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I throw my head up.

"You," I squint my eyes at him. His face goes into a small shock. Did he not expect me? Did his parents not tell him I had to come or something?

What if he planned this? I wouldn't be surprised at this point, with how much he's been trying to get to me.

I glared at him. He looked mildly surprised, as if he was expecting someone but not me. He quickly regained composure and glared back at me.

My dad was happily chatting with Saiki's parents as I glared at Saiki. The adults in the room didn't seem to notice the two kids in the room, too busy laughing and chatting.

I turned away from the boy, instead focusing on the adults conversation.

"Yeah, my little girl and I came to America after some unfortunate things happened," I heard dad say.

I scowled. He better not tell anyone what happened. I knew that we both out in back in our mind. So far a psychic probably wouldn't be able to know what happened.

Both me and my dad took pride in it. I gave myself a smug grin. No one here would know what happened. No one. And I wasn't going to let anyone close enough o me for me to trust them with the story.

My own little sob story. Sounds pretty funny when you think of it like that.

Saiki takes a seat across from me, he looks troubled. I ignore the look and go back to listening to the parents.

"Oh, my! I hope it wasn't anything too bad," Ms. Saiki said, holding a hand over her mouth in shock. I rolled my eyes.

When the food gonna be here? I'm hungryyyyy.

"Oh! Nothing too bad! Just some—," I cut him off with a glare.

"Family stuff. Nothing bad," I said, before turning to my dad and saying, "we don't tell people what happened. We don't want to be different, remember?"

He looks back at me and tells me, "you don't want to stand out. I don't see what so wrong with mom, honey."

I sigh and lean back in my seat. It throw my hands around sarcastically and say, exasperated, "of course you don't!"

He goes silent for a second before saying, "I'm sorry, honey. I didn't mean to upset you."

I sigh but smile at him.

"Foods ready," the dad of Saiki yells. He's carrying a tray full of what I'm guessing should be edible.

When he places it down I immediately start filling my face. I was hungry, okay? After I'm done eating I notice that the others are talking quite loudly while eating.

My head hurts. I ate too fast and these people are talking too loud. I'm just going to ask to use the restroom.

Kusuo looks at me, almost as if he heard my thoughts, and I say, "I need to use the restroom. Where is it?"

I stand up and Mrs. Saiki, grinned, "I'll show you where it is!"

She hops up and leads me out of the room. Once we're in the hallway she asks, "so what do you think of Kusuo? Definitely boyfriend material, don't you think?"

Not at all. Sorry, Mrs. Saiki.

"Not really," I see her face fall and I quickly say, "sorry, Mrs. Saiki. I just don't see your son that way."

I am most definitely not sorry but it's hard to be rude to an adult. Kids at school are one thing, adults are another thing.

"Oh! Well, you haven't gotten to know him yet," she turns and faces a door next to her. "Here's the bathroom! I hope you know your way back to the dining room!"

I nod silently and walk into the bathroom. When I go into the bathroom I just sit in the toilet. I just needed time to think.

I sit in the bathroom for a while, my head in my hands. I'm just waiting for the pounding to go down. That's when I hear a scream.

I rush out of the bathroom and into the kitchen. I see my dad holding plate on fire. Idk how he did it, but he plate was on fire. And he was holding it.

When he saw me he said, "thank god! (Y/N), save me!"

I groan, "dad, I'll help."

I grab a blanket for the living room quickly and lay it over the fire, putting it out. My dad puts the plate in the sink and hugs me.

"Oh, (Y/N), you're my lifesaver. Just like your mother," he says. I immediately push him off of me.

"I am most certainly not like that woman," I look down at my dad. Whispering, I say, "we're done here. I'm going home."

My dad nods meekly. I turn and storm out of the house. When I walked out of the house I felt a faint feeling of guilt twist my gut. I felt bad for getting mad.

Whatever. I need to get home.

"(Y/N), I was told to walk you home," I hear fucking Saiki Kusuo call from behind me. I turn and glare at him.

"No! No, no, no! Turn around and go back inside your stupid house with your stupid parents," I felt my quilt turn to pain. I have to get home.

Go away, go away, go away. I need to get home. I need to.

"But, I was told to-," he starts.

"I don't care what you were told to do! Stay away from me," I run off to my house. I felt like a moody teenager. I felt Saiki's eyes on my back as I ran to my house but I didn't do anything.

Stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid. God, mom was right. I'm stupid. I was stupid. God, useless, useless, useless.

I closed the door to my house behind me and ran off into a side room. There was no windows and the lights were off. Small layers of unmeltable metal covered every inch of the room.

In the center there was a punching back. It was the only thing in the room. I walk over to it, punching it over and over.

My powers were running wild. Water and fire and small rocks and blowing wind was everywhere. The room was going crazy, I was going crazy.

I kept punching until I couldn't breath. I closed my eyes and felt small tears rolling down my cheeks. I fell to the floor.

I put my hands over my eyes, choking back tears. I stayed there, crying. Until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up.

"Are you okay?"

Perfectly Predictable (Saiki Kusuo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now