could Paige do something like that. They bloody injured Newt and almost killed Charly (Charles Dickens).

It was absolutely horrible. And only a few weeks after Oliver and Caesar. Nobody in the glade knew they were dead. I didn't know it was confirmed, either. But Teresa told me about them being dead and that I shouldn't hope for them to come out of the forest in one piece.

The boys in the glade have been searching for days until they gave up. Nick of course wanted to go deeper into the woods. But Alby held him back.

Now, Newt couldn't hold it in anymore. He never wanted to give up and I saw it on his face. He and the other guy, Charly, went to search for signs. I prayed that they would come out of the shadows of the forest, unharmed, and with two happy and alive boys on their tracks. But instead, they came back screaming. At least Newt was. I remember him screaming for help, trying to get a boy called Brutus off his heels. Teresa told me he was the one to kill Caesar and Oliver.

It was hard to see Charly through the cameras. He was running and breathing heavily. And one thing about him scared me almost more than it scared me seeing Newt calling for help. It was the blood floating out of his mouth.

When there finally someone answered the call for help, my eyes were glued to the screen, my hands clasped around the edges of the table, already having broken a pen and two rulers.

Someone I didn't recognise shot an arrow at Brutus. It missed, but non the less did its purpose. He gave up and ran back into the shadows of the trees along with his friends.

After that, Thomas had to get each of my fingers individually off the table and carry me to my room. And while he was trying not to break my fingers, I saw why Charly had all the blood in his mouth. Those guys in the woods - they cut his tongue out.

Thomas told me that everything would be fine, but I was absolutely horrified by the deep and bloody wound on Newts back.

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