¦tenth - when he wakes up¦

3 0 0

„Emily, you know the rules?"

„Yes. I won't speak to them. I won't look at them. Just bring in the food."

Doctor Paige nodded. „Exactly"

The guard opened the door. I made my way through it and placed the tablet on the table that was standing in the middle of the room.

Everything was going well. None of the boys were awake. They wouldn't ask questions. I was tempted to look at them. This was the closest I had been to my friends in years. I wanted to look at them. I wanted to see who was still alive. If my closest living relative was still on this earth with me.

But I couldn't.

They would never let me near this room or any of the boys again if I did something dumb now.

I turned around and walked to the door when I suddenly heard a voice.

„Thank you", it said. I stopped. I was 99.9 % sure that it had been Minhos voice. I didn't know he learned to say ‚thank you' in the maze. I simply nodded and fled from the room.


I had brought the boy's meal into their dorm for three days now. I was lucky; no-one was awake when I came in. Which meant I was less tempted to look at them. Not that I wasn't. Especially today, as Doctor Paige thought it was okay for me to balance a tablet of food without her observant stare. There was still a guard, but if I could make it through some more days without making him mad, there was a chance for me to actually talk to my friends alone.

Today, I was unlucky. Minho was awake again. No wonder. As far as I knew, they've been putting him through all his terrifying moments as a runner again. He's got to have nightmares.

When I turned around this time to bring the old tablet outside again, I tripped. Not intentionally. „Emily!", hissed the guard. The tablet falling to the floor had caused a whole lot of noise.

„Sorry...", I appologised. The guard shook his head.

„BLOODY hell, what's all this noise!?", someone asked rather annoyed. I stiffened and all my attempts to clean up the mess I created stopped.

I stood up.

„Emily please... If you don't clean up now, I have to report this!", pleaded the guard. I turned around. I would've known this voice even if I were a crank. Even if it was my last moment alive.

I looked at the boy with the shaggy long blond hair and the chocolate brown eyes. My eyes started to water. I tried to pull myself together. But then I couldn't do anything else than scream.

Minho was on his feet right away. „Hey girl - Emily - please shut up, some of us want to sleep."

I forced myself to stop screaming. But the tears wouldn't stop falling. At this point the guard came in and picked the few left pieces of broken plates up. He hissed my name again. Then he tried to get me to the door. While I was still staring at the blond boy.

I choked out his name when the guard forced me through the door. „...N-New...t"


When we got through the door, doctor Paige was already waiting for us.


"Tell you what?"

"HE'S ALIVE! NEWT'S ALIVE!", Emily screamed.

"No-one ever told you anything else..."


Paige frowned. She looked at the guard, who quickly got a tissue out of his pocket. He held it out for me.

"Please calm down, Emily. Nobody ever lied to you. Dry your tears."

A trembling hand from Emily slowly took the tissue. The worst thing was, doctor Paige was right.

"I think you're ready now."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2022 ⏰

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